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Posts posted by Jadow

  1. 6 hours ago, Thrillhouse said:

    Fellow xG drivers...I come before you but a humble bus driver of tyranny. Many of us have been wronged by this tyranny. Some of us continue to propagate this tyranny. Some of us just sit back and drive as our community burns.

    My fellow drivers and oppressed drivers, I drive to you with a fiery bus and resilient wheels...today we drive!

    They say the bus is driven by the Viktor but I'm here to tell you that today, we shall henceforth no longer be subjugated by this tyranny and that the bus will show us to be the true arbiters of freedom, peace and prosperity. Make no mistake...there will be casualties, my fellow drivers, from both the oppressors and the wrongfully oppressed; for the color of freedom, peace and prosperity is blood.

    If we wish to write our names indelibly into the pages of history, we mustn't allow our bus to run out of gas. We must sit on the same bus and our spirit indomitable, for this tyranny is unlike the bus has ever seen. The oppressed of xG have a rendezvous with destiny. I leave you with an excerpt of one of the greatest speeches of the last 100 years so that you can ultimately fathom how crucial the forthcoming drive for our freedom is...

    We shall go on to the end, we shall drive in France, we shall drive on the streets and highways, we shall drive with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our bus, whatever the cost may be, we shall drive on the beaches, we shall drive on the landing grounds, we shall drive in the fields and in the streets, we shall drive in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this bus or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the streets, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the New Bus, with all its power and horsepower, drives forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old. -Winston Bushill

    Unban us from #funny-buses, @virr.







  2. -1 he just doing this to get move powers back

    On 1/14/2020 at 12:22 PM, Genocide said:

    You say this, and yet haven't offered a game to play, Lets grind classic wow

    It's cause you're too busy breaking up and jerking off to my little pony

  3. Winter Update

    Xmas Server

    • 24/7 Nipperhouse server opened!
    • with Special days


    • Added Limited edition winter skins - will only be available through 1/7/20
      • Grenade skins - Santa Hat (2000 credits)
      • Auras - Christmas Trees (2000 credits), Ice Trail (2250 credits), Snowglobe (4500 credits)
      • Chat tags - Santa, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa (750 credits each)

  4. Fall/Halloween Hub Update

    All Servers

    • Added Limited-time Hub Items
      • Zombie Chicken (1500 credits) grenade skin
      • Pumpkins and Candy Corn auras (2000 credits ea.)
      • Haunted and Leaves auras (4500 credits ea.)
      • Spooky, Ghost, and Skeleton chat tags (750 credits ea.)


    • Limited-Time: Added Spooky Scary Skeletons LastCT song (750 credits)
    • jb_carceris has been replaced with a spooky version, jb_carceris_hill