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  1. Bad Spelling
    Thorax_ reacted to Kypari for a record, TF2 Staff Commands   
    All the commands available and not sorted out into their respective staff rank. Admins should have access to nearly all of these, however.
    Things to be added as we go along.
    SourceMod Help: Command Information
    [001] +store_editor_bigchange - No description available
    [002] -store_editor_bigchange - No description available
    [004] coords - Displays the player's world coordinates from eyelevel in console
    [005] duel - Challenge player
    [003] abort - Stop duel
    [006] ff - Changes friendly fire state (1 is enable/ 0 is disabled)
    [007] fp - Usage: sm_firstperson

    ***you really don't need to read these ^***
    [022] goomba_off - Disable stomp.
    [023] goomba_on - Enable stomp.
    [024] goomba_status - Give the current goomba immunity setting.
    [025] goomba_toggle - Toggle the goomba immunity client's pref.
    [026] listmaps - Displays all maps that can be nominated for rtv
    [027] mce_forcertv - Force an RTV vote
    [028] mce_reload_maplist - mce_reload_maplist - Reload the Official Maplist file.
    [029] motd - Opens the motd (in our case the relevant rules page for the server)
    [030] myduels - Show your duels stats
    [031] nextmap - Displays the next map the server will go to
    [032] sc_fw_block - Blocking player comms by command from sourceban web site
    [033] sc_fw_ungag - Ungagging player by command from sourceban web site
    [034] sc_fw_unmute - Unmuting player by command from sourceban web site
    [035] sm_admin - Displays the admin menu
    [036] sm_adminlist - Lists the staff on the server and their ranks
    [037] sm_admins - Lists the staff on the server and their ranks
    [038] sm_adminspray - Sprays the named player's logo in front of you.
    [039] sm_advertisements_reload - Reload the advertisements
    [040] sm_afk_spec - sm_afk_spec
    [041] sm_aia - Give Advanced Infinite Ammo to the target(s) - Usage: sm_aia "target" "1/0"
    [042] sm_aia2 - Give Advanced Infinite Ammo to the target(s) for a limited time - Usage: sm_aia2 "target" "time(in seconds)"
    [043] sm_aiamenu - Show menu to set target's ammo flags
    [044] sm_alpha - sm_alpha <name or #userid> <0-255> - sets player alpha (transparency in layman's terms)
    [045] sm_autoaim - Turns on aimbot
    [046] sm_backpack - Usage: sm_backpack <player>
    [047] sm_ball - Spawns a ball
    [048] sm_balls_cleanup - Gets rid of the balls
    [049] sm_ban - sm_ban <#userid|name> <minutes|0> [reason]
    [050] sm_bandisconnected - It bans people who already left the server
    [051] sm_banip - sm_banip <ip|#userid|name> <time> [reason]
    [053] sm_bats - Bat Spell
    [052] sm_bat - Bat Spell
    [054] sm_beacon - sm_beacon <#userid|name> [0/1]
    [055] sm_bedeflector - It's a good time to run (player becomes deflector heavy from mvm)
    [058] sm_beskeleton - Player model becomes a skeleton
    [056] sm_behhh - It's a good time to run - turns <target> into a Horsemann
    [059] sm_betheghost - Player becomes a spoopy ghost (as seen on harvest_event)
    [057] sm_bemerasmus - Player becomes merasmus boss
    [060] sm_betheskeleton - Player model changes to a skeleton
    [061] sm_blind - sm_blind <#userid|name> [amount] - Leave amount off to reset.
    [062] sm_bonk - Use 'Bonk!' type stun on a player
    [063] sm_bonkme - Bonks you!
    [064] sm_boosthealth - [SM] Usage: sm_givehealth <name|#userid>
    [065] sm_boss - Spawns a Team Monoculus.
    [066] sm_bp - Usage: sm_bp <player>
    [067] sm_bring - Teleport a player to you
    [068] sm_btg - Become a spoopy ghost
    [069] sm_btgfix - No description available
    [070] sm_buddha - sm_buddha [#userid|name] [0/1] - Toggles buddha mode on
    [071] sm_buildinghateffect - Lets player choose what unusual effect their building hat has
    [072] sm_buildinghats - toggles building hats
