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  1. Bad Spelling
    Kypari got a reaction from Thorax_ for a record, TF2 Staff Commands   
    All the commands available and not sorted out into their respective staff rank. Admins should have access to nearly all of these, however.
    Things to be added as we go along.
    SourceMod Help: Command Information
    [001] +store_editor_bigchange - No description available
    [002] -store_editor_bigchange - No description available
    [004] coords - Displays the player's world coordinates from eyelevel in console
    [005] duel - Challenge player
    [003] abort - Stop duel
    [006] ff - Changes friendly fire state (1 is enable/ 0 is disabled)
    [007] fp - Usage: sm_firstperson

    ***you really don't need to read these ^***
    [022] goomba_off - Disable stomp.
    [023] goomba_on - Enable stomp.
    [024] goomba_status - Give the current goomba immunity setting.
    [025] goomba_toggle - Toggle the goomba immunity client's pref.
    [026] listmaps - Displays all maps that can be nominated for rtv
    [027] mce_forcertv - Force an RTV vote
    [028] mce_reload_maplist - mce_reload_maplist - Reload the Official Maplist file.
    [029] motd - Opens the motd (in our case the relevant rules page for the server)
    [030] myduels - Show your duels stats
    [031] nextmap - Displays the next map the server will go to
    [032] sc_fw_block - Blocking player comms by command from sourceban web site
    [033] sc_fw_ungag - Ungagging player by command from sourceban web site
    [034] sc_fw_unmute - Unmuting player by command from sourceban web site
    [035] sm_admin - Displays the admin menu
    [036] sm_adminlist - Lists the staff on the server and their ranks
    [037] sm_admins - Lists the staff on the server and their ranks
    [038] sm_adminspray - Sprays the named player's logo in front of you.
    [039] sm_advertisements_reload - Reload the advertisements
    [040] sm_afk_spec - sm_afk_spec
    [041] sm_aia - Give Advanced Infinite Ammo to the target(s) - Usage: sm_aia "target" "1/0"
    [042] sm_aia2 - Give Advanced Infinite Ammo to the target(s) for a limited time - Usage: sm_aia2 "target" "time(in seconds)"
    [043] sm_aiamenu - Show menu to set target's ammo flags
    [044] sm_alpha - sm_alpha <name or #userid> <0-255> - sets player alpha (transparency in layman's terms)
    [045] sm_autoaim - Turns on aimbot
    [046] sm_backpack - Usage: sm_backpack <player>
    [047] sm_ball - Spawns a ball
    [048] sm_balls_cleanup - Gets rid of the balls
    [049] sm_ban - sm_ban <#userid|name> <minutes|0> [reason]
    [050] sm_bandisconnected - It bans people who already left the server
    [051] sm_banip - sm_banip <ip|#userid|name> <time> [reason]
    [053] sm_bats - Bat Spell
    [052] sm_bat - Bat Spell
    [054] sm_beacon - sm_beacon <#userid|name> [0/1]
    [055] sm_bedeflector - It's a good time to run (player becomes deflector heavy from mvm)
    [058] sm_beskeleton - Player model becomes a skeleton
    [056] sm_behhh - It's a good time to run - turns <target> into a Horsemann
    [059] sm_betheghost - Player becomes a spoopy ghost (as seen on harvest_event)
    [057] sm_bemerasmus - Player becomes merasmus boss
    [060] sm_betheskeleton - Player model changes to a skeleton
    [061] sm_blind - sm_blind <#userid|name> [amount] - Leave amount off to reset.
    [062] sm_bonk - Use 'Bonk!' type stun on a player
    [063] sm_bonkme - Bonks you!
    [064] sm_boosthealth - [SM] Usage: sm_givehealth <name|#userid>
    [065] sm_boss - Spawns a Team Monoculus.
    [066] sm_bp - Usage: sm_bp <player>
    [067] sm_bring - Teleport a player to you
    [068] sm_btg - Become a spoopy ghost
    [069] sm_btgfix - No description available
    [070] sm_buddha - sm_buddha [#userid|name] [0/1] - Toggles buddha mode on
    [071] sm_buildinghateffect - Lets player choose what unusual effect their building hat has
    [072] sm_buildinghats - toggles building hats
    [073] sm_burn - sm_burn <#userid|name> [time]
    [074] sm_buster - Become a sentry buster
    ***calladmin commands probably no longer functional***
    [075] sm_call - Brings up calladmin report menu
    [076] sm_call_handle - No description available
    [077] sm_calladmin - Brings up calladmin report menu
    [078] sm_calladmin_handle - No description available
    [079] sm_calladmin_reload - No description available
    ***old calladmin commands definately won't get staff on***
    [080] sm_cancelvote - Cancels the current vote
    [081] sm_cap_disable - Disable Objectives
    [082] sm_cap_enable - Enable Objectives
    [083] sm_chat - sm_chat <message> - sends message to admins
    [084] sm_claim - Claims the current discord calladmin notification
    [085] sm_cleanballs - Removes a player's balls (spawned by the /ball command)
    [086] sm_colorize - sm_colorize <name or #userid> <color> - sets player color (normal to revert)
    [087] sm_colorize_colors - displays colors available to sm_colorize and sm_colorme
    [088] sm_colorme - sm_colorme <color> - colorize yourself
    [089] sm_comms - Shows current player communications status
    [090] sm_cookies - sm_cookies <name> [value]
    [091] sm_couples - List top couples.
    [092] sm_csay - sm_csay <message> - sends centered message to all players
    [093] sm_deletewheel - Removes the merasmus wheel thing
    [094] sm_destroy - sm_destroy <#userid|name> [sentry/dispenser/entrance/exit/all/last]
    [095] sm_deviltrail - sm_eviltrail <#userid|name>
    [096] sm_devilvision - sm_evilvision <#userid|name>
    [097] sm_disablecp - Turns off the cap
    [098] sm_disco - sm_disco [1|0] - toggles disco mode or force on or off
    [099] sm_discord - Prints the discord link in chat
    [100] sm_divorce - End marriage.
    [101] sm_dmakemegift - Makes the targeted player a gift
    [102] sm_doutline - sm_outline <#userid|name> <1/0> - Toggles outline on player(s)
    [103] sm_drug - sm_drug <#userid|name> [0/1]
    [104] sm_dsp - Voice command modification options
    [105] sm_enablecp - Enables the capture point
    [106] sm_endobserve - End spectating a player.
    [107] sm_evilrocket - sm_evilrocket <#userid|name>
    [108] sm_explode - sm_explode <#userid|name> - Explodes player(s) if alive
    [109] sm_eyeboss - Spawns the MONOCULUS! - Usage: sm_eyeboss <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [110] sm_eyeboss_blue - Spawns the BLU Spectral MONOCULUS! - Usage: sm_eyeboss_blue <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [111] sm_eyeboss_red - Spawns the RED Spectral MONOCULUS! - Usage: sm_eyeboss_red <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [112] sm_fakegift - Spawns a fake gift
    [113] sm_fakeitem - Prints a fake item message to chat
    [114] sm_fakeitem2 - Prints a fake item message to chat
    [120] sm_firstperson - Usage: sm_firstperson (toggles to first person)
    [115] sm_fakesay - sm_fakesay <#userid|name> "text" - Specified client appears to say text
    [116] sm_ff - toggles friendly fire
    [117] sm_fireball - Fires a fireball
    [118] sm_firebolt - Fires a fireball
    [119] sm_firebomb - sm_firebomb <#userid|name>
    [121] sm_footprints - Allows the player to apply the halloween footprint spells to themselves
    [122] sm_footsteps - Alt command of foortprints
    [123] sm_forcertd - Forces an rtd effect
    [124] sm_forcertv - Force an RTV vote
    [125] sm_freeze - sm_freeze <#userid|name> [time]
    [126] sm_freezebomb - sm_freezebomb <#userid|name> [0/1]
    [127] sm_friendly - Toggles Friendly Mode
    [128] sm_friendly_a - Toggles friendly admin mode
    [129] sm_friendly_admin - Toggles Friendly Admin Mode
    [130] sm_friendly_l - Blocks a player for using sm_friendly (with arguments)
    [131] sm_friendly_lock - Blocks a player from using sm_friendly (with no arguments).
    [132] sm_gag - sm_gag <player> - Removes a player's ability to use chat.
    [133] sm_ghost - Use 'ghost' type stun on a player
    [134] sm_ghostme - Ghost-stuns you!
    [135] sm_gimme - Give self a weapon sm_gimme <itemindex>
    [136] sm_giveweapon - sm_giveweapon <player> <itemindex>
    [137] sm_gloves - Give the Gloves of Running Urgently to yourself using sm_gloves or sm_glovesofrunning
    [138] sm_glovesofrunning - Give the Gloves of Running Urgently to yourself using sm_gloves or sm_glovesofrunning
    [139] sm_god - sm_god [#userid|name] [0/1] - Toggles godmode on player(s)
    [140] sm_goto - Go to a Player
    [143] sm_gstun - Use 'ghost' type stun on a player
    [141] sm_grab - Grab a Player
    [144] sm_gstunme - Ghost-stuns you!
    [142] sm_gravity - sm_gravity <#userid|name> [amount] - Leave amount off to reset. Amount is 0.0 through 5.0
    [145] sm_happy - sm_happy <#userid|name> <1|0> - replaces clients text chat with strings from happy_phrases.ini
    [146] sm_hatman - Spawns the Horsemann - Usage: sm_hatman <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [147] sm_help - Displays SourceMod commands and descriptions
    [148] sm_hop - Hop servers.
    [149] sm_horde - Spawns 3 skeletons.
    [150] sm_hsay - sm_hsay <message> - sends hint message to all players
    [151] sm_invis - sm_invis <name or #userid> <1|0> - toggles or sets player invisibility
    [152] sm_invisplayer - sm_invisplayer <name or #userid> <1|0> - toggles or sets player invisibility (does not affect weapon)
    [153] sm_ipumpkin - Spawns a pumpkin bomb that cannot explode
    [154] sm_kart - Put players into karts!
    [155] sm_kartify - Put players into karts!
    [156] sm_kartifyme - Puts you into a kart!
    [157] sm_kartme - Puts you into a kart!
    [158] sm_kick - sm_kick <#userid|name> [reason]
    [159] sm_knockback - Direction = 0, forward | 1, left | 2, backward | 3, right
    [160] sm_ks - Set your killstreak
    [161] sm_lightning - Fires a lightning orb
    [162] sm_lightningorb - Fires a lightning orb
    [163] sm_listbans - sm_listsbbans <#userid|name> - Lists a user's prior bans from Sourcebans
