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4 minutes ago, Queelsh said:

Probably lmao, prob won’t get accepted tho.


(now thta I think about it probably shouldn’t have posted this then ?)

There's no reason to believe that you shouldn't get member. This isn't an exclusive club, even with a neutral application you get accepted. You seem nice enough, just speaking to you over the forums. I feel like it would be an easy member application. Go ahead and make one, no harm in trying, right? https://xenogamers.com/application/

I can't click the "apply" button, but I think you can probably figure out what to click when you get on the page.



2 minutes ago, Queelsh said:

Probably lmao, prob won’t get accepted tho.


(now thta I think about it probably shouldn’t have posted this then ?)

There's no reason to believe that you shouldn't get member. This isn't an exclusive club, even with a neutral application you get accepted. You seem nice enough, just speaking to you over the forums. I feel like it would be an easy member application. Go ahead and make one, no harm in trying, right? https://xenogamers.com/application/

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