    [073] sm_burn - sm_burn <#userid|name> [time]
    [074] sm_buster - Become a sentry buster
    ***calladmin commands probably no longer functional***
    [075] sm_call - Brings up calladmin report menu
    [076] sm_call_handle - No description available
    [077] sm_calladmin - Brings up calladmin report menu
    [078] sm_calladmin_handle - No description available
    [079] sm_calladmin_reload - No description available
    ***old calladmin commands definately won't get staff on***
    [080] sm_cancelvote - Cancels the current vote
    [081] sm_cap_disable - Disable Objectives
    [082] sm_cap_enable - Enable Objectives
    [083] sm_chat - sm_chat <message> - sends message to admins
    [084] sm_claim - Claims the current discord calladmin notification
    [085] sm_cleanballs - Removes a player's balls (spawned by the /ball command)
    [086] sm_colorize - sm_colorize <name or #userid> <color> - sets player color (normal to revert)
    [087] sm_colorize_colors - displays colors available to sm_colorize and sm_colorme
    [088] sm_colorme - sm_colorme <color> - colorize yourself
    [089] sm_comms - Shows current player communications status
    [090] sm_cookies - sm_cookies <name> [value]
    [091] sm_couples - List top couples.
    [092] sm_csay - sm_csay <message> - sends centered message to all players
    [093] sm_deletewheel - Removes the merasmus wheel thing
    [094] sm_destroy - sm_destroy <#userid|name> [sentry/dispenser/entrance/exit/all/last]
    [095] sm_deviltrail - sm_eviltrail <#userid|name>
    [096] sm_devilvision - sm_evilvision <#userid|name>
    [097] sm_disablecp - Turns off the cap
    [098] sm_disco - sm_disco [1|0] - toggles disco mode or force on or off
    [099] sm_discord - Prints the discord link in chat
    [100] sm_divorce - End marriage.
    [101] sm_dmakemegift - Makes the targeted player a gift
    [102] sm_doutline - sm_outline <#userid|name> <1/0> - Toggles outline on player(s)
    [103] sm_drug - sm_drug <#userid|name> [0/1]
    [104] sm_dsp - Voice command modification options
    [105] sm_enablecp - Enables the capture point
    [106] sm_endobserve - End spectating a player.
    [107] sm_evilrocket - sm_evilrocket <#userid|name>
    [108] sm_explode - sm_explode <#userid|name> - Explodes player(s) if alive
    [109] sm_eyeboss - Spawns the MONOCULUS! - Usage: sm_eyeboss <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [110] sm_eyeboss_blue - Spawns the BLU Spectral MONOCULUS! - Usage: sm_eyeboss_blue <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [111] sm_eyeboss_red - Spawns the RED Spectral MONOCULUS! - Usage: sm_eyeboss_red <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [112] sm_fakegift - Spawns a fake gift
    [113] sm_fakeitem - Prints a fake item message to chat
    [114] sm_fakeitem2 - Prints a fake item message to chat
    [120] sm_firstperson - Usage: sm_firstperson (toggles to first person)
    [115] sm_fakesay - sm_fakesay <#userid|name> "text" - Specified client appears to say text
    [116] sm_ff - toggles friendly fire
    [117] sm_fireball - Fires a fireball
    [118] sm_firebolt - Fires a fireball
    [119] sm_firebomb - sm_firebomb <#userid|name>
    [121] sm_footprints - Allows the player to apply the halloween footprint spells to themselves
    [122] sm_footsteps - Alt command of foortprints
    [123] sm_forcertd - Forces an rtd effect
    [124] sm_forcertv - Force an RTV vote
    [125] sm_freeze - sm_freeze <#userid|name> [time]
    [126] sm_freezebomb - sm_freezebomb <#userid|name> [0/1]
    [127] sm_friendly - Toggles Friendly Mode
    [128] sm_friendly_a - Toggles friendly admin mode
    [129] sm_friendly_admin - Toggles Friendly Admin Mode
    [130] sm_friendly_l - Blocks a player for using sm_friendly (with arguments)
    [131] sm_friendly_lock - Blocks a player from using sm_friendly (with no arguments).
    [132] sm_gag - sm_gag <player> - Removes a player's ability to use chat.
    [133] sm_ghost - Use 'ghost' type stun on a player
