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~ I banned this person for a week


He randomly traded, then stated "I'll give you mw3/skyrim for your hats" Then when I put it up he claimed that he sent it, then after that I said you never sent anything, you have to put it inside of the steam trade- he was insisting that he did, and then he said that he was going to "Perm ban me from xG for scamming" and that he was "taking screenshots" So for future references, don't trade this kid. ;)

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I know a scammer....or trick trader...


his name is Roni Greifari or something like that........he swindled my friends Soviet Gentleman....


If the scamming pertains to members in xG, go ahead and delete this post.....

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livvin like larry (often found on goldenrod city map) often tries to shark and trick with quick switches and EXTREME low balling (like over 3 ref worth)

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YOU_MAD_BRO is either the biggest idiot or worst scammer. He traded me, asked what I had so I put in sqaure dance, a end of the line crate cosmetic, and 2 stranges and he put 2 NORMAL weapons and 2 crates. Reported him on steam and he got mad yelling at everybody "F***ING BAN HIM!!!" so i reportted him on here too for abusing the vote system

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This boi tried to scam me unsuccessfully so I'ma just add his name and the method he used for future reference if he or anyone else tries to do something like this on xg. He does this by adding people and saying that he'll buy your item for what you were selling, but then tries to play you by saying that your item might be "fabricated" if it was bought from opskins or sometimes just in general, which by this he means that if he trades for it, it won't show up in his inventory which is not true in anyway, he expects you to believe so that you will send the item first so he can make sure that you are "legit" and then he will walk away with your item if you actually do it. So make sure to remember this kids, stay safe and look both ways before crossing the road.

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This boi tried to scam me unsuccessfully so I'ma just add his name and the method he used for future reference if he or anyone else tries to do something like this on xg. He does this by adding people and saying that he'll buy your item for what you were selling, but then tries to play you by saying that your item might be "fabricated" if it was bought from opskins or sometimes just in general, which by this he means that if he trades for it, it won't show up in his inventory which is not true in anyway, he expects you to believe so that you will send the item first so he can make sure that you are "legit" and then he will walk away with your item if you actually do it. So make sure to remember this kids, stay safe and look both ways before crossing the road.

Yeah this is a very common method for people. Allow me to share my own story.


So back when I was into TF2 trading with unusuals, people would add me and they seemed very cool while chatting with them. But when we started discussing the item I was trading, he would keep saying that the item might be duped and that he needed to check opskins to see if it is duped or not. I have refused to use opskins always because it was meant for csgay and I didn't deal with that stuff (I also only trust backpack.tf). So he kept persisting me to send him the item or have me check it myself. As he would be talking his english would get worse and harder to understand. At this point I would just screw with it now. I say it because I know it is a bot now because someone's english wouldn't get worse by talking to somebody.


But yeah I would get these kinds of things a few times a week while trading. And thats my story on trading.


Forgot to mention one person. Their name is PiotreX. Some of you may have heard of them as they own on of the most expensive backpacks in the community, just bellow Troll Pumpkin. Now PiotreX added me and asked me to trade for my unusual which I forgot what it was at the time (before I start some of you might think this account that added wasn't the real one but can confirm it was him). So he said he would offer me a steam wallet code in exchange for my unusual. Of course I said no because I have been scammed like that before. I told him that I knew he was a high tier trader but I couldn't do it. I didn't get scammed, but want people to know what could happen. Even if they are big traders and they offer high tier wallet codes, don't do it. You never know what they could do.

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13 hours ago, DepressedNeonNepp said:

Any random girl profile with some random girl name ( like Marie or Jessica) and has a link to her social media. Those Phish links children. Don't click them just block the account and go on with your day.

jesus christ the grave digging

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@DepressedNeonNepp This is the non-relevant shitposting that we were talking about that you "left for good for reals, jk im taking a 2 week break from xg, jk im here 1.5 days later". everyone knows about scam accts that add you from nowhere. this thread is to report about people who are trading through forums or discord in xG or on the servers to report them with evidence. your post has basically no relevance to that.

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