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  1. Tablo


    Mad-Scientist, Quarantine, and Micro I guess since I was going through to the 1st page.
  2. Tablo


    It's been a week. Can I get an answer on whether or not I'm unbanned?
  3. Tablo


    You guys agree but on what kind of proof? I want to know HOW I was hacking and if you have caught me doing so, why weren't you guys catching me instantly but letting me play for another whole map before banning me less than a round after I was accused of such thing? I will wait, I don't mind but I just want to clarify some things before this is over.
  4. Tablo


    Sorry for the arguments. I just want to prove my point that word of mouth doesn't mean anything unless you can PROVE that I was hacking. For all you know, people were just siding against me because I was killing them. Spraying with automatics can get you kills, it doesn't mean you hack because you can get a kill and they can't.
  5. Tablo


    I'm not offending you, just being painfully honest. I won't stop until I'm unbanned or until I have the final words of the admins that aren't just the ones who also said I was hacking to pitch in on this. I can and I will defend my ban appeal just because I know I was falsely accused and banned.
  6. Tablo


    Then don't reply if you don't care. You have no proof or a valid argument against me being unbanned. I am a lot more aware of what an admin does in general because I was an admin in an old ZombieMod server before CS:S was updated and screwed up all the mods. I don't deal with ******** kids like you claiming people hack and having admins side with you because you're more known than others. I do research by myself, I examine for rounds, maps, or even days just to get rid of ACTUAL hackers from the server. Word of mouth means **** to me. Proof is all I need, as well as the admins who do their job correctly(not directing to anyone), to ban someone who is breaking the rules, hacking or just grieving other players.
  7. Tablo


    First of all, do you have PROOF that I was hacking? I'll be more than ****ing glad to let the head admin/owner to search my computer via TeamViewer to see if I have hacks or not. Secondly, how the **** are they not AFK if there's 5 of them with nothing but a pistol out staring at the wall doing nothing while you shoot me to death? I'm sure they would prevent me from getting a gun or at least going up the ladder to kill you. I don't remember what map it was but it had the boat fighting/racing with a jumping obstacle at the top of the sky right above the boats somewhere. Like you said, if an admin didn't see them, why would they assume they WEREN'T AFK? It was the last round of the map, I'm sure some people would AFK really quick if they were dead just to do something else since jailbreak rounds usually take a while to finish in the previous round. When you spray a SMG in an enclosed room, why the **** would I not be able to kill the enemy, especially when they are AFK? Your argument is yet again, invalid.
  8. Tablo


    I was not aimbotting. Just because I can aim and spray while turning my mouse along the CT's heads for kills doesn't mean that I hack. Do you have proof? For all you know, I was just lucky enough to have them all aligned in some way to get all those headshots. I've been playing CS since 1.4, I have the experience of knowing how to aim and **** unlike you. It was NOT less than 2 seconds but even if it was, I know how to play. Don't **** talk and accuse me of hacking when you nor the admins have proof of me doing so. I know how a hacker plays, I've seen them and I've gone against them before, even my friends are hackers but it doesn't mean I have to be a hacker as well. Before you talk **** and accuse me of something, spectate me, find something 100% wrong or out of the blue and THEN you can go ahead and ban me. @rexx: Since you accuse me of hacking just because I can aim for headshots, learn to do research. If you know what the CAL-league used to be, watch those players play in a game before you accuse me of hacking. I'm sure you'll be calling them hackers as well because you don't think they can possibly aim and shoot that well on their own without the use of hacks. Edit: So I guess having 4 or 5 CTs at the gun spot/infantry or w/e it's called, not moving for a good 2+ minutes means they're not AFK? You're right. Maybe I should stay banned because I'm not allowed to kill AFKers until they are back. F**k rebelling, maybe all the T's should start obeying everything and kill the fun of how jailbreak is supposed to be played. No proof, but all word of mouth of me hacking? Yeah okay. I can find better players than I am and you can call them hackers because they can shoot and kill better than you guys. If you 3 are against my unban, fine by me because you guys have the most invalid arguments against me.
  9. Tablo


    Thanks guys for supporting me. @Arthman: I just sprayed since I knew one guy wasn't afk and was aiming for me but I guess it's just a reflex to aim for the head, especially since it's JB and I don't want to die :x
  10. Tablo


    Member Name: Tablo Your In-Game Name: Tablo` Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:14070765 Ban Reason: I was accused of using hacks in the server, getting 5 headshots from spraying a P90 or MP5 in a room of afkers. Quarantine banned me for wallhacks, which I ABSOLUTELY have not and will not ever use. Just because I got a lucky shot through the wall with an AWP and kill a CT in jailbreak, it doesn't mean I hack. I just randomly shot where I thought the CT was and actually got the kill. Unban Reason: There is NO proof that I have used wallhacks. I did not ever use any hack while playing the game the entire time I was on because hacking is retarded. I enjoy playing with MY own skills instead of having a addon or whatever hacks support me in having a good score or some ******** of that sort. Just because someone accused me, doesn't mean I do it. If I do wallhack, I demand proof of me "wallhacking." False permanent bans are just completely an ******* move to pull. Sorry for the vulgarity but this is completely stupid.