    [134] sm_ghostme - Ghost-stuns you!
    [135] sm_gimme - Give self a weapon sm_gimme <itemindex>
    [136] sm_giveweapon - sm_giveweapon <player> <itemindex>
    [137] sm_gloves - Give the Gloves of Running Urgently to yourself using sm_gloves or sm_glovesofrunning
    [138] sm_glovesofrunning - Give the Gloves of Running Urgently to yourself using sm_gloves or sm_glovesofrunning
    [139] sm_god - sm_god [#userid|name] [0/1] - Toggles godmode on player(s)
    [140] sm_goto - Go to a Player
    [143] sm_gstun - Use 'ghost' type stun on a player
    [141] sm_grab - Grab a Player
    [144] sm_gstunme - Ghost-stuns you!
    [142] sm_gravity - sm_gravity <#userid|name> [amount] - Leave amount off to reset. Amount is 0.0 through 5.0
    [145] sm_happy - sm_happy <#userid|name> <1|0> - replaces clients text chat with strings from happy_phrases.ini
    [146] sm_hatman - Spawns the Horsemann - Usage: sm_hatman <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [147] sm_help - Displays SourceMod commands and descriptions
    [148] sm_hop - Hop servers.
    [149] sm_horde - Spawns 3 skeletons.
    [150] sm_hsay - sm_hsay <message> - sends hint message to all players
    [151] sm_invis - sm_invis <name or #userid> <1|0> - toggles or sets player invisibility
    [152] sm_invisplayer - sm_invisplayer <name or #userid> <1|0> - toggles or sets player invisibility (does not affect weapon)
    [153] sm_ipumpkin - Spawns a pumpkin bomb that cannot explode
    [154] sm_kart - Put players into karts!
    [155] sm_kartify - Put players into karts!
    [156] sm_kartifyme - Puts you into a kart!
    [157] sm_kartme - Puts you into a kart!
    [158] sm_kick - sm_kick <#userid|name> [reason]
    [159] sm_knockback - Direction = 0, forward | 1, left | 2, backward | 3, right
    [160] sm_ks - Set your killstreak
    [161] sm_lightning - Fires a lightning orb
    [162] sm_lightningorb - Fires a lightning orb
    [163] sm_listbans - sm_listsbbans <#userid|name> - Lists a user's prior bans from Sourcebans
    [164] sm_liststaff - Lists the staff on the server and their ranks
    [165] sm_ludmila - Give Ludmila to yourself using sm_ludmila
    [166] sm_makemegift - Toggles player's appearance as a gift
    [167] sm_map - sm_map <map>
    [168] sm_maphistory - Shows the most recent maps played
    [169] sm_mapstats - View collected map stats
    [170] sm_mapvote - sm_mapvote - Forces MapChooser to attempt to run a map vote
    [171] sm_marry - List connected singles.
    [172] sm_mc - Control a player
    [173] sm_me - Outputs a 'me' action to chat
    [174] sm_meem - Become a cut out model of your class.
    [175] sm_merasmus - Spawns Merasmus - Usage: sm_merasmus <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [176] sm_merasmus_menu - Basically a broken menu but it does let you slay yourself
    [178] sm_meteorshower - Meteor Shower
    [177] sm_meteor - Meteor Shower
    [179] sm_monoculus - Spawns a Team Monoculus.
    [180] sm_mortal - sm_mortal [#userid|name] - Makes specified players
    [185] sm_nominate_addmap - sm_nominate_addmap <mapname> - Forces a map to be on the next mapvote.
    [186] sm_noteleks - another skeleton command (it is skeleton spelled backwards you see)
    [187] sm_nuke - Nukes the spot you look at (instant kill big blast radius)
    [188] sm_observe - Spectate a player
    [191] sm_play - sm_play <#userid|name> <filename>
    [192] sm_pricecheck - Usage: sm_pricecheck <item>
    [193] sm_proj - Brings up the projectile model/effect changer menu
    [194] sm_proposals - List incoming proposals.
    [195] sm_psay - sm_psay <name or #userid> <message> - sends private message
    [196] sm_pumpkin - Spawns an explosive pumpkin
    [197] sm_pumpkins - Multiple Pumpkins
    [198] sm_raffle - Generates a random number for a raffle.
    [199] sm_raffle_assign - Assigns a raffle number to a player.
    [200] sm_raffle_cancel - Cancels a raffle.
    [202] sm_raffle_remove - Removes a raffle number from a player.
