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Sesh - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

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On and off the servers for years, especially TGH.




Got up to Division Manager for a while before I made some dumb decisions.




I figured that I might try to get further involved with things around the servers again like in the past. Used to enjoy coming on and hanging around people while also keeping things clean or tidy, and while I made a fair share of mistakes at the end of my time as DM I'd like to think I can come back from those less than graceful days and maybe try this again since I did genuinely enjoy the months before that just playing around with friends and regulars or helping keep the peace and such. I don't expect everyone to be on board with this obviously, and I wouldn't blame them, though eventually I decided I'd still give it a shot regardless of the outcome and will continue to move forward from those days.

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I've lacked the opportunity to bring this to you directly so ill do such here.


Be on just a little bit more and be more outwards and outgoing towards people when you are, then you should be just fine. Anyone on the server should see you as more then just there, but as there for them.


I think you did great in the past, I'd like to see you put in the effort to be great now.

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I've lacked the opportunity to bring this to you directly so ill do such here.


Be on just a little bit more and be more outwards and outgoing towards people when you are, then you should be just fine. Anyone on the server should see you as more then just there, but as there for them.


I think you did great in the past, I'd like to see you put in the effort to be great now.


Stinky boi is just jealous that he might take his position away quickly.




Other than that Sesh is a great guy, if u don't know about this reptilian boi, and has contributed a lot for the community before has he has said. If people see only what Sesh did at the end, I shame you for not seeing the whole portfolio of this guy. If he sees, just from being a little, that there needs be more staff , then let him join it since he is fully experienced.


Other than that put all your hate emoted and comments down below. I am very tired, drunk, and depressed about my life decisions. ah good day.

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Strange that I was talking about you with Vargas about becoming staff a few hours ago


Anyway I think it's nice to see you have improved for sure but I don't see you being normal mod right now since the trouble that happened in the past. I'd be happy to see you has probationary mod for the first promo/demo or two or something to see how you get on. So yeah consider this a +1 and good luck

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I know there's no way I could +1 this without looking bias, simply because you are my friend. But I do want to say, you have genuinely changed since you've stepped down. I've seen you stay out of trouble and mostly try to keep to yourself when it comes to drama. I can understand people will probably want to -1 you based on past stuff, but I do hope anyone who does plan on -1'ing you genuinely tries to get to know you. Nobody should judge someone based on things they did half a year ago, during a bad time in their life. The time for drama is passed, lets keep things positive and try to leave actual criticism.

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I know there's no way I could +1 this without looking bias, simply because you are my friend. But I do want to say, you have genuinely changed since you've stepped down. I've seen you stay out of trouble and mostly try to keep to yourself when it comes to drama. I can understand people will probably want to -1 you based on past stuff, but I do hope anyone who does plan on -1'ing you genuinely tries to get to know you. Nobody should judge someone based on things they did half a year ago, during a bad time in their life. The time for drama is passed, lets keep things positive and try to leave actual criticism.

I don't think it is quite entirely fair to -1 someone based on just one period of time either, the problem is that I have next to no experience with Sesh and will vote currently off of what I do know.


Sesh, even back when we were both DM together I wouldn't say that more than a dozen words at most were exchanged between us, and blame for us not talking could be given either way as quite obviously neither of us tried much to reach out. However I have nothing much else to base my judgement of you from other than that streak of poor behavior as otherwise you have never really "stood out" to me as a person. I would love to get to know you and have what I think be proven wrong, though as it stands I cannot in good conscience give you anything other than a -1 at least until I have enough personal experience with you to contradict what I have seen.


As for something to work towards, I would recommend you go out and try to be more sociable on the servers in general.

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I don't want to be the one to break this to you, but you look like a retard when you hold one thing someone did half a year ago against them. It's obvious bias if you've been ignoring how he's been recently, and also ignoring the fact that he was an amazing staff member for almost a year. I think Sesh deserves a chance at mod, and he's obviously capable of handling the position.

