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Nuclear Dawn Tips

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Here are some Nuclear Dawn tips for some of the newer players!


Commander Tips


- Build to prime ASAP (most maps to one secondary aswell)

- Build armory and research kits asap, making sure it doesn’t slow you down getting a spawn at prime

- The bunker is a power station itself, plan accordingly

- NEVER build power station before forward spawn

- Always sell one base spawn at the start

- With empire build 2 forward spawn and an armory before power station

- Consider placing power station and some maps armory not in base

- Always get your team infantry boost (when beside enemy base)

- Always surround enemy base (never go in from one side)

- Repair buildings as they build to speed up build time

- Listen to your teammates (Chat & Mics)

- Always be open minded listening to teammates advice and point of views

- Use your “Attack,” “Defend” and “Resources” Markers

- Seal off all tunnels with Rocket and/or Flame turrets

- Get radar up near your base and enemy if resources permit

- NEVER use MG turrets, use rocket turrets instead (less beside bunker)

- When attacking enemy base build rocket turrets in Groups of 2

- Don’t use build flame turrets in enemy base, build rocket turrets to

- Empire is Offensive (build according)

- Consortium is Defensive (also build according)

- Talk to your team ALOT (chat or mic)

- Put a supply station beside every spawn you build

- Double up some main spawns in the front lines

- Double up relays (when building into enemy base)

- Use artillery, power stations, radar, spawns, supplies, turrets on doorways, infantry and structure boost to create a proper turtle

- Groups buildings (hold ctrl then click the building(s) and hit a number 1-9)

- Click on artillery and hit “allow team to call down”

- Group the artillery and fire all at once

- Tell your teammates what buildings need to be repaired

- Tell your teammates what buildings are being sieged

- Use the mini-map

- Heal your teammates with com abilities when resources permit

- Poison enemy base to help your teammates get in there

- Build a forward armory (so teammates can refill instantly)

- Build forward power stations (don’t run all your power from base)

- Try to avoid building in the open

- Build a second assembler for increased build speed and building two buildings at once (when loads of resources permit)

- Build to support your teammates

- Change your tactics every now and then

- Watch other people command before you try it yourself

- Practice commanding on an empty server

- Build inside buildings/walls whenever possible (metro, hdyro and clocktower)

- For empire hydro build first relay beside the assembler and build over the fence


Trooper Tips



- Don’t spam grenades (one blows others cancel out)

- 3 people max on a secondary for fastest capturing speed

- Use pistol instead of siege weapon to kill an enemy (more damage per second)

- Join squads (for damage, repair, and points boosts)

- Keep getting resources for your commander (resources normally win a game)

- Work together as a team

- Repair the commanders buildings when needed

- Watch for people shooting the commanders buildings

- Look for flashing red on the mini-map as an indicator, for the commanders buildings being attacked

- Hold the Primary resource point till your command can build to it

- Choose the class that is most needed on the team

- Backstab an exo in the back, while your running, with a knife for 1000 damage

- Teleport between spawns (press e on a spawn then click on one of the locations on the map)

- Help your commander out if someone is in base

- Take a few teammates and stealthy siege enemy assembler

- Capture resource points and kill enemy commander with sleath

- Destroy buildings with exo Siege, BBQ, Grenadier kits or grenades ONLY (sometimes engineer or sabs)

- Don’t shoot buildings with suppression exo

- Use sabs to blow up enemy relays before they finish building

- Assaults USE YOUR VISORS to detect and protect against enemy stealths

- DO NOT scope your siege weapon, use extra ammo, or structure damage boost instead

- You CAN NOT capture a resource point while in lockdown mode, cloaked or nano’ed

- Run into prime while being captured by enemy to reset the timer

- Grab an extra clip from the supply station before going out

- Don’t nano when someone is healing

- Slow down the enemy commander at the start of the game ex. Killing him, sabing his relays

- Bounce the BBQ flame off more than one building at a time

- Use BBQ through a wall to kill enemies inside a structure

- Stealths and BBQ’s drop radar kits near enemy buildings

- Engineers drop ammo kits for exo’s sieging

- Medics nano people before they go into the enemy base or an fortified area

- Medics drop med kits nearby area with one supply station, prime and nearby siege exos

- BBQ’s and grenadier kits can throw/shoot grenades over some walls and hit enemies and their buildings

- Aim mainly at relays when sieging

- Only one med kit, radar kit or ammo kit can be placed at once


Resource Extraction Notice: This section is outdated and completely incorrect.



-> 50 resources per second (while mining initial starting resources)

-> 35 resources per second (after initial resources has run out)

-> 5 minutes 50 seconds of initial starting resources



-> 45 resources per second (while mining initial starting resources)

-> 31.5 resources per second (after initial resources has run out)

-> 3 minutes 42 seconds of initial starting resources

-> Faster capturing to a max of 3 people



-> approximately 8 resources per second (while mining initial starting resources)

-> just under 6 resources per second (after initial resources has run out)

-> 1 minute 20 seconds of initial starting resources



-> 20 resources per second


Power Consumption


Power Supply



-> 950 power supply (Consortium)

-> 1250 power supply (Empire)

Power Plant

-> 750 power supply (Consortium)

-> 950 power supply (Empire)

Power Usage


Barrier -> 35 power usage

Wall -> 50 power usage

Supplies -> 100 power usage

Spawns -> 100 power usage

Mg Turret -> 150 power usage

Rocket Turret -> 200 power usage

Flame/Sonic Turret -> 200 power usage

Artillery -> 225 power usage

Armory -> 250 power usage

Assambler -> 500 power usage




Edit: I wrote this thread almost two years ago, and plan on improving soon.

-March. 25th, 2015

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