    [164] sm_liststaff - Lists the staff on the server and their ranks
    [165] sm_ludmila - Give Ludmila to yourself using sm_ludmila
    [166] sm_makemegift - Toggles player's appearance as a gift
    [167] sm_map - sm_map <map>
    [168] sm_maphistory - Shows the most recent maps played
    [169] sm_mapstats - View collected map stats
    [170] sm_mapvote - sm_mapvote - Forces MapChooser to attempt to run a map vote
    [171] sm_marry - List connected singles.
    [172] sm_mc - Control a player
    [173] sm_me - Outputs a 'me' action to chat
    [174] sm_meem - Become a cut out model of your class.
    [175] sm_merasmus - Spawns Merasmus - Usage: sm_merasmus <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [176] sm_merasmus_menu - Basically a broken menu but it does let you slay yourself
    [178] sm_meteorshower - Meteor Shower
    [177] sm_meteor - Meteor Shower
    [179] sm_monoculus - Spawns a Team Monoculus.
    [180] sm_mortal - sm_mortal [#userid|name] - Makes specified players
    [185] sm_nominate_addmap - sm_nominate_addmap <mapname> - Forces a map to be on the next mapvote.
    [186] sm_noteleks - another skeleton command (it is skeleton spelled backwards you see)
    [187] sm_nuke - Nukes the spot you look at (instant kill big blast radius)
    [188] sm_observe - Spectate a player
    [191] sm_play - sm_play <#userid|name> <filename>
    [192] sm_pricecheck - Usage: sm_pricecheck <item>
    [193] sm_proj - Brings up the projectile model/effect changer menu
    [194] sm_proposals - List incoming proposals.
    [195] sm_psay - sm_psay <name or #userid> <message> - sends private message
    [196] sm_pumpkin - Spawns an explosive pumpkin
    [197] sm_pumpkins - Multiple Pumpkins
    [198] sm_raffle - Generates a random number for a raffle.
    [199] sm_raffle_assign - Assigns a raffle number to a player.
    [200] sm_raffle_cancel - Cancels a raffle.
    [202] sm_raffle_remove - Removes a raffle number from a player.
    [203] sm_rainbowme - Toggles rainbow outline on player
    [207] sm_removespray - Remove the logo in front of you.
    [204] sm_randomrtd - Gives a random player a random rtd effect
    [208] sm_rename - sm_rename <#userid|name>
    [205] sm_rehash - Reload SQL admins
    [209] sm_rerollhat - Changes building hat to another random building hat
    [206] sm_reloadadmins - sm_reloadadmins
    [210] sm_resetex - Reset the Permanent Weapons of a Player sm_resetex <target
    [211] sm_resetex - Reset the Permanent Weapons of a Player sm_resetex <target>
    [212] sm_resetspeed - Reset target(s) speed, Usage: sm_resetspeed "target"
    [213] sm_resize - Toggles a client's size.
    [214] sm_resizehands - Toggles a client's hand size.
    [215] sm_resizehead - Toggles a client's head size.
    [216] sm_resizeme - Toggles a client's size.
    [217] sm_resizemyhands - Toggles a client's hand size.
    [218] sm_resizemyhead - Toggles a client's head size.
    [219] sm_resizemytorso - Toggles a client's torso size.
    [220] sm_resizereset - Resets a client's size
    [221] sm_resizetorso - Toggles a client's torso size.
    [222] sm_revoke - Revoke proposal.
    [223] sm_revote - Allows a player to change their vote
    [224] sm_robot - Become the robot
    [225] sm_rocketme -  a fun way to suicide
    [226] sm_rof - Set Rate of Fire
    [227] sm_rtv - Its rtv...
    [228] sm_rules - Brings up the rules menu
    [229] sm_say - sm_say <message> - sends message to all players
    [230] sm_sbuildex - Spawns building of choice
    [232] sm_scareme - Ghost-stuns you!
    [231] sm_scare - Use 'ghost' type stun on a player
    [233] sm_screamer - sm_screamer <#userid|name>
    [236] sm_servers - Hop servers.
    [234] sm_searchcmd - Searches SourceMod commands
    [237] sm_setclass - Usage: sm_setclass "target" "class"
    [235] sm_sentrybuster - become a sentry buster
    [238] sm_setnextmap - sm_setnextmap <map>
    [239] sm_setspeed - Set target(s) speed, Usage: sm_setspeed "target" "speed"
    [240] sm_settings - Brings up a list of server settings
    [242] sm_silence - sm_silence <player> - Removes a player's ability to use voice or chat.
    [241] sm_showrules - Forces a player to view the rules menu
    [243] sm_skele - Spawns a skeleton.
    [244] sm_skeleblue - Spawns a BLU Skeleton - Usage: sm_skeleblue <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [248] sm_skelespell - Spawns a skeleton.
    [245] sm_skelegreen - Spawns a Green Skeleton - Usage: sm_skelegreen <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [249] sm_skeleton - Another become the skeleton command
    [246] sm_skeleking - Spawns a Skeleton King - Usage: sm_skeleking <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [250] sm_skeletonhorde - Spawns 3 skeletons.
    [247] sm_skelered - Spawns a RED Skeleton - Usage: sm_skelered <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [252] sm_slay - sm_slay <#userid|name>
    [251] sm_slap - sm_slap <#userid|name> [damage]
    [253] sm_slayeyeboss - Slays all MONOCULUS! on the map - Usage: sm_slayeyeboss
    [254] sm_slayeyeboss_blue - Slays all BLU Spectral MONOCULUS! on the map - Usage: sm_slayeyeboss_blue
    [255] sm_slayeyeboss_red - Slays all RED Spectral MONOCULUS! on the map - Usage: sm_slayeyeboss_red
    [256] sm_slayghost - Slays all Ghosts on the map - Usage: sm_slayghost
    [257] sm_slayhatman - Slays all Horsemenn on the map - Usage: sm_slayhatman
    [258] sm_slaymerasmus - Slays all Merasmus on the map - Usage: sm_slaymerasmus
    [259] sm_slayskeleblue - Slays all BLU Skeletons on the map - Usage: sm_slayskeleblue
    [260] sm_slayskelegreen - Slays all Green Skeletons on the map - Usage: sm_slayskelegreen
    [261] sm_slayskeleking - Slays all Skeleton Kings on the map - Usage: sm_slayskeleking
    [267] sm_spin - Spin a players' screen.
    [262] sm_slayskelered - Slays all RED Skeletons on the map - Usage: sm_slayskelered
    [268] sm_spinwheel - Spin merasmus' carnival wheel for an effect
    [263] sm_smash - Summons a giant hammer to smash your target
    [269] sm_spraytrace - Look up the owner of the logo in front of you.
    [264] sm_smite - sm_smite <#userid|name> - Slay with a lightning bolt effect.
    [270] sm_staff - Lists the staff on the server and their ranks
    [265] sm_spawnwheel - Spawns merasmus carnival wheel to keep on spinning
    [262] sm_slayskelered - Slays all RED Skeletons on the map - Usage: sm_slayskelered
    [261] sm_slayskeleking - Slays all Skeleton Kings on the map - Usage: sm_slayskeleking
    [264] sm_smite - sm_smite <#userid|name> - Slay with a lightning bolt effect.
    [270] sm_staff - Lists the staff on the server and their ranks
    [266] sm_spec - No description available
    [267] sm_spin - Spin a players' screen.
    [269] sm_spraytrace - Look up the owner of the logo in front of
    [274] sm_stopspinning - Stop spinning player.
    [275] sm_stun - Use 'endround' type stun on a player
    [272] sm_stafflist - Lists the staff on the server and their ranks
    [276] sm_stunme - Stuns you!
    [277] sm_tauntem - Forces player to do a taunt
    [278] sm_tauntem_list - Lists taunt ID numbers in console
    [279] sm_tauntem_ulist - Lists unusual effect IDs along with taunt IDs
    [280] sm_tele - Teleports you or whoever you target
    [281] sm_teststorelogging - No description available
    [282] sm_thirdperson - Usage: sm_thirdperson
    [283] sm_timebomb - sm_timebomb <#userid|name> [0/1]
    [284] sm_toggle - No description available
    [285] sm_transpose - Teleports
    [286] sm_tsay - sm_tsay <message> - sends top-left message to all players
    [287] sm_unban - sm_unban <steamid|ip> [reason]
    [288] sm_ungag - sm_ungag <player> - Restores a player's ability to use chat.
    [289] sm_unkart - Remove players from karts
    [290] sm_unkartify - Remove players from
    [291] sm_unkartifyme - Removes you from a kart
    [292] sm_unkartme - Removes you from a kart
    [293] sm_unmute - sm_unmute <player> - Restores a player's ability to use voice.
    [295] sm_voice - sm_voice <pitch>
    [296] sm_voicefx - dsp command alt
    [294] sm_unsilence - sm_unsilence <player> - Restores a player's ability to use voice and chat.
    [297] sm_vote - sm_vote <question> [Answer1] [Answer2] ... [Answer5]
    [298] sm_votealltalk - sm_votealltalk
    [300] sm_voteburn - sm_voteburn <player>
    [299] sm_voteban - sm_voteban <player>
    [302] sm_votegravity - sm_votegravity <amount> [amount2] ... [amount5]
    [303] sm_votekick - sm_votekick <player> [reason]
    [304] sm_votemap - sm_votemap <mapname> [mapname2] ... [mapname5]
    [305] sm_votemenu - Open voting menu
    [306] sm_voteslay - sm_voteslay <player>
    [307] sm_who - sm_who [#userid|name]
    [308] sm_zombie - Spawns a skeleton.
    [309] sm_zombiehorde - Spawns 3 skeletons.
    [310] smac_status - View the server's player status.
    [318] unusual_control - No description available
    [311] tf2items_disable - Disables tf2items modifications for you
    [319] unusual_permissions - Reloads unusual effects permissions
    [312] tf2items_enable - Enables tf2items modifications for you
    [313] tf2items_manager_reload - Reloads tf2items list
    [314] timeleft - Displays time left on map
    [315] topduel - Show top dueler
    [316] tp - Usage: sm_thirdperson
    [317] unusual - Get unusual effect on your weapons
  2. Informative
    Kypari got a reaction from Tekk for a record, TF2 Staff Commands   
    All the commands available and not sorted out into their respective staff rank. Admins should have access to nearly all of these, however.
    Things to be added as we go along.
    SourceMod Help: Command Information
    [001] +store_editor_bigchange - No description available
    [002] -store_editor_bigchange - No description available
    [004] coords - Displays the player's world coordinates from eyelevel in console
    [005] duel - Challenge player
    [003] abort - Stop duel
    [006] ff - Changes friendly fire state (1 is enable/ 0 is disabled)
    [007] fp - Usage: sm_firstperson

