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Blizz - Goodbye (Kinda)

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So, it seems school is coming up once again... I'm certain that this is the most busy year of my life, so I won't have much time to be on TF2, let alone xG. I also just kinda want to take a break from TF2, I love the game, but I want to make sure I don't burn out. School for me starts in like two weeks, so once that happens, my presence will lessen. Before I leave I'd like to clear some things up.

-Personal Stuff

I've lied about my age in the past, and would like to specify that I'm 14, while that's common info to some people I'd just like to clarify. I'll be busy not only due to school, but track/XC, work, and more.

-Server Behavior

I would like to clarify right now, to anyone who doesn't know, that my personality on the servers, and often on discord, is 90% sarcastic. I'm not using this as an excuse for anything I've done wrong, but I would like to say this. I would like to apologize for any problems I've caused on the servers, while this may come off as 2 denominational, I mean it. Thanks to the TF2 Mods/Admins for dealing with me.


To anyone who doesn't know Blizz, is only my most recent name, I've gone by these names in the past.






-xG, and Bluez

Honestly, as far as a member goes I'm pretty trash, I feel like I don't represent the community that well, and often break the rules, not mention I seem to get in fights quite often. Hence why I rarely if ever use the [xG] tag in my name.


Like I said, I still got some summer left, but I'd just like to drop this before I leave, hope I can answer any questions or criticisms.



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I mean I did say on your member app that it's OK to be 13 and you would still get in even if you were 13. Lying just makes you look bad.

Good luck with school ^^

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