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Everything posted by nebulous

  1. well im sorry for putting it in the wrong place i havnt been on the forums in several months jeez >.>
  2. hey guys due to the fact that im not really playing on xG servers anymore or css for that matter im gona remove my clan tag but ill still play everyonce in a while im not really leaving the clan its just i dont see the purpose of having a clan tag on there if im not playing with people from the clan im in ;P so cya ppls
  3. wait whats the midevil game?
  4. nebulous

    help plz

    when i try to start up steam it pops up a message that says cannot continue the application is improperlly formatted contact the application vendor for assistance. anybody know how to fix this?
  5. nebulous

    Power Rangers

    i should be the white ranger cause of his white power
  6. lol i like your special team bro
  7. lol i dont think my ping has ever been that high jb is kinda laggin
  8. ^banned for living in a village of hidden leaves
  9. nebulous

    changin name

    changin my steam name from neb to waldo the hidden sorry if this is the wrong place to put this
  10. the next time you see her do the truffle shuffle...
  11. nebulous

    is it true?

    my dad would just unplug the internet from my room >.>
  12. nebulous

    My Brother

    my bro is 2 years younger than me he's a couple inches taller than me and he can beat me up -_-*
  13. played with him yesterday on JB he was a good warden knew the rules + 1 for me
  14. "your tha tha tha tha THE GRINCH" how the grinch stole christmans "the chiefs gona get in this tank roll across this bridge and blow up any in human son of a bitc# who gets between him and the prophet of regret" sergant major johnson halo 2 "i wear a stetson now stetsons are cool" the docter/or if you wana call him matt smith thats k to
  15. nobody plays cliff hanger anymore....
  16. nebulous

    PG-13 Rule?

    lol that pic is spectating me XD
  17. nebulous

    Thank You

    okay then ima go grab my .223 mini 14 and you wont see me but ill see you...
  18. the other day i got on the jail break server after school a person said a racist joke on joke day and almost got kicked for it did we put in a new no racial slurrs while i was gone for like 3 days? also sorry if somone else already said somthin about this
  19. nebulous

    xG trusted

    in game name : Neb Favorite server : jail break fav admin : duckii jr why should i be accepted : i play alot while school is still in so when school out on wednesday next week ima be sittin in my chair all day playin jail break. also i know the rules decently well and im not a derp to people
  20. nebulous


    look up ferrari kid 96 my dad picked the name when i was 8 and i dont feel like changing it because i am lazy XD
  21. serbian docter who is the BEST show ever i loves it
  22. nebulous

    Favorite song?

    this is meh favorite song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Rd3AsyezZQ
  24. iv seen this guy he's legit +1 from me