    [203] sm_rainbowme - Toggles rainbow outline on player
    [207] sm_removespray - Remove the logo in front of you.
    [204] sm_randomrtd - Gives a random player a random rtd effect
    [208] sm_rename - sm_rename <#userid|name>
    [205] sm_rehash - Reload SQL admins
    [209] sm_rerollhat - Changes building hat to another random building hat
    [206] sm_reloadadmins - sm_reloadadmins
    [210] sm_resetex - Reset the Permanent Weapons of a Player sm_resetex <target
    [211] sm_resetex - Reset the Permanent Weapons of a Player sm_resetex <target>
    [212] sm_resetspeed - Reset target(s) speed, Usage: sm_resetspeed "target"
    [213] sm_resize - Toggles a client's size.
    [214] sm_resizehands - Toggles a client's hand size.
    [215] sm_resizehead - Toggles a client's head size.
    [216] sm_resizeme - Toggles a client's size.
    [217] sm_resizemyhands - Toggles a client's hand size.
    [218] sm_resizemyhead - Toggles a client's head size.
    [219] sm_resizemytorso - Toggles a client's torso size.
    [220] sm_resizereset - Resets a client's size
    [221] sm_resizetorso - Toggles a client's torso size.
    [222] sm_revoke - Revoke proposal.
    [223] sm_revote - Allows a player to change their vote
    [224] sm_robot - Become the robot
    [225] sm_rocketme -  a fun way to suicide
    [226] sm_rof - Set Rate of Fire
    [227] sm_rtv - Its rtv...
    [228] sm_rules - Brings up the rules menu
    [229] sm_say - sm_say <message> - sends message to all players
    [230] sm_sbuildex - Spawns building of choice
    [232] sm_scareme - Ghost-stuns you!
    [231] sm_scare - Use 'ghost' type stun on a player
    [233] sm_screamer - sm_screamer <#userid|name>
    [236] sm_servers - Hop servers.
    [234] sm_searchcmd - Searches SourceMod commands
    [237] sm_setclass - Usage: sm_setclass "target" "class"
    [235] sm_sentrybuster - become a sentry buster
    [238] sm_setnextmap - sm_setnextmap <map>
    [239] sm_setspeed - Set target(s) speed, Usage: sm_setspeed "target" "speed"
    [240] sm_settings - Brings up a list of server settings
    [242] sm_silence - sm_silence <player> - Removes a player's ability to use voice or chat.
    [241] sm_showrules - Forces a player to view the rules menu
    [243] sm_skele - Spawns a skeleton.
    [244] sm_skeleblue - Spawns a BLU Skeleton - Usage: sm_skeleblue <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [248] sm_skelespell - Spawns a skeleton.
    [245] sm_skelegreen - Spawns a Green Skeleton - Usage: sm_skelegreen <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [249] sm_skeleton - Another become the skeleton command
    [246] sm_skeleking - Spawns a Skeleton King - Usage: sm_skeleking <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [250] sm_skeletonhorde - Spawns 3 skeletons.
    [247] sm_skelered - Spawns a RED Skeleton - Usage: sm_skelered <scale> <glow 0/1>
    [252] sm_slay - sm_slay <#userid|name>
    [251] sm_slap - sm_slap <#userid|name> [damage]
    [253] sm_slayeyeboss - Slays all MONOCULUS! on the map - Usage: sm_slayeyeboss
    [254] sm_slayeyeboss_blue - Slays all BLU Spectral MONOCULUS! on the map - Usage: sm_slayeyeboss_blue
    [255] sm_slayeyeboss_red - Slays all RED Spectral MONOCULUS! on the map - Usage: sm_slayeyeboss_red
    [256] sm_slayghost - Slays all Ghosts on the map - Usage: sm_slayghost
    [257] sm_slayhatman - Slays all Horsemenn on the map - Usage: sm_slayhatman
    [258] sm_slaymerasmus - Slays all Merasmus on the map - Usage: sm_slaymerasmus
    [259] sm_slayskeleblue - Slays all BLU Skeletons on the map - Usage: sm_slayskeleblue
    [260] sm_slayskelegreen - Slays all Green Skeletons on the map - Usage: sm_slayskelegreen
    [261] sm_slayskeleking - Slays all Skeleton Kings on the map - Usage: sm_slayskeleking
    [267] sm_spin - Spin a players' screen.
    [262] sm_slayskelered - Slays all RED Skeletons on the map - Usage: sm_slayskelered
    [268] sm_spinwheel - Spin merasmus' carnival wheel for an effect
