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Chaonic last won the day on September 22 2020

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  1. Y'all probably dislike me.

    Context is key. And I didn't provide any context for the sake of amusement.
    It probably makes me really weird person... But for a little while, people were absorbed by my posts. Disgusted, weirded out. Whatever. But it spiced up some peoples' days. Gave something to talk about.
    I like to be controversial for the sake of entertainment, to reveal later, it's not anywhere as bad.

    Right now, I'm not really in a good position to clean my name. I'm a trolly spammer at best.
    Not the greatest start for any new friendship.

    Welp. Sorry for making people worried too much. ? 

    1. Caleb956


      If what I've been told is true, knowing that you came here with the intent of wanting to get banned, and then seeing you  post this, doesnt sit too well with me either way. I know what the situation is with color because I talked with some people about it, I wont say anything in public since you previously stated you didn't want to though.  At this point I cant even tell if you're being honest with anything you say with what I know, but thanks for the apology. Happy New Year.

    2. Chaonic


      Mhh... My intentions aren't to get banned. It's more true to say, I don't really mind, IF I get banned for the right reasons/if I don't become a member for the right reasons.
      Meaning.. I came here, clearly knowing, I'd stir things up a bit. Doing controversial things and all. My own amusement played a big role in that. But it doesn't sit right with me to cast a negative light on anyone even remotely associated with me, nor to give people HONEST reason to worry.
      That being said, being in conversations with people here, addressing serious concerns, has put me kinda in a spot, where if I'd do certain things, it isn't fun, it's being an asshole. Which I could live with, if you thought, that was an accurate description of me. But I'd rather prove, that I am not.

      This is probably not the right place to discuss this, but saying this here serves the purpose as good as any place else, as I wouldn't want to spam the forum itself with this.
      The best definition of what I'm doing is this: 


      Trolling – (verb), as it relates to internet, is the deliberate act, (by a Troll – noun or adjective), of making random unsolicited and/or controversial comments on various internet forums with the intent...

      With the exception, that my intentions aren't to make people fight. Nor are they insult or harm anyone.

      While I should probably discuss this with a staff member and not here, I need to pull attention to one rule in the general rules.
      "6. No trolling whatsoever. Verbally attacking a person will get you banned."

      I believe, I'm right to say, the intention there was to name the rule, followed by a description of what it means.
      With the word "trolling" seemingly having so many meanings nowadays. Commonly associated with actively harrassing people or destroying something, others have made.
      To my best knowledge, this is not, what I am doing here. Nor would I want to.

      If the admins believe, I violated the rules, after reviewing this, I'd kindly ask to state the rules more clearly and ban me. @virr
      Though, if I'm right, there should be no issues here but an honest mistake in wording things.

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