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Im TheSupremePatriot, and this is my 2000th Post.... err... 2005th...

I work here with my old man and my son, @Bello . Everything in here has a meme and a story. One thing Ive learned after 2.3 years in xG you never know WHAT is gonna come next

Yeah I supposed that one is pretty stale huh?.... Ill give you something even better.


HI!!!!!!! (OC)







Now a word from @MinerTeddy our sponsor.

He was only able to make this post with his hex color guide!!!!

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Dè an rud a bha thu dìreach ag ràdh mu mo dheidhinn, a 'ghealach beag agad? Bidh fios agam gum bi mi air ceum a dhèanamh air mullach mo chlas anns na Ròin Nèibhi, agus tha mi air a bhith an sàs ann an iomadh ionnsaigh dhìomhair air Al-Quaeda, agus tha còrr is 300 de mharbhadh dearbhte agam. Tha mi air a thrèanadh ann an cogadh gorilla agus is mise am prìomh inneal-cogaidh anns na feachdan armaichte air fad. Chan eil dad agad ach dìreach targaid eile. Leigidh mi thu am fuck a-mach le mionaid nach fhacas a-riamh roimhe air an Talamh seo, comharraich na faclan agam. A bheil thu a 'smaoineachadh gun urrainn dhut faighinn air falbh le bhith ag ràdh gu bheil an crathadh agam air an eadar-lìon? Smaoinich a-rithist, fucker. Mar a tha sinn a 'bruidhinn tha mi a' bruidhinn ris an lìonra dìomhair de luchd-spèis air feadh nan SA agus tha an IP agad ga lorg ceart an-dràsta gus am bi thu nas fheàrr ullachadh airson stoirm, maggot. An stoirm a bhios a 'briseadh a-mach an rud beag bòidheach a dh' ainmicheas tu do bheatha. Tha thu fucking marbh, gille. Faodaidh mi a bhith ann an àite sam bith, aig àm sam bith, agus is urrainn dhomh do mharbhadh ann an còrr is seachd ceud dòigh, agus tha sin dìreach le mo làmhan lom. Chan e a-mhàin gu bheil mi air a thrèanadh gu mòr ann an sabaid neo-arm, ach tha cothrom agam air armachd iomlan Marine Corps na Stàitean Aonaichte agus cleachdaidh mi e gu a làn ìre gus an t-asal tinn agad a dhìon bho aghaidh na mòr-thìr, tha thu beag. Mura h-urrainn dhut fios a bhith agad dè an t-ath-dhìoladh neo-chinnteach a bha an aithris "clever" beag agad mu bhith a 'toirt sìos ort, is dòcha gum biodh tu air a bhith a' cumail do theanga fiadhaich. Ach cha b 'urrainn dhut, cha do rinn thu, agus a-nis tha thu a' pàigheadh a 'phrìs, tha thu giotamach. Bidh mi a 'crathadh crodh air feadh an t-saoghail agus bidh thu a' bàthadh ann. Tha thu fiadhaich marbh, kiddo.