    [263] sm_smash - Summons a giant hammer to smash your target
    [269] sm_spraytrace - Look up the owner of the logo in front of you.
    [264] sm_smite - sm_smite <#userid|name> - Slay with a lightning bolt effect.
    [270] sm_staff - Lists the staff on the server and their ranks
    [265] sm_spawnwheel - Spawns merasmus carnival wheel to keep on spinning
    [262] sm_slayskelered - Slays all RED Skeletons on the map - Usage: sm_slayskelered
    [261] sm_slayskeleking - Slays all Skeleton Kings on the map - Usage: sm_slayskeleking
    [264] sm_smite - sm_smite <#userid|name> - Slay with a lightning bolt effect.
    [270] sm_staff - Lists the staff on the server and their ranks
    [266] sm_spec - No description available
    [267] sm_spin - Spin a players' screen.
    [269] sm_spraytrace - Look up the owner of the logo in front of
    [274] sm_stopspinning - Stop spinning player.
    [275] sm_stun - Use 'endround' type stun on a player
    [272] sm_stafflist - Lists the staff on the server and their ranks
    [276] sm_stunme - Stuns you!
    [277] sm_tauntem - Forces player to do a taunt
    [278] sm_tauntem_list - Lists taunt ID numbers in console
    [279] sm_tauntem_ulist - Lists unusual effect IDs along with taunt IDs
    [280] sm_tele - Teleports you or whoever you target
    [281] sm_teststorelogging - No description available
    [282] sm_thirdperson - Usage: sm_thirdperson
    [283] sm_timebomb - sm_timebomb <#userid|name> [0/1]
    [284] sm_toggle - No description available
    [285] sm_transpose - Teleports
    [286] sm_tsay - sm_tsay <message> - sends top-left message to all players
    [287] sm_unban - sm_unban <steamid|ip> [reason]
    [288] sm_ungag - sm_ungag <player> - Restores a player's ability to use chat.
    [289] sm_unkart - Remove players from karts
    [290] sm_unkartify - Remove players from
    [291] sm_unkartifyme - Removes you from a kart
    [292] sm_unkartme - Removes you from a kart
    [293] sm_unmute - sm_unmute <player> - Restores a player's ability to use voice.
    [295] sm_voice - sm_voice <pitch>
    [296] sm_voicefx - dsp command alt
    [294] sm_unsilence - sm_unsilence <player> - Restores a player's ability to use voice and chat.
    [297] sm_vote - sm_vote <question> [Answer1] [Answer2] ... [Answer5]
    [298] sm_votealltalk - sm_votealltalk
    [300] sm_voteburn - sm_voteburn <player>
    [299] sm_voteban - sm_voteban <player>
    [302] sm_votegravity - sm_votegravity <amount> [amount2] ... [amount5]
    [303] sm_votekick - sm_votekick <player> [reason]
    [304] sm_votemap - sm_votemap <mapname> [mapname2] ... [mapname5]
    [305] sm_votemenu - Open voting menu
    [306] sm_voteslay - sm_voteslay <player>
    [307] sm_who - sm_who [#userid|name]
    [308] sm_zombie - Spawns a skeleton.
    [309] sm_zombiehorde - Spawns 3 skeletons.
    [310] smac_status - View the server's player status.
    [318] unusual_control - No description available
    [311] tf2items_disable - Disables tf2items modifications for you
    [319] unusual_permissions - Reloads unusual effects permissions
    [312] tf2items_enable - Enables tf2items modifications for you
    [313] tf2items_manager_reload - Reloads tf2items list
    [314] timeleft - Displays time left on map
    [315] topduel - Show top dueler
    [316] tp - Usage: sm_thirdperson
    [317] unusual - Get unusual effect on your weapons
  2. Thinking
    Thorax_ got a reaction from -Diphikult for a record, xG Trading Server Guide   
    Welcome to the Xeno Gamers Trading Servers!
    This guide contains information about our current maps in rotation, commands that you can use, and information about some of our donator perks.
    If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to ask!
    Don’t forget to check out the MOTD for our server rules.
    General Server and Community Guidelines
    Pokémon Trade Center Rules
    Trade Gaming History (TGH) Rules
    Maps in Rotation
    Pokemon Trade Center