    ***you really don't need to read these ^***
    [022] goomba_off - Disable stomp.
    [023] goomba_on - Enable stomp.
    [024] goomba_status - Give the current goomba immunity setting.
    [025] goomba_toggle - Toggle the goomba immunity client's pref.
    [026] listmaps - Displays all maps that can be nominated for rtv
    [027] mce_forcertv - Force an RTV vote
    [028] mce_reload_maplist - mce_reload_maplist - Reload the Official Maplist file.
    [029] motd - Opens the motd (in our case the relevant rules page for the server)
    [030] myduels - Show your duels stats
    [031] nextmap - Displays the next map the server will go to
    [032] sc_fw_block - Blocking player comms by command from sourceban web site
    [033] sc_fw_ungag - Ungagging player by command from sourceban web site
    [034] sc_fw_unmute - Unmuting player by command from sourceban web site
    [035] sm_admin - Displays the admin menu
    [036] sm_adminlist - Lists the staff on the server and their ranks
    [037] sm_admins - Lists the staff on the server and their ranks
    [038] sm_adminspray - Sprays the named player's logo in front of you.
    [039] sm_advertisements_reload - Reload the advertisements
    [040] sm_afk_spec - sm_afk_spec
    [041] sm_aia - Give Advanced Infinite Ammo to the target(s) - Usage: sm_aia "target" "1/0"
    [042] sm_aia2 - Give Advanced Infinite Ammo to the target(s) for a limited time - Usage: sm_aia2 "target" "time(in seconds)"
    [043] sm_aiamenu - Show menu to set target's ammo flags
    [044] sm_alpha - sm_alpha <name or #userid> <0-255> - sets player alpha (transparency in layman's terms)
    [045] sm_autoaim - Turns on aimbot
    [046] sm_backpack - Usage: sm_backpack <player>
    [047] sm_ball - Spawns a ball
    [048] sm_balls_cleanup - Gets rid of the balls
    [049] sm_ban - sm_ban <#userid|name> <minutes|0> [reason]
    [050] sm_bandisconnected - It bans people who already left the server
    [051] sm_banip - sm_banip <ip|#userid|name> <time> [reason]
    [053] sm_bats - Bat Spell
    [052] sm_bat - Bat Spell
    [054] sm_beacon - sm_beacon <#userid|name> [0/1]
    [055] sm_bedeflector - It's a good time to run (player becomes deflector heavy from mvm)
    [058] sm_beskeleton - Player model becomes a skeleton
    [056] sm_behhh - It's a good time to run - turns <target> into a Horsemann
    [059] sm_betheghost - Player becomes a spoopy ghost (as seen on harvest_event)
    [057] sm_bemerasmus - Player becomes merasmus boss
    [060] sm_betheskeleton - Player model changes to a skeleton
    [061] sm_blind - sm_blind <#userid|name> [amount] - Leave amount off to reset.
    [062] sm_bonk - Use 'Bonk!' type stun on a player
    [063] sm_bonkme - Bonks you!
    [064] sm_boosthealth - [SM] Usage: sm_givehealth <name|#userid>
    [065] sm_boss - Spawns a Team Monoculus.
    [066] sm_bp - Usage: sm_bp <player>
    [067] sm_bring - Teleport a player to you
    [068] sm_btg - Become a spoopy ghost
    [069] sm_btgfix - No description available
    [070] sm_buddha - sm_buddha [#userid|name] [0/1] - Toggles buddha mode on
    [071] sm_buildinghateffect - Lets player choose what unusual effect their building hat has
    [072] sm_buildinghats - toggles building hats
    [073] sm_burn - sm_burn <#userid|name> [time]
    [074] sm_buster - Become a sentry buster
    ***calladmin commands probably no longer functional***
    [075] sm_call - Brings up calladmin report menu
    [076] sm_call_handle - No description available
    [077] sm_calladmin - Brings up calladmin report menu
    [078] sm_calladmin_handle - No description available
    [079] sm_calladmin_reload - No description available
    ***old calladmin commands definately won't get staff on***
    [080] sm_cancelvote - Cancels the current vote
    [081] sm_cap_disable - Disable Objectives
    [082] sm_cap_enable - Enable Objectives
    [083] sm_chat - sm_chat <message> - sends message to admins
    [084] sm_claim - Claims the current discord calladmin notification
    [085] sm_cleanballs - Removes a player's balls (spawned by the /ball command)
    [086] sm_colorize - sm_colorize <name or #userid> <color> - sets player color (normal to revert)
    [087] sm_colorize_colors - displays colors available to sm_colorize and sm_colorme
    [088] sm_colorme - sm_colorme <color> - colorize yourself
    [089] sm_comms - Shows current player communications status
    [090] sm_cookies - sm_cookies <name> [value]
    [091] sm_couples - List top couples.
    [092] sm_csay - sm_csay <message> - sends centered message to all players
    [093] sm_deletewheel - Removes the merasmus wheel thing
    [094] sm_destroy - sm_destroy <#userid|name> [sentry/dispenser/entrance/exit/all/last]
    [095] sm_deviltrail - sm_eviltrail <#userid|name>
    [096] sm_devilvision - sm_evilvision <#userid|name>
    [097] sm_disablecp - Turns off the cap
    [098] sm_disco - sm_disco [1|0] - toggles disco mode or force on or off
    [099] sm_discord - Prints the discord link in chat
    [100] sm_divorce - End marriage.
    [101] sm_dmakemegift - Makes the targeted player a gift
    [102] sm_doutline - sm_outline <#userid|name> <1/0> - Toggles outline on player(s)
    [103] sm_drug - sm_drug <#userid|name> [0/1]
    [104] sm_dsp - Voice command modification options
    [105] sm_enablecp - Enables the capture point
    [106] sm_endobserve - End spectating a player.
    [107] sm_evilrocket - sm_evilrocket <#userid|name>
    [108] sm_explode - sm_explode <#userid|name> - Explodes player(s) if alive
    [109] sm_eyeboss - Spawns the MONOCULUS! - Usage: sm_eyeboss <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [110] sm_eyeboss_blue - Spawns the BLU Spectral MONOCULUS! - Usage: sm_eyeboss_blue <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [111] sm_eyeboss_red - Spawns the RED Spectral MONOCULUS! - Usage: sm_eyeboss_red <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [112] sm_fakegift - Spawns a fake gift
    [113] sm_fakeitem - Prints a fake item message to chat
    [114] sm_fakeitem2 - Prints a fake item message to chat
    [120] sm_firstperson - Usage: sm_firstperson (toggles to first person)
    [115] sm_fakesay - sm_fakesay <#userid|name> "text" - Specified client appears to say text
    [116] sm_ff - toggles friendly fire
    [117] sm_fireball - Fires a fireball
    [118] sm_firebolt - Fires a fireball
    [119] sm_firebomb - sm_firebomb <#userid|name>
    [121] sm_footprints - Allows the player to apply the halloween footprint spells to themselves
    [122] sm_footsteps - Alt command of foortprints
    [123] sm_forcertd - Forces an rtd effect
    [124] sm_forcertv - Force an RTV vote
    [125] sm_freeze - sm_freeze <#userid|name> [time]
    [126] sm_freezebomb - sm_freezebomb <#userid|name> [0/1]
    [127] sm_friendly - Toggles Friendly Mode
    [128] sm_friendly_a - Toggles friendly admin mode
    [129] sm_friendly_admin - Toggles Friendly Admin Mode
    [130] sm_friendly_l - Blocks a player for using sm_friendly (with arguments)
    [131] sm_friendly_lock - Blocks a player from using sm_friendly (with no arguments).
    [132] sm_gag - sm_gag <player> - Removes a player's ability to use chat.
    [133] sm_ghost - Use 'ghost' type stun on a player
    [134] sm_ghostme - Ghost-stuns you!
    [135] sm_gimme - Give self a weapon sm_gimme <itemindex>
    [136] sm_giveweapon - sm_giveweapon <player> <itemindex>
    [137] sm_gloves - Give the Gloves of Running Urgently to yourself using sm_gloves or sm_glovesofrunning
    [138] sm_glovesofrunning - Give the Gloves of Running Urgently to yourself using sm_gloves or sm_glovesofrunning
    [139] sm_god - sm_god [#userid|name] [0/1] - Toggles godmode on player(s)
    [140] sm_goto - Go to a Player
    [143] sm_gstun - Use 'ghost' type stun on a player
    [141] sm_grab - Grab a Player
    [144] sm_gstunme - Ghost-stuns you!
    [142] sm_gravity - sm_gravity <#userid|name> [amount] - Leave amount off to reset. Amount is 0.0 through 5.0
    [145] sm_happy - sm_happy <#userid|name> <1|0> - replaces clients text chat with strings from happy_phrases.ini
    [146] sm_hatman - Spawns the Horsemann - Usage: sm_hatman <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [147] sm_help - Displays SourceMod commands and descriptions
    [148] sm_hop - Hop servers.
    [149] sm_horde - Spawns 3 skeletons.
    [150] sm_hsay - sm_hsay <message> - sends hint message to all players
    [151] sm_invis - sm_invis <name or #userid> <1|0> - toggles or sets player invisibility
    [152] sm_invisplayer - sm_invisplayer <name or #userid> <1|0> - toggles or sets player invisibility (does not affect weapon)
    [153] sm_ipumpkin - Spawns a pumpkin bomb that cannot explode
    [154] sm_kart - Put players into karts!
    [155] sm_kartify - Put players into karts!
    [156] sm_kartifyme - Puts you into a kart!
    [157] sm_kartme - Puts you into a kart!
    [158] sm_kick - sm_kick <#userid|name> [reason]
    [159] sm_knockback - Direction = 0, forward | 1, left | 2, backward | 3, right
    [160] sm_ks - Set your killstreak
    [161] sm_lightning - Fires a lightning orb
    [162] sm_lightningorb - Fires a lightning orb
    [163] sm_listbans - sm_listsbbans <#userid|name> - Lists a user's prior bans from Sourcebans
    [164] sm_liststaff - Lists the staff on the server and their ranks
    [165] sm_ludmila - Give Ludmila to yourself using sm_ludmila
    [166] sm_makemegift - Toggles player's appearance as a gift
