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Ban the toxic

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We need to start a petition to ban all the young toxic squeakers. I am to fed up with getting on to try to chill and have some fun just to be constantly be told that im gay and i should kill myself. They will also constantly freekill me then tell me im wrong. This needs to stop and we need to team up against them.

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Kn1ght, buddy. Fighting toxicity with toxicity is not the way.


19 minutes ago, Kn1ght said:

They will also constantly freekill me then tell me im wrong.

Record it and give it to staff. If it is happening to a point of frustration then that is really the only option. If it is severe enough to warrant it, than go make a post in ban request.


20 minutes ago, Kn1ght said:

This needs to stop and we need to team up against them.

Yikes. Look, as someone who played xG JB back in 2011 (when I was a wee squeaker myself), I can tell you that while the memes change, the squeakers stay the same. It is going to be a constant, and they are also a considerable size of the server population, so unless you prefer empty servers to some squeakers then you will need to get over it. Severe toxicity and harassing players is something punishable, but having a younger voice is not. Just have to tolerate it.

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And here I was thinking no one was going to make a ban request on me, damn. Looks like I'll be seeing everyone in another two months when I come back : (

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1 hour ago, Kn1ght said:

I am to fed up with getting on to try to chill and have some fun just to be constantly be told that im gay and i should kill myself

Do you notice any Staff on at the time during these sort of incidents? If not, @Topaz makes a good point: Record these instances of toxicity and submit a Ban Request in forums. It really is the only method of counteracting this sort of behaviour on our Servers (along with ensuring Staff are properly reminding Players not to exhibit toxic behaviour of this degree, which is another matter entirely).

Whatever the case, the solution definitely isn't to team up against them or to start a petition- especially if it is directed toward "squeakers". It's an online space, and unfortunately there is no avoiding the inevitability of young players screaming or raging into their mic.

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Side [and pseudo unrelated] note: I noticed your Staff Submission and commend you for wanting to improve our server quality and experience! Just keep in mind that while being Staff gives you the ability to address these sort of situations, I recommend taking an open-minded route when dealing with Players like this. Respect goes both ways, so keep in mind that you don't want to exacerbate things by reacting in the same manner as they do. Food for thought, and good luck getting that rank!

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Somewhere in the Bible it says essentially that if you are kind to your enemies, it will be as if you are heaping coals of fire upon their head, meaning if you treat these "toxic squeakers" with kindness, it will only be worse for them, complexed as to why you aren't angry at them. Simply be kind, treat others with respect, and taunt after kill.

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8 hours ago, Geektopuss (the amazing team said:

Counterpoint: they might start being rude about that(like calling you a "cat" or something like that). But yeah I don't really think banning all toxic squeakers would help. Instead just grill him over the sun (in other words, beat him/her at his/her own game and roast them). In other news, the weather

Counterpoint 2: Trolls feed off of reactions, so just don't react.

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