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MemeMachine - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

In-Game Name:

unregistered hypercam


Ban Type:

Server Ban


was banned for a duplicate account yet i havent played on teamfortress for a long time and dont even have any other accounts on steam and no mods or admins have tried to help me since its my first ban or punishment ever and seems a little harsh for something i did not do.

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There doesn't seem to be an existing ban for your account or ip either past or present. There was a recent ban for a duplicate account that appears to be an obvious alt which can be seen here but as far as I can tell isn't connected to you at all. Is this an account you were using? Otherwise, as far as I can tell, you aren't banned.

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The account that was originally banned matches your IP, and was banned for hacking. Here's the other account: Xeno Gamers


@Vargas banned the original account.

You've also made another protest before: Rejected - MemeMachine - Team Fortress 2

I'm going to -1 again, IP's don't lie.

-1'd last time, so I'll maintain that.


If you want a guaranteed unban you can still do one of these.

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This same thing already happened before in a different thread. -1 for hacking previously plus like vexx said the IP of this account is matches yours.

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The account that was originally banned matches your IP, and was banned for hacking. Here's the other account: Xeno Gamers


@Vargas banned the original account.

You've also made another protest before: Rejected - MemeMachine - Team Fortress 2

I'm going to -1 again, IP's don't lie.


-1, Hacking and lying about why you were banned in the first place doesn't help your case here at all.

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