    Trade Gaming History
    Rock the Vote

    Rock the Vote is a plugin that allows you to vote for a map change, Once the required number of Rock the Votes have been done... a list with the other maps appears, you can choose the map you would like to have run next, however it is a vote, so of course the map with the most votes will be chosen. To use this command, type !rtv or rtv.
    The !rtv command doesn't work for the first 1/3 of the map's running time.
    Call Admin
    Someone breaking the rules? Use !calladmin and select the player's name you are reporting and the reason why you are reporting them.
    Abusing the command (ie. false reporting) will result in a minimum of a day ban.
    Roll the Dice
    Roll the Dice is a plugin that when a player types !rtd "or rtd", it puts an effect on the roller for 20 seconds. The effects are either good or bad and in some cases could be both.

    Friendly Mode is a command that you can use to make you invulnerable to attacks. You should use this if you want to roam the map without being killed or you simply don't want to deal with spawn campers. In friendly mode you do not receive or deal damage to yourself and/or anyone. Your character is half transparent to let players know that you are in that mode. To use this command, type !friendly.
    Using !duel you start a duel for free without the need for the tool. When you use the command it will show a pop-up for you to choose your opponent and configure the way the duel is set. You can class restrict, set a time limit and/or set a point limit.
    Using !abort allows you to end the duel. This is counted as a forfiet and the opponent wil earn a win.
    Note : Dueler protection has been disabled and restricted. You will not be able to use that feature as it caused many problems when it was useable in the past.

    Curious about your stats (session and overall)?
    Type !rank to see some of the following stats:
    Position Kills and Deaths [K/D Ratio] Frags Headshots Kill Assists Time in Server

    The next command can be activated simply by typing next, !next or /next.
    It shows you your current position in the server, and how many points more other players have than you.
    For more stat information, look for your statistics profile at http://www.xenogamers.com/rank
    Donation Information
    Basic Donator  $12.50 Upgraded Donator  $20.00 Super Donator  $37.50 Uber Donator  $50.00 Please note : This is a one-time purchase; we do not have subscriptions. If you wish to upgrade your tier, you only have to pay the difference. For example, if you want to upgrade to Upgraded from Basic, you would only pay 7.50 USD. Please be sure that you add our division leaders on steam, or message them on the forums, and provide them with a receipt so they can verify your donator. If you are upgrading, you need to provide the original receipt and the new receipt.
    The donator system/threads were last updated on: January 31th, 2016. - All donations must be made through the Donation Tab (PayPal).
    Donator Commands
    Basic Donator Commands:
    Upgraded Donator Commands:
    Super Donator Commands:
     Uber Donator Commands:
  3. Drunk
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Goblins for a record, xG Trading Server Guide   
    Welcome to the Xeno Gamers Trading Servers!
    This guide contains information about our current maps in rotation, commands that you can use, and information about some of our donator perks.
    If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to ask!
    Don’t forget to check out the MOTD for our server rules.
    General Server and Community Guidelines
    Pokémon Trade Center Rules
    Trade Gaming History (TGH) Rules
    Maps in Rotation
    Pokemon Trade Center

    Trade Gaming History
    Rock the Vote

    Rock the Vote is a plugin that allows you to vote for a map change, Once the required number of Rock the Votes have been done... a list with the other maps appears, you can choose the map you would like to have run next, however it is a vote, so of course the map with the most votes will be chosen. To use this command, type !rtv or rtv.
    The !rtv command doesn't work for the first 1/3 of the map's running time.
    Call Admin
    Someone breaking the rules? Use !calladmin and select the player's name you are reporting and the reason why you are reporting them.
    Abusing the command (ie. false reporting) will result in a minimum of a day ban.
    Roll the Dice
    Roll the Dice is a plugin that when a player types !rtd "or rtd", it puts an effect on the roller for 20 seconds. The effects are either good or bad and in some cases could be both.

    Friendly Mode is a command that you can use to make you invulnerable to attacks. You should use this if you want to roam the map without being killed or you simply don't want to deal with spawn campers. In friendly mode you do not receive or deal damage to yourself and/or anyone. Your character is half transparent to let players know that you are in that mode. To use this command, type !friendly.
    Using !duel you start a duel for free without the need for the tool. When you use the command it will show a pop-up for you to choose your opponent and configure the way the duel is set. You can class restrict, set a time limit and/or set a point limit.
    Using !abort allows you to end the duel. This is counted as a forfiet and the opponent wil earn a win.
    Note : Dueler protection has been disabled and restricted. You will not be able to use that feature as it caused many problems when it was useable in the past.