    [167] sm_map - sm_map <map>
    [168] sm_maphistory - Shows the most recent maps played
    [169] sm_mapstats - View collected map stats
    [170] sm_mapvote - sm_mapvote - Forces MapChooser to attempt to run a map vote
    [171] sm_marry - List connected singles.
    [172] sm_mc - Control a player
    [173] sm_me - Outputs a 'me' action to chat
    [174] sm_meem - Become a cut out model of your class.
    [175] sm_merasmus - Spawns Merasmus - Usage: sm_merasmus <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [176] sm_merasmus_menu - Basically a broken menu but it does let you slay yourself
    [178] sm_meteorshower - Meteor Shower
    [177] sm_meteor - Meteor Shower
    [179] sm_monoculus - Spawns a Team Monoculus.
    [180] sm_mortal - sm_mortal [#userid|name] - Makes specified players
    [185] sm_nominate_addmap - sm_nominate_addmap <mapname> - Forces a map to be on the next mapvote.
    [186] sm_noteleks - another skeleton command (it is skeleton spelled backwards you see)
    [187] sm_nuke - Nukes the spot you look at (instant kill big blast radius)
    [188] sm_observe - Spectate a player
    [191] sm_play - sm_play <#userid|name> <filename>
    [192] sm_pricecheck - Usage: sm_pricecheck <item>
    [193] sm_proj - Brings up the projectile model/effect changer menu
    [194] sm_proposals - List incoming proposals.
    [195] sm_psay - sm_psay <name or #userid> <message> - sends private message
    [196] sm_pumpkin - Spawns an explosive pumpkin
    [197] sm_pumpkins - Multiple Pumpkins
    [198] sm_raffle - Generates a random number for a raffle.
    [199] sm_raffle_assign - Assigns a raffle number to a player.
    [200] sm_raffle_cancel - Cancels a raffle.
    [202] sm_raffle_remove - Removes a raffle number from a player.
    [203] sm_rainbowme - Toggles rainbow outline on player
    [207] sm_removespray - Remove the logo in front of you.
    [204] sm_randomrtd - Gives a random player a random rtd effect
    [208] sm_rename - sm_rename <#userid|name>
    [205] sm_rehash - Reload SQL admins
    [209] sm_rerollhat - Changes building hat to another random building hat
    [206] sm_reloadadmins - sm_reloadadmins
    [210] sm_resetex - Reset the Permanent Weapons of a Player sm_resetex <target
    [211] sm_resetex - Reset the Permanent Weapons of a Player sm_resetex <target>
    [212] sm_resetspeed - Reset target(s) speed, Usage: sm_resetspeed "target"
    [213] sm_resize - Toggles a client's size.
    [214] sm_resizehands - Toggles a client's hand size.
    [215] sm_resizehead - Toggles a client's head size.
    [216] sm_resizeme - Toggles a client's size.
    [217] sm_resizemyhands - Toggles a client's hand size.
    [218] sm_resizemyhead - Toggles a client's head size.
    [219] sm_resizemytorso - Toggles a client's torso size.
    [220] sm_resizereset - Resets a client's size
    [221] sm_resizetorso - Toggles a client's torso size.
    [222] sm_revoke - Revoke proposal.
    [223] sm_revote - Allows a player to change their vote
    [224] sm_robot - Become the robot
    [225] sm_rocketme -  a fun way to suicide
    [226] sm_rof - Set Rate of Fire
    [227] sm_rtv - Its rtv...
    [228] sm_rules - Brings up the rules menu
    [229] sm_say - sm_say <message> - sends message to all players
    [230] sm_sbuildex - Spawns building of choice
    [232] sm_scareme - Ghost-stuns you!
    [231] sm_scare - Use 'ghost' type stun on a player
    [233] sm_screamer - sm_screamer <#userid|name>
    [236] sm_servers - Hop servers.
    [234] sm_searchcmd - Searches SourceMod commands
    [237] sm_setclass - Usage: sm_setclass "target" "class"
    [235] sm_sentrybuster - become a sentry buster
    [238] sm_setnextmap - sm_setnextmap <map>
    [239] sm_setspeed - Set target(s) speed, Usage: sm_setspeed "target" "speed"
    [240] sm_settings - Brings up a list of server settings
    [242] sm_silence - sm_silence <player> - Removes a player's ability to use voice or chat.
    [241] sm_showrules - Forces a player to view the rules menu
    [243] sm_skele - Spawns a skeleton.
    [244] sm_skeleblue - Spawns a BLU Skeleton - Usage: sm_skeleblue <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [248] sm_skelespell - Spawns a skeleton.
    [245] sm_skelegreen - Spawns a Green Skeleton - Usage: sm_skelegreen <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [249] sm_skeleton - Another become the skeleton command
    [246] sm_skeleking - Spawns a Skeleton King - Usage: sm_skeleking <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [250] sm_skeletonhorde - Spawns 3 skeletons.
    [247] sm_skelered - Spawns a RED Skeleton - Usage: sm_skelered <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [252] sm_slay - sm_slay <#userid|name>
    [251] sm_slap - sm_slap <#userid|name> [damage]
    [253] sm_slayeyeboss - Slays all MONOCULUS! on the map - Usage: sm_slayeyeboss
    [254] sm_slayeyeboss_blue - Slays all BLU Spectral MONOCULUS! on the map - Usage: sm_slayeyeboss_blue
    [255] sm_slayeyeboss_red - Slays all RED Spectral MONOCULUS! on the map - Usage: sm_slayeyeboss_red
    [256] sm_slayghost - Slays all Ghosts on the map - Usage: sm_slayghost
    [257] sm_slayhatman - Slays all Horsemenn on the map - Usage: sm_slayhatman
    [258] sm_slaymerasmus - Slays all Merasmus on the map - Usage: sm_slaymerasmus
    [259] sm_slayskeleblue - Slays all BLU Skeletons on the map - Usage: sm_slayskeleblue
    [260] sm_slayskelegreen - Slays all Green Skeletons on the map - Usage: sm_slayskelegreen
    [261] sm_slayskeleking - Slays all Skeleton Kings on the map - Usage: sm_slayskeleking
    [267] sm_spin - Spin a players' screen.
    [262] sm_slayskelered - Slays all RED Skeletons on the map - Usage: sm_slayskelered
    [268] sm_spinwheel - Spin merasmus' carnival wheel for an effect
    [263] sm_smash - Summons a giant hammer to smash your target
    [269] sm_spraytrace - Look up the owner of the logo in front of you.
    [264] sm_smite - sm_smite <#userid|name> - Slay with a lightning bolt effect.
    [270] sm_staff - Lists the staff on the server and their ranks
    [265] sm_spawnwheel - Spawns merasmus carnival wheel to keep on spinning
    [262] sm_slayskelered - Slays all RED Skeletons on the map - Usage: sm_slayskelered
    [261] sm_slayskeleking - Slays all Skeleton Kings on the map - Usage: sm_slayskeleking
    [264] sm_smite - sm_smite <#userid|name> - Slay with a lightning bolt effect.
    [270] sm_staff - Lists the staff on the server and their ranks
    [266] sm_spec - No description available
    [267] sm_spin - Spin a players' screen.
    [269] sm_spraytrace - Look up the owner of the logo in front of
    [274] sm_stopspinning - Stop spinning player.
    [275] sm_stun - Use 'endround' type stun on a player
    [272] sm_stafflist - Lists the staff on the server and their ranks
    [276] sm_stunme - Stuns you!
    [277] sm_tauntem - Forces player to do a taunt
    [278] sm_tauntem_list - Lists taunt ID numbers in console
    [279] sm_tauntem_ulist - Lists unusual effect IDs along with taunt IDs
    [280] sm_tele - Teleports you or whoever you target
    [281] sm_teststorelogging - No description available
    [282] sm_thirdperson - Usage: sm_thirdperson
    [283] sm_timebomb - sm_timebomb <#userid|name> [0/1]
    [284] sm_toggle - No description available
    [285] sm_transpose - Teleports
    [286] sm_tsay - sm_tsay <message> - sends top-left message to all players
    [287] sm_unban - sm_unban <steamid|ip> [reason]
    [288] sm_ungag - sm_ungag <player> - Restores a player's ability to use chat.
    [289] sm_unkart - Remove players from karts
    [290] sm_unkartify - Remove players from
    [291] sm_unkartifyme - Removes you from a kart
    [292] sm_unkartme - Removes you from a kart
    [293] sm_unmute - sm_unmute <player> - Restores a player's ability to use voice.
    [295] sm_voice - sm_voice <pitch>
    [296] sm_voicefx - dsp command alt
    [294] sm_unsilence - sm_unsilence <player> - Restores a player's ability to use voice and chat.
    [297] sm_vote - sm_vote <question> [Answer1] [Answer2] ... [Answer5]
    [298] sm_votealltalk - sm_votealltalk
    [300] sm_voteburn - sm_voteburn <player>
    [299] sm_voteban - sm_voteban <player>
    [302] sm_votegravity - sm_votegravity <amount> [amount2] ... [amount5]
    [303] sm_votekick - sm_votekick <player> [reason]
    [304] sm_votemap - sm_votemap <mapname> [mapname2] ... [mapname5]
    [305] sm_votemenu - Open voting menu
    [306] sm_voteslay - sm_voteslay <player>
    [307] sm_who - sm_who [#userid|name]
    [308] sm_zombie - Spawns a skeleton.
    [309] sm_zombiehorde - Spawns 3 skeletons.
    [310] smac_status - View the server's player status.
    [318] unusual_control - No description available
    [311] tf2items_disable - Disables tf2items modifications for you
    [319] unusual_permissions - Reloads unusual effects permissions
    [312] tf2items_enable - Enables tf2items modifications for you
    [313] tf2items_manager_reload - Reloads tf2items list
    [314] timeleft - Displays time left on map
    [315] topduel - Show top dueler
    [316] tp - Usage: sm_thirdperson
    [317] unusual - Get unusual effect on your weapons
  3. Thinking
    Kypari reacted to Thorax_ for a record, Xeno Gamers | Forum Shop Items   
    ? Games
    Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock | Cost: 50 Credits | Play the famous rock paper scissors lizard spock game

