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Everything posted by Astrobear

  1. "Oh he must freekill just because he killed one afk guy that I was already afk checking." Yeah it is true I didn't afk check one time, but it's not like it's a big deal or anything. Besides, if I were a mass freekiller I would've been banned from the server in late 2010.
  2. You could ask anyone that was on the server last night, I didn't record any of it, as for I didn't have fraps opened up.
  3. Uhm, I just realized, this forum thinks I'm a member and I know why. I originally had gotten into this clan, but trollface removed me due to my age. So, am I still in the clan?
  4. Fixed, hopefully he wasn't (or +1'd) accepted by you duckii. >.>
  5. Your SteamID:STEAM_0:0:28581586 Your Nick Name/In-Game Name:Astrobear Reason why you don't want this member in our community: Well, it's displayed below. His/her SteamID:STEAM_0:0:34059158 His/her In-game/forum name:[xG] Lt. Chaz Recently, (unfortunatley) Lt. Chaz happened to join while I was on the jailbreak server. At first he joined and was just spamming "penis" on the mic with his shrill voice (while he was dead, so it wasn't too bad). Then, when we all spawned I didn't notice that I had picked up a pistol in my cell (there were 2 other people in my cell), the warden said to take on step out of cells, and face them. Everyone in my cell did as instructed, then, Lt. Chaz walks up and says "DROP THE WEPON!!111!" and shoots (kills) one of my cellmates. Everyone says he freekilled, but no mods saw it. He then says "Astrobear, drop the pistol", I drop it, but another cellmate picks it up, Lt. Chaz says "1, 2" then kills me, the other cellmate drops the weapon and the rest of the match is normal, untill Lt. Chaz freekills once again, then switches teams. Everyone says he will get reported, which is why I have reported him. Sidenote: How'd he get in [xG]?
  6. Member Name: Astrobear In-Game Name: Astrobear Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:28581586 Age: 14 Game Time: 400hrs (total) Helpful Skills: Good moderation.