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I rated it dislike because it was a random insult and has nothing to do with this member submission.

This kind of fudge makes me sick. Insulting someone with no warranted reason besides they think you are abrasive.







While I can admit you enforce and follow the rules and that is a good thing to have with any community, what you said doesn't sound like excersicing maturity.

Other people know you better than I do, so feel free to prove me wrong on this. For now, -1.

Thank you for advocating for me.

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Vouch : +1


Activity : 8

Maturity : 7.5


Reason : SnowyMinion is very active and friendly. She was a great member and moderator. She definitely deserves to be a member again.

Sick formatting


My opinion isnt a popular one, so I may receive hate for this, if always been one to speak my mind however. I feel that the core value xG holds is respect. Respect for boundaries and respect for each other. We don't tolerate bad behaviour because this is a clan built on morals and ethics. I have known snowy for a while now, however I have only seen two sides to her: the rule enforcing side which is fine and well, and the more abrasive side. I considered looking past it, as maybe I am missing a piece of the puzzle, However when I retracted my vote to consider her a tad more, not to say no, just to think, she disrespected my desition, and claimed it boring. These symbols are in the negative section, which is where my problem is. The amount of negative reflects what quality of a person I am and she knew this and used this as apposed to waiting out my response. And it is this that makes me feel she does not respect me.

you don't have to take ratings seriously, nobody does honestly that's probably why she rated it boring, simply because she didn't think of it as something you would take seriously




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I guess I'm just numb to it now but ratings are ratings. Even if they're negative. They don't mean anything. I can never tell if people are more passive aggressive about giving or getting ratings but both are just wasting time.


As for the the app +1. Snowy cares about xG and wants to improve it. And she's knowledgeable about the rules. And more than active enough. I don't see enough negative to cancel that out.

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Sick formatting



you don't have to take ratings seriously, nobody does honestly that's probably why she rated it boring, simply because she didn't think of it as something you would take seriously




You're right. I'm new here and assumed. I shouldn't be doing that. So thank you

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What? I still don't see the insult, maybe you don't know what an insult is?


Snowyminion was responding to Rubidiums comment regarding the forum rating. There was no insult in that post.


I rated it boring because it was coming from a person who calls people f*****'s a lot on the server.


The quote above was a direct response to Rubidiums quote bellow regarding the forum rating received from snowy (boring):


However when I retracted my vote to consider her a tad more, not to say no, just to think, she disrespected my desition, and claimed it boring.


Every member in this community (including snowyminion) are entitled to their own opinions. There was nothing insulting or disrespectful regarding snowy's reply which enlightened Rubidium on why she received the rating.

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I didn't want to vouch earlier because of the way you decided to leave the clan when you did, but after some thought i realized it wasn't that big of a deal so I guess we can move past it now


+1 was a good member, a good friend and an OK mod (lul)



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