    Curious about your stats (session and overall)?
    Type !rank to see some of the following stats:
    Position Kills and Deaths [K/D Ratio] Frags Headshots Kill Assists Time in Server

    The next command can be activated simply by typing next, !next or /next.
    It shows you your current position in the server, and how many points more other players have than you.
    For more stat information, look for your statistics profile at http://www.xenogamers.com/rank
    Donation Information
    Basic Donator  $12.50 Upgraded Donator  $20.00 Super Donator  $37.50 Uber Donator  $50.00 Please note : This is a one-time purchase; we do not have subscriptions. If you wish to upgrade your tier, you only have to pay the difference. For example, if you want to upgrade to Upgraded from Basic, you would only pay 7.50 USD. Please be sure that you add our division leaders on steam, or message them on the forums, and provide them with a receipt so they can verify your donator. If you are upgrading, you need to provide the original receipt and the new receipt.
    The donator system/threads were last updated on: January 31th, 2016. - All donations must be made through the Donation Tab (PayPal).
    Donator Commands
    Basic Donator Commands:
    Upgraded Donator Commands:
    Super Donator Commands:
     Uber Donator Commands:
  4. Smelly
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Tatost for a record, xG Trading Server Guide   
    Welcome to the Xeno Gamers Trading Servers!
    This guide contains information about our current maps in rotation, commands that you can use, and information about some of our donator perks.
    If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to ask!
    Don’t forget to check out the MOTD for our server rules.
    General Server and Community Guidelines
    Pokémon Trade Center Rules
    Trade Gaming History (TGH) Rules
    Maps in Rotation
    Pokemon Trade Center

    Trade Gaming History
    Rock the Vote

    Rock the Vote is a plugin that allows you to vote for a map change, Once the required number of Rock the Votes have been done... a list with the other maps appears, you can choose the map you would like to have run next, however it is a vote, so of course the map with the most votes will be chosen. To use this command, type !rtv or rtv.
    The !rtv command doesn't work for the first 1/3 of the map's running time.
    Call Admin
    Someone breaking the rules? Use !calladmin and select the player's name you are reporting and the reason why you are reporting them.
    Abusing the command (ie. false reporting) will result in a minimum of a day ban.
    Roll the Dice
    Roll the Dice is a plugin that when a player types !rtd "or rtd", it puts an effect on the roller for 20 seconds. The effects are either good or bad and in some cases could be both.

    Friendly Mode is a command that you can use to make you invulnerable to attacks. You should use this if you want to roam the map without being killed or you simply don't want to deal with spawn campers. In friendly mode you do not receive or deal damage to yourself and/or anyone. Your character is half transparent to let players know that you are in that mode. To use this command, type !friendly.
    Using !duel you start a duel for free without the need for the tool. When you use the command it will show a pop-up for you to choose your opponent and configure the way the duel is set. You can class restrict, set a time limit and/or set a point limit.
    Using !abort allows you to end the duel. This is counted as a forfiet and the opponent wil earn a win.
    Note : Dueler protection has been disabled and restricted. You will not be able to use that feature as it caused many problems when it was useable in the past.

    Curious about your stats (session and overall)?
    Type !rank to see some of the following stats:
    Position Kills and Deaths [K/D Ratio] Frags Headshots Kill Assists Time in Server

    The next command can be activated simply by typing next, !next or /next.
    It shows you your current position in the server, and how many points more other players have than you.
    For more stat information, look for your statistics profile at http://www.xenogamers.com/rank
    Donation Information
    Basic Donator  $12.50 Upgraded Donator  $20.00 Super Donator  $37.50 Uber Donator  $50.00 Please note : This is a one-time purchase; we do not have subscriptions. If you wish to upgrade your tier, you only have to pay the difference. For example, if you want to upgrade to Upgraded from Basic, you would only pay 7.50 USD. Please be sure that you add our division leaders on steam, or message them on the forums, and provide them with a receipt so they can verify your donator. If you are upgrading, you need to provide the original receipt and the new receipt.
    The donator system/threads were last updated on: January 31th, 2016. - All donations must be made through the Donation Tab (PayPal).
    Donator Commands
    Basic Donator Commands:
    Upgraded Donator Commands:
    Super Donator Commands:
     Uber Donator Commands:
  5. Make xG Great Again
    Thorax_ got a reaction from TBOHB for a record, Xeno Gamers | Forum Shop Items   
    ? Games
    Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock | Cost: 50 Credits | Play the famous rock paper scissors lizard spock game

