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    He's annoying, he's unfunny, he tries to act as edgy and "cool" as possible, he says he doesn't care about anything, tries really hard not to ever show any "weak" emotions and thinks that makes him above others, he's unironically an uncle tom, he's really cringy and boring, he says he doesnt care about xG yet makes a ban protest thread but then starts acting like he doesnt care again, he's literally good for nothing


    Kick him out and perma ban him from all servers, he should be cool with it since he "dunn give a fug"

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-1 You guys are taking this shit way too far. If you're going to kick him out for just telling jokes and saying the TF2 division is dead, then we as a clan have truly hit rock bottom. He hasn't done anything so egregious that he needs to be kicked out.

I got kicked out for harassing someone when they leaked logs from private discords and steam chats. Seg got kicked out for cheating. Nights got kicked out for racism and extreme disrespect. Do you guys actually think that his lame jokes are nearly as bad as any of these scenarios? You guys are overreacting way too much. Kicking someone out of the clan is not easy, there are lines that people have to cross and shadower isn't even halfway there.

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2 hours ago, Tatost said:

-1 You guys are taking this shit way too far. If you're going to kick him out for just telling jokes and saying the TF2 division is dead, then we as a clan have truly hit rock bottom. He hasn't done anything so egregious that he needs to be kicked out.

I got kicked out for harassing someone when they leaked logs from private discords and steam chats. Seg got kicked out for cheating. Nights got kicked out for racism and extreme disrespect. Do you guys actually think that his lame jokes are nearly as bad as any of these scenarios? You guys are overreacting way too much. Kicking someone out of the clan is not easy, there are lines that people have to cross and shadower isn't even halfway there.

I completely disagree that the reasons I've listed are inadaquate to get him kicked out, when the membership process was changed it was agreed upon in the clan that kicking someone out if they clearly don't have a reason to be here would also become easier, and if you look at shadower he's the prime example of someone who deserves to be kicked out and potentially banned (i think it would be better if he was banned as membership doesn't really mean anything). He himself has no objections to anything i've pointed out, clearly agrees that just about the entire reason he still does anything in xG is just to "troll", and contributes absolutely nothing else. If a person wants to be nothing but pure annoyance to people, that's perfectly fine, but if the annoyed people want that person gone, that's perfectly fine too.

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-1 on banning him for shitposting, +1 on removal of membership.






Attention all 9 year old gamers, Shadower is in trouble and needs your help to not get banned from xG, but to do this, he's gonna need a couple of -1s, a skullcutter, and your credit card number, the 3 digits on the back, and the expiration day month and year.  But you're gonna have to be quick so Shadower can win the jailbreak round and make sand great again!

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-1:Attention all 9 year old gamers shadower needs your help! The xG community is jeopardizing his membership in our community! In this time of need it is your duty to -1 this application so Shadower does not get removed from this community and can continue to make very bad and crappy memes in the xG community! Gamers rise up! Free my boah shadower 2019 he’ll give out free yeezies

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Finally, I've been waiting for someone to bring this up.

Shadower has been farming dislikes for a while now, and is constantly trying to say dumb shit to get people riled up on the forums. Every time I see a post here, he's always poking his nose where it doesn't belong to say something condescending or obnoxious. I'm surprised he hasn't lost membership sooner, is this seriously a person you want representing your community? I get xG is generous when it comes to handing out memberships but as far as I see it, Shadower doesn't seem to care if he loses it and acts toxic anyways. You'd be doing your name a favor.

I don't think he should be permabanned, I don't think his idiocy reaches that far, but he should definitely lose membership. If he really doesn't like this community, I don't see why he should have membership, he can go be an annoying condescending asshole somewhere else. 

+1 for removing membership, -1 for permaban

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14 hours ago, Tatost said:

-1 You guys are taking this shit way too far. If you're going to kick him out for just telling jokes and saying the TF2 division is dead, then we as a clan have truly hit rock bottom. He hasn't done anything so egregious that he needs to be kicked out.



This isn't just about him saying "dead division" everyday. We've said this multiple times already and if it were for just that, there would be more so many more people being banned and stripped of membership.

84 comms bans. EIGHTY FOUR over the past few years. I'm aware of ban decay, furthermore I'm aware that a lot of these were meme bans or by himself. But that's at least 30 gag/mutes, which is ridiculous.

He's rude, disrespectful and doesn't care for the community nor its members. That is made evident no matter where you go, particularly in recent events, how he took the ban protest. Someone like this shouldn't be allowed to be here, let alone be a member.

+1 for removal of membership and ban

Edited by Tekk
grammar (see edit history)

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-1 for a ban and +1 for removal of member

Neutral. I haven't really been paying much attention to what's been going on here so I really shouldn't influence the outcome. Based on his recent forum posts and bans it seems like he's trying to get banned, but I have only looked at some of the most recent infractions.

Edited by yadingo (see edit history)

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Alright I’m gonna cut the cheese here the topic of shadowers membership within the community isn’t questionable by anyone in this community. Everyone here can very easily jump on one person because the numbers stack against them. Now I know for a fact everyone in this community is guilty of something. I don’t care what it is shadower like the rest of us is another person on the “internet” if you are so bother and so triggered by one human being in a community just because he gets on your nerves you also have the option to leave because you have that choice. All memes aside all shit post aside this topic needs to be closed and it shouldn’t be serious shadower is fine in the community he stays in my discord 90% of the time anyway. A lot of the old staff members and even the current tf2 division leader stays in my discord. Believe it or not folks xG is a toxic wasteland and you don’t have to stay I have made a return to the forums after seeing the hate that one man has been able to attract and quite honestly I’m a little jealous. This topic shouldn’t be questioned close the application virr it was a joke between egossi and shadower that egossi told shadower he was gonna post. It’s gotten this entire community up in arms to either defend or destroy shadower lol it’s silly. Seriously tho? This is what you guys waste your time on attempting to get one man absolutely thrown out of the community cause he throws you hate mail? Throw it back? Don’t be a bitch don’t take any shit. Shadower can stand for himself and will throw shade back if you do it he’s not a bad guy this community has just fallen to shambles ever since the people that left when I originally joined. Hell its the reason I stopped being a staff I couldn’t stand the stupidness any longer that’s why merc and lik202 left from staff positions as well we don’t mind the community but it’s big deals over little shit hat no one really gives a shit about. End of story. Close the protest. No reason for this to go on 

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