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Low Grav Favoritism

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Line and me don't see eye to eye on this one, so I want to discuss. (Line, read this all before you post please. It makes sense, and I'd expect you of all people to agree).


On the map ba_jail_sand_csgo, there is apparently a way for a rebelling T to get Low Grav, and keep it until they touch a ladder. I won't go in to specifics how to get it, cause I don't think some people want everyone to know how. Note: There is the ability to order a T to remove low grav, by way of touching a ladder.


SO, my argument is, if a T (or multiple T's) have low grav, and the warden knows for a fact that they have low grav, if they play a game like climb, where the T with low grav has an obvious advantage, then it's favoritism.


Lines argument was that if a T knows how to cheat and get away with it, then he can't be slayed. Like in a race, if a T cheats to finish said race faster, and they haven't been told no cheating, then it's not favoritism for letting them live for cheating. The issue with this, is in this circumstance, at the START of that game, EVERY T has the ability to cheat. There's not just 1 or 2 that have some secret ability to finish the race faster.


If only 1 or a couple T's have low grav and it's known at the START of a game like climb that not EVERY T has the ability, you are creating an unfair playing field, and as such should be considered favoritism. Especially considering you can order a T to remove low grav first to first level the field.



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I just want to know beforehand that if this "advantage" is a Build-In feature of the map OR a Glitch. In race, climbing on the sides is just cheating, and if the warden didnt say no cheating, then it's legal, ect. Glitching the map to get advantages is a different story.

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I'd probably say it was favourtism if some people have anti grav and others didn't because the warden is playing a game he knows that certain people will win. If everyone has it it's another matter but when you purposefully put people at a disadvantage or advantage, it's favouritism.

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I agree, it very simple for the warden to tell ALL the Ts to go onto a ladder and then do climb, so as to make for sure none of the Ts have that unfair advantage before doing so. If the warden knows that some of the Ts have the advantage over the other Ts than yes it's favoritism, Also if you aren't for sure if a T has Low grav then all you got to do is order all the Ts to jump at least once to check to make for sure, or at the very least have all of them go to a ladder before hand. Just do a quick round of FR/LR or Simon says.

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I just want to know beforehand that if this "advantage" is a Build-In feature of the map OR a Glitch. In race, climbing on the sides is just cheating, and if the warden didnt say no cheating, then it's legal, ect. Glitching the map to get advantages is a different story.


It's a glitch on the map.

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Couple of things, I let the terrorists pick all the games and then allowed the first 6 people to finish to live. The people that died didnt even get past the first 3 jumps.

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@A51Nova @Dontbleedpls @@Cookiesars


DM and Admin thoughts on this? the server is what you are running in game, you guys put input.

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As far as i know for the glitch (I dont know specifics for how to do it) only one or two Ts could actually get it. The low gravity actually makes it harder to play jump rope, and much easier to play climb. It gives an unfair advantage to the rest of the Ts in jump rope, and an unfair advantage to the T with low gravity during climb.

I think that if someone has the gravity glitch you should always fix it, but especially when doing those 2 games, or its favoritism.

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To get the low grav all a T needs to do on purpose or accident is be in the armory in the area with the poll, that area has low grav. if you exit that area you lose the low grav, because you didnt leave the area you keep the low grav.

This glitch was originally found when a Dodge ball lr ran out and the T kept the low grav on the next round because the lr never ended and the gravity did not reset


Unlimited T's can get the low grav as long as they are in the right area at the right time on purpose or accident.


To lose the low grav all a CT needs to do is order you onto a ladder.


side note about dubia, you can go on top of the map but if you fall down you cant get back and its a slay unless that rules has changed without me knowing


just to throw a scenario in.


T has low grav, does not jump so ct does not know, brings t's the jump-rope or climb, t has still yet to jump. game starts and t then starts to jump is there any favouritism then.


The only way I can think of to completely remove this bug/glitch is to set everyone's gravity at the start of the round.

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just to throw a scenario in.


T has low grav, does not jump so ct does not know, brings t's the jump-rope or climb, t has still yet to jump. game starts and t then starts to jump is there any favouritism then.


It that scenario, no (he could stop the game on the first step tho, after he see's them jump...). But my point was that the warden KNEW for a fact that multiple T's had low grav and did climb anyway. And he claimed because the T's were the ones that picked the game, it wasn't favoritism...you're the warden, it doesn't matter what the T's pick, you're still the one that's running it!

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if you know for a fact one has low gravity then have them have all the Ts touch a ladder when u are doing climb or anything where they have an advantage (like you said it will stop when they touch a ladder)

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I agree, have all t's touch a ladder beforehand to avoid any disputes such as this one. Problem solved. Don't make a rule about it; it's actually quite fun having low gravity, when we're playing a game such as climb, cannon or jumprope just have them remove it by touching a nearby ladder.

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