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SaNd CruSaDE 6/7

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That's right folks, we are hosting a mcflippin pop event on the one and only ba_jail_sand_b2 on our very own Jailbreak #2 server.  You might be wondering, what's the importance of sand in the first place? Or maybe, why sand of all maps?  Well I'll tell you.

This, this is why.




Memes aside, we'll actually be hosting a pop event on Jailbreak next Friday (June 7th), the premier map will of course be sand (unless of course we rtv off of it), we'll be doing credit and title raffles throughout the event and whatever else people can think of.  Event will begin at about 6 pm est ( @Egossi ), and will run for a few hours after that or however long people are on the server.   Spread the word and get ready to praise mcflippin sand


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