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Everything posted by redblaze

  1. redblaze

    Ban Appeal

    duckii please i will never lie again or tarp ever, JUST PLEASE LET ME PLAY AGAIN i really do enjoy this server it would really mean a lot to me, and if you want you can ct ban me for like 2 weeks or something
  2. redblaze

    Ban Appeal

    So if i wasnt a xg member i would be able to play again i dont really care about being xg i just want to play the server plus i admitted that i lied and then waited a month theres the extension and not just that people have already forgiven me on steam chat
  3. redblaze

    Ban Appeal

    its been a month -,-, and i didnt fled >.<
  4. redblaze

    Ban Appeal

    Your SteamID:"Hi" STEAM_0:1:31929919 03:42 77 0 active Your Nick Name/In-Game Name: Hi Reason why you were banned(If you don't know this put n/a): Free Killing Why should you be unbanned?: Ive been banned for a month now, and i think i deserve to be un banned because it was just like 3 people and it was by accident, all i want to do is play this server again i really do enjoy it. Sitting here without jail break is like having no life, my previous break floor servers have gone down the **** hole and my guildwars account is suspended for awhile for afking during a gvg match.