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29 minutes ago, Egossi said:

Reminds me of myself a few years ago, but I'll go with a -1, honestly I dont think any amount of toxicity should warrant a direct ban, targetted harassment and bigotry would be different but he doesn't seem to be doing anything besides being a toxic edgy retard all the time

Most you should do initially is warn him, doubt that'll do anything but at least you can say you warned him when you ban him after he doesn't stop being toxic

Nevermind his tag is #1488 and after talking to him he seems to be a degenerate at heart, I change my vote to +1


5 hours ago, Shadower said:

-1 based and redpilled

Pretty much this



28 minutes ago, Egossi said:

Reminds me of myself a few years ago, but I'll go with a -1, honestly I dont think any amount of toxicity should warrant a direct ban, targetted harassment and bigotry would be different but he doesn't seem to be doing anything besides being a toxic edgy retard all the time

Most you should do initially is warn him, doubt that'll do anything but at least you can say you warned him when you ban him after he doesn't stop being toxic

Nevermind his tag is #1488 and he seems to be a degenerate at heart, I change my vote to +1


5 hours ago, Shadower said:

-1 based and redpilled

Pretty much this