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  1. --321ewq-- guys srsly i am only 12 yrs old so i wud lenjoy if u stop piking on anyone tat is yung because i am supr awesom thank u Seriously? I can understand the man's complaints but I can also understand that he's going about them in the wrong way. It's not the age that he should be targetting in his 'complaints'. It's the habits. Children or not, everyone has the capacity to handle any situation in a mature, calm demeanor. Anyone can do it. However the mic spamming and the 'silliness' is a problem. Now look who's talking, am I right? I spend most of my time on Jailbreak spamming over the lead CT and on top of that making a jolly good time out of everything. However? There's a limit. There's a line. You break the limit, you cross the line. Then people get annoyed, They get offended. So while I don't agree with the man's approach to it... I will say this. Know the line. Know the Limit. With all of that being said? I have no problem with anyone over anything. Duckii once slayed me for a BULLLLSHIIIIITTT reason, and that caused me to slam my forehead through my $300 dollar 28 inch monitor, but.. hey. We're all good. Also? FFFFFUUUUCCCCKKKK you Chosen. There is /no/ way you are 18. NO WAY. I DO NOT BELIEVE IT. I AM NOT SUBSCRIBING TO THAT NEWSLETTER SIR. I AM WATCHING YOU. O_O Edit: Nice censor, guys. Nice censor. I'm not honestly sure why it's in place. We can speak freely on the server. :l