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Posts posted by Pony


    Are you vac banned? looked at your profile says bans on record. Is it for vac cs:s?


    No, its a old ban from 2007 for Goldsource games.

  2. To be honest, this isnt okay Edison, I have seen you freekill before earlier yesterday on the jailbreak server acting like a complete butt of yourself. Freekilling is not okay in any context even if it is 'for shits and giggles' early in the morning. Yes, in your words 'multiple people come onto the server and freekill', but whenever the admins see them they get disciplined too so your claims are kind of unfounded.


    Your little hissy fit with stupid **** like 'buttmad' and the like doesn't set a good example either for yourself and your integrity in the community, and this coming from someone who goes on /v/.

  3. Your in-game name: El Pony Fuerte

    Your real name: Shawn McGrath

    Age: 19

    How long have you been playing CSS: Since it released, played Counter Strike in general for awhile. Too bad nobody played Condition Zero ;_;

    Your favorite game: Magicka

    Do you have any special skills that we can use towards the community: I'm a good livestreamer with 30,146 viewer minutes logged on my main channel, I am also in college for Networking so I can help people out with stuff like that (I helped Health100 get his ports forwarded for Minecraft server)