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Posts posted by Starbuck

  1. It can't be that plugin because a very similar plugin was run to auto-open all cell doors by a certain time on the old VjB and we never experienced the mayhem physics glitch. Maybe if the !open command is bound and spammed then it could cause undesired effects so that should be tested first before saying "this is finally the one" :p

  2. Just have to figure out why plugging into USB 3.0 ports crash the OS and... whew, this is exhausting, I'm going to take a break. WTF!! Mac decided to goto sleep?! NOOO :(

    That's like bragging about having a cripple who can run super fast, but has no legs, but you insist on bragging about how he CAN run fast.

  3. @@DarkNova

    It's not the responsibility of any division leader to fix or develop plugins. The division leader has nothing to give except admin and good luck finding someone who will fix a plugin in exchange for admin privileges. It saddens me to see the CS:GO division in such bad shape but not bad enough to fix the plugins for free. If asked, I would not have supported Chrono for CS:GO div leader and would have opted instead for one of the first group of CS:GO admins who actually went through a proper training program.

  4. My opinion, not that it matters, is that no one that was or is associated with CN or NO3 or whatever should ever be unbanned from the server for any reason. The perceived benefit of having such a talented mapper in good graces with xG is not something that outweighs the fact that jimbo was a member when they did the absolute worst to us by sending the SWAT teams which could have inadvertently killed Aegean and his family.

  5. We've had some good times:

    First server to run a full-featured jailbreak server on CS:GO

    Launched smaller yet popular xG divisions for Natural Selection and Nuclear Dawn

    Making the #1 global server for CS:GO, credit goes to all the admins and mods


    But I am not finding the time to help as much as I used to and not finding it as enjoyable with our current arrangements.


    So I hereby resign as co-leader in xG.


    I should definitely be:

    Demoted on the forums

    Demoted on team-speak


    I'll continue to help silence with certain side projects and the future of the new divisions or my particular involvement with xG is unclear at this point but will be worked out later between myself and xG leadership.

  6. CTs are allowed to bring rebelers to justice. This includes the ability to follow rebelers inside vents. The vent in question only has 2 exits if it led to armory that round: armory or simon says pit. If the vent leads to pool it has 3 exits: locker room, pool, and pool shower. It would be acceptable for a CT, who is already in pursuit in the vents, to assume the exit was armory if that vent is broken. The CT may enter armory to kill the rebelers and leave immediately afterward through a non-vent exit.

  7. Stinger, you're on the right path, keep it up! For now though, your moderator application is being denied because you didn't meet the minimum requirements for Nuclear Dawn.


    Nuclear Dawn

    * You must have at least 20 hours on the ND servers

    * You must be an ND rank 40 or higher

  8. The hub system really isn't set up to handle quantities of items.. just features which can be either on or off.. you have it or you don't. Ultimately, the whole hub concept would need a redesign and a backpack feature added. Don't expect that anytime soon...

  9. Much of the credit will go to silence for this. I made the base code to convert it and search *is* working on the test server so it's just a matter of silence finding where he left of or me finding the difference between the test server and production server to fix it.

  10. has been helpful but there were a few instances when I first saw Emily on the server where every death would be a freekill when it clearly was not a freekill at all. Mods can be the victims but they should rarely take action when they are personally involved unless it's a mass.. the victim mentality, demanding justice for "freekills" when either there was a misunderstanding on what freekill means or there's an outright agenda, is not a desired quality in any admin. It sounds like not enough has changed with that mentality so -1

  11. There's a new !bomb plugin on the CS:GO Jailbreak. Terrorists may spend 10k to purchase a bomb. There are some restrictions, such as only 1 bomb per round and only 5 rounds with bombs each map.


    It works differently than the CS:S bombs.. for some reason, the CS:S bomb plugin caused server crashes on CS:GO. So the CS:GO bombs are a little something I dug up from VjB. The bomb is a physical c4 which will be invisible to everyone else but yourself and to detonate it you just throw it instead of binding a key to sm_boom.


    We'll see how well they're received... we still need a good sound effect for them and hub integration is a possibility.


    Thanks to Nighty and Agent Cookies for helping to test the mod and get it working :-)