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Posts posted by DibaR_MA_I

  1. Well not much i can say but i was permanently banned from ts, servers, minecraft. The reason being "i annoyed people" Which i probz did, But it doesnt matter now, all i am doing in this post is to say good bye to all the xG members iv'e known for the past 9months. I will miss mostly all of you. If u ever want to talk to me you can add me on steam Rabid_Swan. If any 1 read shik's goodbye, the reason he was banned for associating with me SO WATCH OUT, If u dont wanna be banned. To silence i hope you get the confidence to leave your room.



    This part is for Ero, Monica will miss you deeply. <3

    P.S Trollface misses you silence.

  2. Name:josh\rabid

    Steam ID:already have it.



    How long you have been in xG:about 9months


    Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) : Mod-was a mod in the xG server for quiet some time before being kicked out, was a admin in xG for quiet some time aswell before i left the clan (and shortley came back) i have good experience as being a mod or admin, (if i was selected for this position probably wont be though, I will clean my self up, as in not trolling any more, get back in xG, start doing more and more for the clan, being more active then what i am (pretty damn active) xD


    Why do you want to be a co-leader:Because i have been with xG for what seems like a year, i have grown to love these servers, and love about every member we have, being in xG was a fantastic time for me until i was kicked out, i would love to rejoin it as this position.


    How could you help xG if you were a co-leader:Well this is kind of a hard question. First off i would help the servers more by trying to donate some money to keep them running, i would give more suggestions over and over, till are servers are at there peak, i would help people every time they call, i would just do my best to keep this position and more.


    Anything else you want to add:There is not much more to say. so i will just end it with this, if i am not accepted for this position, i would love to just get back in the clan. i am active enough and i would love to just wear that shinny tag again, [xG] <3, also Can my other forum account be unbanned "Rabid"

    Thank you. :3

  3. First off, i cannot defend my self because my other account is banned, so i would like to apolgize for making another accountx2. The first 1 did not have a valid email, so i am sorry for making multiple accounts. Now since i can defend my self, i would like to say.

    I come on mumble to relax With abut 3-6 people If i could be banned from every single room but 1, I WOULD BE FINE WITH THAT. I am ok with being kicked out of xG, but iv'e become friends with these people over the past 4-5months,

    Now What happened Me and health were going back and forth of a dumb subject of what i said. The subject was, quote"rabid: I want to make a scrim team- Health: You're Not even in xG why would u make a scrim team- Rabid: I never said it was going to be xG scrim team, This went back and forth because health is childish Very, He cannot stand to be wrong, After i said that i dont want the xG Scrim team, I just want a few people from xG in it, it's not going to have anything to do with xG Just have some members from it, Anything wrong with that no? After saying this i go on to saying most xG members have bad aim, and suck, So i only want a select few, Me and health argued about this for about 20minuts, Before i went on to say Health lets just mute each other And go on with it, so we dont have to hear each other's voices So i muted him and i guess He got mad about this, cause he was wrong"

    I have not done anything to troll any 1 today, u CAN ASK EVERY 1 IN MUMBLE The most iv'e done today was probably make a joke.

    Then i go on about 8:30 To play hon Mute my self and come back to see this bs post and be banned from mumble.


    Now Going back to the begining of the post. Can i be unbanned from mumble be banned from Every SINGLE MUMBLE ROOM BUT 1. Just so i have a channel to be in, who ever doesnt like me, doesnt have to join. as i said b4, iv'e known these people for about 4-5months now, and it would be a ***** to not talk to them. That's all i want. :\ Please.