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Giraffes last won the day on February 5 2016

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  1. 36167646_1547370233685991_r.jpeg If anyone wants to help me buy some software licence, I would appreciate it

    1. Chaonic


      Alright. Where should I begin?
      This is really just meant as constructive criticism. I have no ill intentions.

      You are extremely vague with everything, you say. Software license. What software? What is it for?
      Why is freeware not an option?
      What are your skills?
      What are you even making?
      Why is there a sketch of a giraffe? Does it have to do with your project?
      Do you have any finished assets, you could show off?
      A quick demonstration of what you have accomplished so far?

      I suggest a course on marketing, so you'll learn, what people need to see, so they'll pay for it.
      And obviously, I don't know you. But from my perspective, this could be a scam.

      I'd be happy to help you with the app, though.
      Best of luck!

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