I don't think it's unreasonable to think that something that happened about 4 months ago should affect the outcome of this application. With all due respect to Sesh, I don't think he's made that big of a new impression on the servers enough to warrant everyone to think that he has changed; I fully believe he has however, which is why I +1 'd the app.

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I don't want to be the one to break this to you, but you look like a special snowflake when you hold one thing someone did half a year ago against them. It's obvious bias if you've been ignoring how he's been recently, and also ignoring the fact that he was an amazing staff member for almost a year. I think Sesh deserves a chance at mod, and he's obviously capable of handling the position.

You really aren't helping the matter name calling, and Tatost never mentioned the stuff that went on in the past, so what you said was completely unnecessary and I feel like you only said it to try and get on Tatost's nerves. So let's all get along here and not start a fire in this application just like what happens in so many other applications.


As for vouching, I'll stay neutral since I don't really know you Sesh, but I will wish you the best of luck getting mod back!

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I don't want to be the one to break this to you, but you look like a special snowflake when you hold one thing someone did half a year ago against them. It's obvious bias if you've been ignoring how he's been recently, and also ignoring the fact that he was an amazing staff member for almost a year. I think Sesh deserves a chance at mod, and he's obviously capable of handling the position.

I don't want to be the one to stir up a storm, but could you just for once think before your actions? You're taking this out of context for no reason at all and all you're doing is affecting Sesh's application by making both him and yourself look bad. Anyways, you've been a real pain in the ass for a lot of people a couple months ago, but I've seen the new leafed that you've turned over and I think so far that you've done a pretty good job improving yourself. In my opinion I think it's a little too early to apply but I can definitely see you doing great as staff again, since you're active and I know that you can be a really nice and friendly person when you want to. So for now I'm going to stay neutral. Good luck on the application!

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I was mostly talking about nutty's post so I guess I did kinda reply to the wrong thing sorry I'm retarded

Oh you were responding to me. Ok then, let me explain myself because I think you missed the point of my post.


I don't want to be the one to break this to you, but you look like a retard when you hold one thing someone did half a year ago against them.

I can't ignore the only notable point of reference I have.

It's obvious bias if you've been ignoring how he's been recently, and also ignoring the fact that he was an amazing staff member for almost a year.

BIAS??? Really? Did you not pick up that I was saying I don't know him at all? How can I ignore how he has been recently if we have never talked in the first place?

The entire point I was going for was that I have literally no other point of reference as to his character based on my experience. Tell me how I can be biased against somebody I don't even know?

For all I know that could be an advantage, a blank slate minus one dated event.

As for how he did as staff, well to be frank I didn't play on either of the trade servers quite often at that time so I didn't see all that much from him, and I am sure you are well aware of how that term as staff ended (the cause for my concern).

I think Sesh deserves a chance at mod, and he's obviously capable of handling the position

Of course you think he should have a chance at mod, he is your friend.

Also the question was not of his capability in the first place...


In as simple of terms possible; I was telling Sesh that if he wants me to change my vote he better well try to at least help me get to know him.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Sesh my man, I really wish I could +1 this one, but I'm going to have to stay neutral on this. I don't really see you on the server a whole lot. Just bring up the activity and I'm sure you'll do great at staff again.

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Chances I'm going to get flak for this.

I'm going to have to stay neutral on this one.


You've caused issues not too long ago with people (you know who), and it worries me that it could happen again. Bello has made a good point about how when you snap, you go all out with such.


And as for the people that are saying "Don't worry about the past!", you can't just ignore that stuff. How they act or can act should affect your vouch towards the applicant. Sesh has only done it once (if you group the event all together), but would you wanna hire someone who acts like such when they're triggered and upset?

Can Sesh handle the job? Well sure, he has done it before. But behavior issues is why I'm stating I'm neutral on this.


Honestly, I feel as if it's too soon for you to re-apply, Sesh.

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