    Guess the Number | Cost: 50 Credits | Win 5x times your stake if you guess the number between 1 and 500
    ? Configurations
    Change Title | Cost: 1250 Credits | Change your title at any given time
    Change Username | Cost: 1500 Credits | Change your username at any given time
  4. Informative
    Kypari reacted to Krampus for a record, xG Freak Fortress 2 Guide   
    xG Freak Fortress 2
    General Goals
    Players: Work together to kill the boss in the time given
    Hale: Kill all of Red Team or capture the objective in certain circumstances
    Weapon Modifications
    All Mediguns:
    All mediguns are given the stats of every medigun put together including kritz, full uber, and the ability to move with the player for all launches, such as rocket jumping (Doesn’t copy the speed of script added plugins, such as hyper heavy)
    75% ubercharge rate
    50% max overheal
    Weapon holsters 25% faster
    Uber duration increased by 4 seconds
    Deploys 25% faster
    Flare Gun/Detonator:
    Both are set to have the same stats, only minicrits for hitting burning enemies even if it is stock flare gun
    Has 220% self damage force (Greater Flare Gun Jumps)
    +33% damage to self
    Any Syringe gun, Crusader Crossbow:
    For all syringe guns in the game you are given 5% uber for ever needle landed on the boss
    For the crusader crossbow you are given 15% uber for every arrow landed on the boss
    Crusader Crossbow is always given permanent full crits
    Jarate/Mad Milk:
    When hit with either one of these the boss loses 8 points of rage
    Fan o’ War:
    Removes 5 points of the hale’s rage
    Short Circuit:
    Using right click to shoot out the energy ball will stun the boss if he is to come in contact with it.
    Gives full crits instead of minicrits
    Minicrit Weapons:
    Stock pistol and every type of revolver is given minicrits throughout the game
    All rocket launchers give minicrits when impacting  bosses who are launched by a player into the air
    Grenade launchers are given permanent minicrits if you have a shield equipped
    Melee Weapons:
    All melee weapons are given full crits throughout the game
    Battalion's Backup:
    Heavily reduces the boss’s damage, allowing the player and nearby teammates to be hit by the boss multiple times (depends on the boss)
    Demoman Shields/Razorback:
    Absorbs one attack from the boss before being broken for good and disabling charge do demoman
    Holiday Punch:
    Gives instant weapon switch when using it
    Will not make the boss taunt even with the crits, it will just do crit damage of stock melee
    Baby Face Blaster:
    Gains speed boost for landing hits but it disappears rapidly after gaining it
    Gives 35 hp on hit and up +25 for overheal
    Loses honorbound once hitting the boss so you can switch weapons again without losing health
    Replaces engineer’s dispenser and gives any nearby ally crits once built, can activate it by using /amp
    Spy Cloaks:
    All cloaks have the same stats as the stock invis watch except for the dead ringer
    The Gas Passer
    Now has the mvm explosion effect but does charge slower with reduced damage Thermal Thruster
    Has the ability to jump again while in the air and has a 25% faster charge rate Market Gardens and Backstabs
    Both do increased damage from usual as a reward for successfully landing the attack on the boss  
    Playpoint Abilities
    Type /buy to access these abilities
    Bonk Shoes: Gives you the ability to jump on the hale’s head and bonk him from doing so
    420 Speed: Allows the scout run faster than usual and every other class
    Lightning Strike: Charges throughout the game and when you reach 100% charge you can strike the boss with lightning by taunting
    Homing Rockets: Crouch and watch the charge in the top left corner of the screen, when it reaches 100% then you can fire a rocket and as long as it close (Around 500 Hammer Units) it will lock onto them
    High Explosive Rocket: Fires a rocket that does more damage with a bigger explosion but uses your entire clip
    Napalm Rockets: With this ability active all rockets will ignite the boss but it will have a 75%  damage reduction from doing so
    Disguise Jutsu: Crouch to disguise yourself as a barrel, takes 25 health points every time that it is used
    Fly Blasting: Look  down and right click to be able to launch yourself into the air using ammo for air blasting
    Super Charger: Allows you to charge infinite amount of times, but every time you do a charge it takes 10 health points
    Machine Slapping: Your machine gun will now “slap” the enemy as it does increase knockback to them, but it has a 20% damage penalty
    Hyper Heavy: Allows heavy to move extremely fast at the cost of his primary and secondary weapon, only allowing him to use his melee
    Karma Sentry: When you die a level one sentry will spawn in your place and attack the boss for 5 seconds (It can be destroyed)
    Dispenser Shield: Protects you from all projectiles, but will not protect you from splash/bullets/melee
    Drug Syringe: Any type of syringe for medic will increase the boss’s player fov, giving the appearance of being farther away
    Tracer Bullets: When you shoot the hale it will cause them to show their outline to all players for an amount of time depending on charge %,, starts at 2 seconds minimum
    Explosive Arrows: All arrows will create a small explosion around whatever it impacts with doing increased damage
    Homing Arrows: Hold crouch and wait until 100% charge in the top left corner to then fire your arrow, as long as it close (Around 500 Hammer Units) it will lock onto them
    50 Cal. Shot: Hold crouch when spy and when the charge in the top left corner reaches 100% you can shoot the boss doing increased damage around 500 or less if not fully charged
    (n stands for # of red players)
    Class: Demoman
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: ((525+n)*n)^1.02
    Weapon: Frying Pan
    Tips for Players: Try and strafe a lot when against this boss and watching where he is charging towards as he is unable to turn, but be ready to push him back if he gets too close as he can ignore a lot of knockback with his charges
    Mobility and Other Abilities:
    Tap  reload (usually r) to charge forward, hold it down for longer charges, just like infinite charge
    Hold down right click and look up for super jump
    Click crouch and look down while in the air to activate weightdown
    Damage for Rage: 1900 hp
    Distance :600 Hammer Units
    Time: 5 Seconds
    Info: When you activate your rage it covers every player’s screens with images of the demopan trying to trade you, it also stuns anyone in his range