    Guess the Number | Cost: 50 Credits | Win 5x times your stake if you guess the number between 1 and 500
    ? Configurations
    Change Title | Cost: 1250 Credits | Change your title at any given time
    Change Username | Cost: 1500 Credits | Change your username at any given time
  6. Thinking
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Kypari for a record, Xeno Gamers | Forum Shop Items   
    ? Games
    Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock | Cost: 50 Credits | Play the famous rock paper scissors lizard spock game

    Guess the Number | Cost: 50 Credits | Win 5x times your stake if you guess the number between 1 and 500
    ? Configurations
    Change Title | Cost: 1250 Credits | Change your title at any given time
    Change Username | Cost: 1500 Credits | Change your username at any given time
  7. Like
    Thorax_ got a reaction from hongkongatron for a record, xG Build of the Month | Rules and Information   
    Xeno Gamers
    Build of the Month
    Contest Rules and Information
    ⚠️ Rules:
    The rules are currently being updated.
    ⚙️ Required Mods:
    gm_genesis Media Player (This will be used for the clock and to take music requests.)  
    ? Judges:

    ℹ️ UPDATES:  The poll deciding which game will be used to host Build of the Month has concluded! Garry's Mod won by 2 votes.
    If you are interested, please feel free to join the Discord channel that is dedicated for use with the contest only. https://discord.gg/znJYaxr
  8. Informative
    Thorax_ reacted to virr for a record, Newbie Guide (IF YOU ARE NEW LOOK HERE)   
    Applications | Xeno Gamers

    Clicking the link above gives you 6 options. Read the link on the right of the option before starting any application. Start a Member Application Member Submission Guidelines. (Read) Protest a Member Member Protest Format/Rules. Protest a Ban Ban Appeal Format/Rules. (READ) Request a Ban Ban request format and Rules (read first) Report Abuse of our Staff Admin Abuse Submission Format (READ) Apply to be a staff member Moderator Submission Rules! For details on gathering evidence, click on this link How-to: Gathering Evidence
    If you do not get your ban protest accepted, click on this link Want To Get Unbanned?
    Our staff roster can be found here Xenogamers Staff Roster

    We have many different roles in xG beyond Membership. M = Moderator - This rank is for the people who are trying out to become admins in our community. They have powers in a designated division of their choice to help maintain that rules are being followed. A = Administrator - A proven moderator with a good history becomes an administrator. Gets several more commands than moderators have depending on the division, and is someone to help mentor new moderators on the servers. Their final call is given priority over moderators if there is a dispute. DM = Division Manager - Helps run the division outside the servers. While watching over the servers like moderators and admins do, they must also control the forums and teamspeak. Division managers decide if a person should be unbanned, promoted, demoted, etc. Has all the commands admins do and a few additional commands depending on the division. DL = Division Leader - One of the more important positions of a division. A division leader does exactly what a division manager does, but has one main difference between each other. Division leaders have access to the servers. That means they can fix the servers, add plugins to the servers and do what they please to them. CM = Community Manager - This rank is higher than any division-specific rank. Typically, CM's will also have all the powers of a Division Leader, but are also involved in clan-wide decisions and changes, while also having access to multiple divisions if they so wish. CL = Co-Leader - This is the highest rank in the clan, and are tasked with the management of the entire clan. BUG REPORTS
    Instead of putting issues about our servers into the general section on the forums, we have designated areas where you should be taking your posts. If there is an exploit that you wish to not share in public, please message the higher-ups (Division Manager +) via forums or steam.
      CS-GO Issues belong in: CS:GO Discussion TF2 Issues belong in: TF2 Discussion GMOD issues belong in: GMOD Discussion ND2 Issues belong in: ND Discussion Minecraft Issues belong in: MC Discussion Shoutbox / General Section
      Shoutbox is an open chat room on the top of forums, for people to discuss about anything they so wish. We do have a few rules about shoutbox, and that is aside from spamming, no advertising (to a certain extent, if you are streaming you may post your stream link but if it becomes excessive we will remove your privilege) and no serious arguments or discussion about politics/religion allowed.

    General Section There's always a lot of questions about what you can and can't post in General. If you find that your topic does not fit into any of the sections that we have available on the forums, or the post is broad enough that it might cover more than one section, than you can post it in General. Memes, shitposts etc are fine time to time, but please do not spam posts anywhere on the forums just for the sake of getting your post count up or you can get your posts deleted and worst case you may get banned.