I'm bored :\

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Dè an rud a bha thu dìreach ag ràdh mu mo dheidhinn, a 'ghealach beag agad? Bidh fios agam gum bi mi air ceum a dhèanamh air mullach mo chlas anns na Ròin Nèibhi, agus tha mi air a bhith an sàs ann an iomadh ionnsaigh dhìomhair air Al-Quaeda, agus tha còrr is 300 de mharbhadh dearbhte agam. Tha mi air a thrèanadh ann an cogadh gorilla agus is mise am prìomh inneal-cogaidh anns na feachdan armaichte air fad. Chan eil dad agad ach dìreach targaid eile. Leigidh mi thu am fuck a-mach le mionaid nach fhacas a-riamh roimhe air an Talamh seo, comharraich na faclan agam. A bheil thu a 'smaoineachadh gun urrainn dhut faighinn air falbh le bhith ag ràdh gu bheil an crathadh agam air an eadar-lìon? Smaoinich a-rithist, fucker. Mar a tha sinn a 'bruidhinn tha mi a' bruidhinn ris an lìonra dìomhair de luchd-spèis air feadh nan SA agus tha an IP agad ga lorg ceart an-dràsta gus am bi thu nas fheàrr ullachadh airson stoirm, maggot. An stoirm a bhios a 'briseadh a-mach an rud beag bòidheach a dh' ainmicheas tu do bheatha. Tha thu fucking marbh, gille. Faodaidh mi a bhith ann an àite sam bith, aig àm sam bith, agus is urrainn dhomh do mharbhadh ann an còrr is seachd ceud dòigh, agus tha sin dìreach le mo làmhan lom. Chan e a-mhàin gu bheil mi air a thrèanadh gu mòr ann an sabaid neo-arm, ach tha cothrom agam air armachd iomlan Marine Corps na Stàitean Aonaichte agus cleachdaidh mi e gu a làn ìre gus an t-asal tinn agad a dhìon bho aghaidh na mòr-thìr, tha thu beag. Mura h-urrainn dhut fios a bhith agad dè an t-ath-dhìoladh neo-chinnteach a bha an aithris "clever" beag agad mu bhith a 'toirt sìos ort, is dòcha gum biodh tu air a bhith a' cumail do theanga fiadhaich. Ach cha b 'urrainn dhut, cha do rinn thu, agus a-nis tha thu a' pàigheadh a 'phrìs, tha thu giotamach. Bidh mi a 'crathadh crodh air feadh an t-saoghail agus bidh thu a' bàthadh ann. Tha thu fiadhaich marbh, kiddo.


I'm bored :\



What did you just say about me, your little moon? I know that I have stepped on the top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I have been involved in many secret attacks on Al-Quaeda, and I have more than 300 validated killings. I'm trained in a gorilla war and I am the main war engineer in all the armed forces. You have nothing but just another target. I'll let you fuck out with a moment never before seen on this Earth, mark my words. Do you think you can get away by saying that I have the internet vibration? Imagine again, fucker. As we talk, I talk to the secret network of respects across the USA and your IP is currently searching so you can better prepare for a storm, maggot. The storm that breaks out is a beautiful little thing that will identify your life. You're fucking dead, boy. I can be anywhere, at any time, and I can kill you in more than seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only is I trained largely in an army battle, but I have access to the entire United States Marine Corps military and I use it to its fullest extent to protect your sick ass from In the face of the continent, you are small. If you can not know what uncertain repayment was the small "clever" statement about putting you down, you might have been keeping your wild tongue . But you could not, you did not, and now you're paying the price, you're gay. I shake cattle all over the world and you're drowning there. You're dead dead, kiddo.





Boi, are you in Demomans whiskey again?

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What did you just say about me, your little moon? I know that I have stepped on the top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I have been involved in many secret attacks on Al-Quaeda, and I have more than 300 validated killings. I'm trained in a gorilla war and I am the main war engineer in all the armed forces. You have nothing but just another target. I'll let you fuck out with a moment never before seen on this Earth, mark my words. Do you think you can get away by saying that I have the internet vibration? Imagine again, fucker. As we talk, I talk to the secret network of respects across the USA and your IP is currently searching so you can better prepare for a storm, maggot. The storm that breaks out is a beautiful little thing that will identify your life. You're fucking dead, boy. I can be anywhere, at any time, and I can kill you in more than seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only is I trained largely in an army battle, but I have access to the entire United States Marine Corps military and I use it to its fullest extent to protect your sick ass from In the face of the continent, you are small. If you can not know what uncertain repayment was the small "clever" statement about putting you down, you might have been keeping your wild tongue . But you could not, you did not, and now you're paying the price, you're gay. I shake cattle all over the world and you're drowning there. You're dead dead, kiddo.
You fig, I went through the effort of using google translate after seeing his post to come back and find out you already hecken translated it

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