    .Ninja Spy
    Class: Spy
    Lives: 3
    Health Formula: ((((760.8+n)*(n-1))^1.0341)+2046)/3
    Weapon: The Shahanshah
    Tips for Players: Ninja spy has multiple and during each of the first 2 deaths he
    has the ability to activate “matrix mode” where he can kill anyone in sight, so when you see his life get low be sure to hide behind an object of some sort se he cannot lock onto you
    Mobility and Other Abilities:
    Hold down right click and look up for super jump
    Hold crouch and look down for weight down
    When ninja spy has lost a life he will regain his health and freeze time for 10 seconds and be able to teleport to players in sight by looking towards them and pressing m1, which will kill them unless they are ubered
    Damage for Rage: 1900 hp
    Distance:  700 Hammer Units
    Time: 7 seconds
    Info: Stuns nearby red players

    Class: Spy
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: (((760.8+n)*(n-1))^1.0341)+2046
    Weapon: Your Eternal Reward
    Mobility and Other Abilities:
    Has no launching ability
    Can teleport to a random player and is ubered/stunned for three seconds
    Damage for Rage: 2500 hp
    Info: He is given the ambassador which does 800% damage and crits on headshots

    Saxton Hale
    Class: Soldier
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: (((760.8+n)*(n-1))^1.0341)+2046
    Weapon: Fist
    Mobility and Other Abilities:
    Brave jump lets him launch in the air by holding right click and looking up
    Weight down to land instantly by holding crouch and looking down
    Damage for Rage: 1900 hp
    Distance: 800 Hammer Units
    Time: 5 seconds
    Info: Stuns nearby enemies

    Vagineer V2
    Class: Engineer
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula:  (((760.8+n)*(n-1))^1.0341)+2046
    Weapon: Wrench
    Super Jump into the air with right click
    Weight down using crouch and looking down
    Damage for Rage: 1900 Hp
    Distance:  620 Hammer Units
    Time: 10 Seconds for uber, 5 seconds for stun
    Info: Stuns nearby enemies and ubers himself

    Horseless Headless Horsemann Jr.
    Class: Demoman
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula:  (((760.8+n)*(n-1))^1.0341)+2046
    Weapon: Horseless Headless Horsemann’s HeadTaker
    Movement and other Abilities:
    Weight down when crouching and looking down
    Teleports to a random player every 45 seconds
    No super jump
    Damage for Rage: 1900 hp
    Distance: 800 Hammer units
    Time: 5 seconds
    Info: Spooks nearby enemies

    Christian Brutal Sniper
    Class: Sniper
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula:   (((760.8+n)*(n-1))^1.0341)+2046
    Weapon: Switches between all of snipers melees after each kill
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump Holding right click and looking up
    Hold crouch and look down
    Damage for Rage: 1900 hp
    Distance: 350 Hammer Units
    Time: Stuns players for 5 seconds
    Info: Obtains the festive huntsman

    Easter Bunny
    Class: Demoman
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: (((760.8+n)*(n-1))^1.0341)+2046
    Weapon: Bottle
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage:1900 hp
    Distance: 400 Hammer Units
    Time: 5 seconds
    Info: Stuns all nearby players and obtains a grenade launcher that shoots a large amount of grenades that are textured as easter eggs in every direction shooting the entire clip before ending; try to stay away for it and out of buildings as it is much easier to avoid

    Class:  Sniper
    Lives:  1
    Health Formula: ((770+n)*n)^1.04
    Weapon: Market Gardener
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 2400 hp
    Distance: 2000 Hammer Units
    Time: 5 seconds
    Info: Traps all players in the range in a box of sand freezing them in place and blocking their screen around them (Players still have the ability to fire)

    Captain Falcon
    Class: Soldier
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: (((760.8+n)*(n-1))^1.0341)+2046
    Weapon: Fists
    Tips for Players: When he has lost a decent amount of health try and stay back from him as his rage will insta kill anyone close to him, but it’s range is very small. But be wary as he will still gain rage if being harmed during his rage so he is able to rage consecutively at times
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 1900 Hp
    Distance: 350 Hammer Units
    Time: 7 seconds
    Info: Stuns captain falcon in one spot and creates a field of explosions around killing nearby enemies, he can be frozen in the air and the explosions will stay up there on the same level as him

    Gabe Newell
    Class:  Spy
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: (((760.8+n)*(n-1))^1.0341)+2046
    Weapon: Fists
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 5100 Hp
    Distance:  500 Hammer Units
    Time: 10 Seconds
    Info: Slows down time and allows him to teleport to nearby enemies and insta kill them unless ubered (It's the matrix mode ability but as a rage)

    Hatsune Miku
    Class: Spy
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: ((650+n)*n)^1.035
    Weapon: Saxxy
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 4500  hp
    Distance: 600 Hammer Units
    Time: One taunt
    Info: Causes all nearby players to taunt, also gives the boss cleavers to throw at players. If you are in a position where you cannot taunt it will freeze you and you won’t be able to fire

    Adolf Hitler
    Class: Pyro
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: ((760+n)*n)^1.04
    Weapon: Disciplinary Action 
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 2500 hp
    Distance:  500 Hammer Units
    Time: 5 seconds for players, 8 seconds for sentries, 7 seconds for uber
    Info:  Stuns players and sentries while ubering the hale and giving him a flamethrower that does increased damage

    The Rock
    Class: Soldier
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: ((550+n)*n)^1.04
    Weapon: Caber
    Tips for Players: Use melee on him as he takes a large amount of damage from it, especially if using the market garden
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Has a high amount of resistances for every type of damage in the game except melee which it takes increased damage from
    Damage for Rage: 3200  hp
    Distance: 800 Hammer units
    Info:  Creates an explosion depending on where the boss is aiming towards
    Human Sentry Buster
    Class: Demoman
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: ((550+n)*n)^1.04
    Weapon: Caber
    Tips for Players: Use melee on him as he takes a large amount of damage from it, especially if using the market garden
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Has a high amount of resistances for every type of damage in the game except melee which it takes increased damage from
    Damage for Rage: 3200  hp
    Distance: 800 Hammer units
    Info:  Creates an explosion depending on where the boss is aiming towards

    Class: Spy
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: ((760+n)*n)^1.04
    Weapon: The Big Earner
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 2000 hp
    Distance: 5000 Hammer Units
    Time: 7 seconds for sentries and 5 seconds for players
    Info:  Stuns nearby players and gives the hale a revolver

    Luigi 2
    Class: Engineer
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula:  (((760.8+n)*(n-1))^1.0341)+2046
    Weapon: Wrench
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching

    Damage for Rage: 2500 hp
    Distance: 1150 Hammer Units
    Time: 6 seconds for uber, 5 seconds for players, 8 seconds for sentries
    Info: Stuns players and sentries while ubering the boss, also given a flare gun
    Pacman 2
    Class: Sniper
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: (((875+n)*n)^1.03)
    Weapon: Killing Gloves of Boxing
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 2000 hp
    Distance: 2000 Hammer Units
    Time: 5 second players, 8 second sentries
    Info: Stuns nearby enemies and sentries

    Phoenix Wright
    Class: Spy
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: ((760+n)*n)^1.04
    Weapon: Kunai
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 2000 hp
    Distance: 700 Hammer Units
    Time: 5 seconds for player, 7 seconds for sentries
    Info: Stuns nearby sentries and players and creates a large fireball radius around the boss damaging all players and buildings with fire

    Skeleton - Mann
    Class: Sniper
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: (((760.8+n)*(n-1))^1.0341)+2046
    Weapon: The Bat outta Hell
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Has the ability to teleport to a random player
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 2500 hp
    Distance:  500 Hammer Units
    Time: 1 second uber, 8 second for sentries, 4 second for players, 5 second of fire
    Info: When rage is activated it creates a hellfire ball damaging all nearby enemies and ubers the boss for a second. This rage also randomly chooses from the dead teammates on red team and turns them into snipers with a skeleton player model and the bat outta hell to fight for the boss.

    Grey Alien
    Class: Spy
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: (((600+n)*n)^1.04)
    Weapon: Unarmed Combat
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Teleports to a random player
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 2500
    Distance: 800 Hammer Units
    Time: 6 seconds for sentries, 2 seconds for the blind, 10 seconds for the beam
    Info: When grey alien rages he blinds players and creates 10 beams which stun players and suck them up

    Class: Sniper
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: (((760.8+n)*(n-1))^1.0341)+2046
    Weapon: The Sandman
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 2000
    Distance:  850 Hammer Units
    Time: 8 second for stuns and uber
    Info:  Upon rage wario is given uber and stuns both sentries and players, he is also given 20 balls which he can fire rapidly and refills after each rage, the balls will slow down players as it is the sandman

    Class: Sniper
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: (((760.8+n)*(n-1))^1.0341)+2046
    Weapon: Freedom Staff
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 1900
    Distance:  800 Hammer units
    Time: Uber and Stuns last 8 seconds
    Info: During rage waluigi is ubered and stuns all nearby players and sentries

    Class: Engineer
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: (((760.8+n)*(n-1))^1.0341)+2046
    Weapon: Southern Hospitality
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 1900 hp
    Distance:  3500 Hammer Units
    Time: 3 seconds for stuns, 30 seconds for scale
    Info: When garfield rages he stuns nearby players and sentries for 3 seconds and resizes 2x bigger for 30 seconds

    The Blitzkrieg
    Class: Medic
    Lives: 5
    Health Formula: ((((1000+n)*(n-1))^1.04)+4096)/5
    Weapons: Festive ubersaw, parachute, switches between all rocket launcher upon every death/rage
    Tips for Players:
    Blitzkriegs greatest weakness is medics as they are able to revive anyone a large amount of times, and their shields completely stop blitzkrieg from reaching them, so more medics is almost  always better against blitzkrieg (also it is useful to switch classes between deaths to respawn as it).
    Many classes can be useful against blitzkrieg with their edits, such as soldier and how he can use the battalions or beggars with the increased clip and longer battalions rage  making him extremely hard to kill for long periods of time.
    Fight blitzkrieg at a distance always as his projectiles are slow and random for where they will go so it is much harder to kill someone at a distance
    Difficulties: Our ff2 chooses randomly between difficulty 1-9
    1 = Easy,
    2 = Normal
    3 = Intermediate
    4 = Difficult
    5 = Lunatic
    6 = Extreme
    7 = Godlike
    8 = Rocket Hell
    9 = Total Blitzkrieg
    420 = W33D
    999 = D0NUT ST33L
    1337 = LOOMYNARTY
    9001 = OVER 9000!
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up (Is extremely high and allows you to almost cross the map)
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Press space when in the air to activate his parachute
    Every death his new rocket launcher will have 360 rockets and he will be crit and ubered
    All kills give 5% rage
    His uber lasts 10 seconds and kritz last 15 seconds
    Blitzkrieg rockets are given decreased speed and random degree deviation
    Weapon Modifications from Blitzkrieg:
    Scout: All weapons are crit boosted, sandman/wrap assassin have faster recharge with 5 projectiles
    Soldier: All rocket launcher have faster fire rate, and larger clip size and max ammo. Panic attack gives speed boost when active and all banners give 50+ hp and last 150% longer
    Pyro: None except for panic attack and flare gun which is already set as is here
    Demoman: Grenade launchers have faster fire rate, larger clip and max ammo, loch n load has 75% damage bonus
    Heavy: Given knockback rage (special attack), sandvich has faster recharge rate
    Engineer: Given 250% dispenser range and 2 way teleporters
    Medic: Can now revive players a max of 15 times (40 seconds before you can no longer revive), given medic shield (Use special attack to activate)
    Sniper: Can now climb walls using melee but at the cost of health (Stays even after blitzkrieg dies)
    Spy: All weapons are crit boosted
    Damage for Rage: 2500 Hp
    Time: 10 seconds for crits
    Distance: 9999 Hammer Units
    Info:  Blitzkrieg obtains a new rocket launcher with 180 rockets and crit. Blitzkrieg can now also teleport twice to wherever he’s looking at by right clicking.

    Dark Vader
    Class: Pyro
    Lives: 3
    Health Formula: (((760+n)*n)^1.03)/3
    Weapon: Frying Pan
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    When Dark Vader right clicks it will activate chain lightning which will do 10 (number varies) damage to all players
    Damage for Rage: 3500 hp
    Distance: 800 Hammer Units
    Time: 4 second for uber and stuns, 50 seconds for disguise
    Info: When Dark Vader rages he stuns nearby players and ubers, he can also disguise as enemy players for a time

    Class: Demoman
    Lives: 2
    Health Formula: ((380+n)*n)^1.04
    Weapon: The Eyelander
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 1800 hp
    Distance: 10000 (Usually the whole map) Hammer Units
    Time: 5 seconds for image, 3 for players stun, 6 for sentries stun
    Info: During rage players screens are covered with an image of sonic.exe and stunned

    Chuck Norris
    Class: Sniper
    Lives: 2
    Health Formula: ((380+n)*n-1)^1.04
    Weapon: Fists
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 2500 hp
    Info: Upon rage chuck norris pulls out a modified big kill which one shots most players

    Class: Spy
    Lives: 2
    Health Formula: ((340+n)*n)^1.04
    Weapon: The eviction notice
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 2500 hp
    Distance:  400 for stuns, 500 hammer units for hell fire
    Time: 6 seconds for scale, 5 seconds for uber, 7 second for sentries
    Info: When bowser rages he creates a fire ball around him and ubers himself, he also stuns al nearby sentries
    Hell fire: Does initial 25 damage and 5 seconds of 10 damage afterburn

    Class: Soldier
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: ((800+n)*n)^1.04
    Weapon: Shovel
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 1900 hp
    Distance: 10000 Hammer Units
    Time:  12 seconds for scale, 6 seconds for player stun, 10 seconds for sentry stun
    Info:  Upon rage triceratops scales all players by 1.8 to make them feel puny as he stuns players and sentries

    The Knight
    Class: Demoman
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: (((760.8+n)*(n-1))^1.0341)+2046
    Weapon: Festive Eyelander
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 3500 hp
    Distance:  2000 Hammer Units for stun, 700 for fire
    Time: 5 second stun for players 8 for sentries, 6 seconds for hell fire
    Info: When the knight rages he stuns nearby players and sentries and creates a hell fire ball
    Hellfire: Initial blast does 50 damage with 10 damage afterburn for the next 6 seconds

    James Bond
    Class: Spy
    Lives: 2
    Health Formula: (((340+n)*n)^1.04)/1.5
    Weapon: The big earner, The diamondback
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Is able to fire his pistol but it has an extreme reload delay giving large gaps between shots
    Damage for Rage: 1900 hp
    Distance: 9999 Hammer Units for buildings
    Time: 10 seconds uber, 7 seconds players, 9 second sentries
    Info: During rage james bond is ubered and stuns players and sentries

    Sergeant Painis
    Class: Soldier
    Lives: 5
    Health Formula: (((700+n)*n)^1.04)/5
    Weapon: Disciplinary Action
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    After each death sergeant painis stuns nearby players
    Damage for Rage: 2800 hp
    Time: 8.8 seconds
    Info: During rage sergeant painss is ubered

    The Terminator
    Class: Soldier
    Lives: 2
    Health Formula: (((550+n)*n)^1.04)/2
    Weapon: Fists
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 1750 hp
    Distance: 2500 Hammer Units, 9999 for Stunning buildings
    Time: 12 second uber, 7 second stun for players and 9 for for sentries
    Info: During rage the terminator is ubered and stuns enemies, he is also given a shotgun

    Buzz Lightyear
    Class: Soldier
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: (((760+n)*n)^1.04)
    Weapon: Disciplinary Action
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Can glide in the air like the base jumper by clicking space again when in the air
    Damage for Rage: 1750 hp
    Distance: 3500 hammer units, 9999 for Buildings
    Time: 10 second for buildings, 7 seconds for players, 25 seconds for ray gun, 10 second speed
    Info: During rage buzz stuns players and buildings while increasing his speed and obtaining a ray gun (bison).

