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Sgt.xranth - Team Fortress 2

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One more thing, since I know someone will bring this up, i did say that to some that i essentially tried to get banned. I'm not going to deny what I've said. Oh well.

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Hm.. I'm really not sure what to say exactly. You have been "that guy" one times too many Xranth. I've even tried to help you stay out of trouble in the past. But going back to what KB said, people can't really change that quick. You tried to pull that on me once as well, saying you'll change the way how you were. Although, I can't judge you so quickly, so I'm going to stay neutral.

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Ok well. This is the last thing I'm gonna say here, going off of what Spook said, no matter what Xranth could say for himself, or what I could say on behalf of Xranth, how would anyone really know if hes improved or not? Meaning exactly what Spook said, bring him back, keep him banned from ct or something, and have him on thin ice, he screws up then he's done. How else can we ACTUALLY know if hes improved or not? In this case that would seem like the best decision since hes been out of contact for so long, right? Not trying to sound snarky, just my two cents.

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First of all, I've been over this. Yes, my behavior back then was awful.


Second of all, why does my personal life even matter? That isn't really important, plus, considering how I've been treated by others off of steam, and the server, i can make the same argument. I'm not going to name anyone, though. Also, i have issues, oh well.


And again, what attitude? Honestly I don't understand, plus the only reason i linked that is because Caleb essentially told me that if someone like that got unbanned, i might have a shot too.


Whatever though, I'm not going to start anything.


Your personal life matters because if you conduct yourself this way publicly and PRIVATELY, there is no way we could trust you.

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Fair enough, Ohstopyou. I know you were also involved in a Kik chat I was in. While I don't personally know what you've seen, as i said, I've been informed of some outright lies people have said about me. I'm not here to argue, though, form any opinion of the situation you want. I can completely understand why you don't want me back in though, so i hold nothing against it.


I just ask you don't hold anything against me personally. I've screwed up a lot in the past, and i concede that.

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While he does seem genuinely repentant in what he has done, it doesn't excuse the fact that he had (supposedly) broken a multitude of rules. However, be that as it may, if these instances of rule breaking revolve around him being on the Blue side, then I don't see why the permanent Server Ban being lifted isn't being considered at the least while the team ban remains effective.


Though, even provided the aforementioned information, it may be completely irrelevant as it's somewhat apparent that the main reason he's Server banned is his attitude/behaviour, which I personally cannot vouch for or against as I am not familiar with the whole ordeal.


That all being said, it should be noted that the player is trying their best to plead their case here. Whether or not it's genuine is a whole other story, but it's unfair to completely rule out the possibility that he has in fact changed. The replies have been nothing but civilized and respectful from him and I don't see why he is being treated so poorly in this Ban Protest, even given his past history. Troll or not, the worst that can happen if he is unbanned (Server, not Team) is that he will harass people again, in which case all you would have to do is permanently ban him from the Servers again and be done with it once and for all. At this point, it really just looks like Staff are hung up on his past actions and refuse to give a second chance because of some personal vendetta.


@Sgt.Xranth while it may be similar to the Ban Protest you linked in your original post, the context of the bans are no where near the same. On one hand, the other player mass freekilled and fled (with no history [that I'm aware of] in terms of general attitude/behaviour) while you have been accused of denying LR and mass freekilling afterwards; abusing hide and seek mid round; disrespect; evading a ban with alternate accounts; and other counts of general rule breaking. Some people are more likely to receive a second chance depending on their history with Xeno Gamers, while others aren't so lucky (though I honestly don't condone unbanning those who intentionally mass freekill to begin with).


Mind you, this is all just personal opinion from a neutral party who has nothing to go on besides the information provided from threads that relate to this player and his ban history. I do not play in the TF2 Division, and with that being said I won't leave a vouch on whether or not the player should remain Server/Team banned. I'll only provide my input and opinion on the whole situation, as I do with other threads before this one and hope that Staff take a careful consideration to both sides without any sort of biased nature.

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Lol what's up Xranth. Still playing Sm4sh?


I'm staying neutral on this. I can't really say very much since I've only heard bits and pieces on the whole ordeal causing your ban.

If you think you're not going to get lucky, you may want to do the Mona Pizza challenge.

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A lot of people in this community shouldn't have after the perm bans they were served but they manage to get in



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whOT De FriK


Seriously, I shouldn't have any say in this at all, except that I had known of Xranth and his actions, and I was younger and more... ignorant at the time. As I don't know all the details of this, and I don't have to, I'm going to say that he should get another chance, even if he may seem a little bad now. All opinions aside, it's known that he has been permed and that is a natural "what the heck happened jeez" sort of event. If what he says will happen, than I say go for it and unban him. +1

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Keep him banned for longer. Look how long @Egossi was banned for before he learnt. -1 Due to the sole fact of how disrespectful and argumentative you are. You've never been a good person in the community and frankly I doubt that will change

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-1 Due to the sole fact of how disrespectful and argumentative you are. You've never been a good person in the community and frankly I doubt that will change

Sums it up pretty well. Possibly one of the most toxic and immature people I've met. Took me years to be cool with Egossi, because he genuinely matured. A few months doesn't "make you a different person." Your responses to certain people in this thread come off as rude, too. -1


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It seems trying to ask for forgiveness was too much. It's obvious that nobody is going to believe that I've matured, no matter how hard I try. If that's the case, then fine.


I retract my ban appeal. Please close the thread. I no longer wished to be unbanned. Consider this my farewell to this community.


Thank you to everyone who has supported me. Also, I'd like to again apologize to all those i offended. I know I was toxic back then, and if the majority of you do not want me to come back, I'll just disappear. I do not expect any of you to forgive me, so i hold no hard feelings. See ya.

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