    MLG Sniper
    Class: Sniper
    Lives: 2
    Health Formula: (((240+n)*n)^1.09)
    Weapon: Machete
    Tips for Players: After he loses his first life he freezes all players like ninja spy and can teleport to those in sight, so behind any objectect when he is close to death so that he cannot lock on
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    During death mlg sniper slows down time for 10 seconds and is able to teleport to players it sees and insta kill them (Much like Ninja Spy)
    Damage for Rage: 3000 Hp
    Distance:  350 Hammer Units
    Time: 6 seconds for image, 3 second stun for players and 6 for sentries
    Info: During rage mlg sniper covers enemy players screen with an image and stuns them and buildings, he also obtains a awper hand with 4 bullets and his speed is increased when having it equipped in hand

    One Punch Man
    Class: Engineer
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: (((520+n)*n)^1.04)
    Weapon: Fist
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Any hit that single slap male lands will instakill whatever it touches, it goes through everything including uber, dead ringer, and battalions
    Damage for Rage: 3700 hp
    Distance: 900 Hammer Units
    Time: 15 seconds for speed, 10 seconds for the rock
    Info: During rage his speed is increased and he activates the ability the rock which makes him immune to knock back and causes him to make anyone he runs into explode  instantly

    Class: Medic
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: ((600+n)*n)^1.04
    Weapon: The Persian Persuader
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 2000 hp
    Distance:  10000 Hammer Units
    Time: 10 second for uber, 5 second for people and 8 for sentries. 2 for the image
    Info: During rage Gangplank is ubered and stuns enemies while covering their screens with an image of him

    butt Pancakes
    Class: Spy
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula:  (((760.8+n)*(n-1))^1.0341)+2046
    Weapon: Bat
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 3500 hp
    Distance: 500 Hammer Units
    Time: 3 second for people and one second for sentries, 10 second for uber
    Info: He is given uber and stuns players and sentries

    Class: Medic
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: (((666+n)*n)^1.06)
    Weapon: Pompson, The Vita-Saw
    Tips for Players: Just like captain falcon stay back as possible to avoid his explosive rage. Bonus tip for the boss: Hold down your melee and real
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Can switch between pompson (6 second reload time) and vita-saw (75% faster fire rate)
    Damage for Rage: 2750 hp
    Time: 6 seconds for players and 8 for sentries
    Info: Stuns players and sentries, also creates a field of explosion around the boss killing anything on the same level as him

    Michael Rosen
    Class: Sniper
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: (((760+n)*n)^1.04)
    Weapon: Kukri
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Melee crits instead of minicrits and can backstab, also slows down players for 5 seconds after hitting them and marks them for death
    Damage for Rage: 2500 hp
    Distance: 500 Hammer Units
    Time: 4 second for players and 9 for sentries
    Info: During rage michael stuns players and sentries and gets four jarate containers that he can throw or switch back to melee and save for later (resets if you are to rage again)

    Sewer Medic
    Class: Medic
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: (((560+n)*n)^1.04)
    Weapon: Pompson
    Tips for Players: Stay back as much as possible when he is close to rage, he has the explosive field like captain falcon and zerstorer and can catch players off guard
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Only has pompson which has a reload of 2 seconds
    Damage for Rage: 1900 hp
    Info: Explodes anything near sewer medic and on his level

    Radigan Conagher
    Class: Engineer
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: (((650+n)*n)^1.04)
    Weapon: Wrench
    Tips for Players: Takes increased damage when he pulls out his brass beast so avoid him from a distance and attack during tha ttime
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 2150 hp
    Distance: 675 Hammer Units
    Time: Stuns players for 2.5 seconds and sentries for 4 seconds
    Info: During rage radigan stuns players and pulls out an edited version of the brass beast

    The Administrator
    Class: Spy
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: ((565+n)*n)^1.04
    Weapon: Knife
    Tips for Players: Make sure to wait near her spawn as any player she respawns will appear there, this way you’ll be able to stop them as they spawn
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Instant teleports to a random player over time
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Crouch for 3 seconds until 100% charge and you can summon up to four dead red players to fight for your cause (90 second delay between uses)
    Damage for Rage: 3500 hp
    Distance: 650 Hammer Units
    Time: 1.5 sec for uber
    Info:  During rage the administrator is given an edited version of the diamond back with more damage and teleports randomly to a player, is ubered when first teleported

    The Rocket
    Class: Soldier
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: ((820+n)*n)^1.04
    Weapon: Fire Axe, Rocket Launcher
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    The rocket launcher doesn’t do any real damage but is useful for helping the rocket take down players, especially for destroying buildings and breaking demoknight shields
    The rocket launcher does 800% damage to buildings, 0% damage to players, only has one rocket in a clip at a time, removes 20% uber from medics, removes 45 points of cloak for spies
    Damage for Rage: 1900 hp
    Distance: 600 Hammer Units
    Time: 7 seconds for sentries
    Info: During rage the rocket stuns sentries and obtains a shotgun which does 20% more damage and lights enemies on fire doing minicrits to burning players and he has 60% reload speed. Each time he rages he gets a new clip of ammo for his shotgun

    Cuddly Heavy
    Class: Spy
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: (((760.8+n)*(n-1))^1.0341)+2046
    Weapon: Warrior’s Spirit
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 1900 hp
    Info: Obtains a huntsman

    Class: Sniper
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: (((5060+n)*n)^1.04)
    Weapon: Apoco-Fists
    Tips for Players: Since he takes increased damage from melee it is best to almost always use melee, spy and market garden are really good against him as he can be instakilled by backstabs and takes about 9k damage from market gardens.
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Takes massive resistance from all damage types in the game except for melee which it takes highly increased damage from
    Damage for Rage: 200 hp
    Distance:  200 Hammer Units
    Time: 2 seconds for players, 5 for uber
    Info:  Stuns nearby players and ubers

    The Bloodrider
    Class: Switches between every class in the game every time he rages or dies
    Lives: 3
    Health Formula: 2500
    Weapon: Grenade Launcher
    Tips for Players: Just like with blitzkrieg be sure have a large amount of medics to keep respawning players and to keep at a far range as much as possible, especially since he has less mobility than blitzkrieg
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Starter grenade launcher has 80 grenade clip and infinite max ammo, faster reload rate
    Each class change will resemble the weapon of the class it now is with how it fires for 10 seconds before going back to the starter weapon
    Each death will uber and crit the bloodrider for 10 seconds and give a launcher with 600 pipes
    Gets a random power up which can be strength, haste, precision, agility
    Difficulty increases with every life loss (Starts at difficulty
    Damage for Rage: 2500 hp
    Time: 10 seconds
    Info: Blood rider switches class with 300 pipes and crits, he is also given 3 random buffs which do stack
    Other Info:
    Medics can now revive players (3000 seconds to do so)

    Bread Spy
    Class: Spy
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: (((695+n)*n)^1.04)
    Weapon: Your Eternal Reward
    Tips for Players: Takes increased melee damage so melee is very good against him, especially backstabs and marketgardens
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Every 18 seconds you can teleport to a random player by charging for 3 seconds, also stuns the boss for 2 seconds
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 2250 hp
    Time: 7.5 for player stun, 7 seconds for the image
    Info: Stuns all nearby players and covers there screen with bread

    Aya Syameimaru
    Class: Medic
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: ((480+n)*n)^1.04
    Weapon: The Fan O'War
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Hold right click for super jump
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 3200 hp
    Distance: 1200 Hammer units
    Time: 5 for player stun, 6 seconds for the image, 3 for time slow
    Info: Stuns nearby players and allows the boss to fly around in matrix mode killing anyone in sight

    Koishi Komeiji
    Class: Spy
    Lives: 1
    Health Formula: ((480+n)*n)^1.04
    Weapon: The Quackenbirdt, The Wanga Prick
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    She is able to go invisible for a short amount of time, has silent decloak
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Damage for Rage: 2500 hp
    Distance: 600 Hammer units
    Time: 4 seconds for players stun and overlay, 10 for sentries, 4 seconds for invisibility
    Info: Teleports to a random player stunning them and sentries and covering their screens, also makes her invisible

    Fujiwara no Mokou
    Class: Pyro
    Lives: 5
    Health Formula: (((760+n)*n)^1.04)*0.17
    Weapon: The Maul
    Movement and Other Abilities:
    Super Jump by holding right click and looking up
    Weight Down by looking down and crouching
    Anytime she dies she sends a message to server for 2 seconds and then is given a phlog with crits
    Damage for Rage: 1650 hp
    Distance: 850 Hammer units
    Info: She is given a buffed detonator