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Posts posted by Tyee

  1. Member Name: Tyee


    What game?: Counter-Strike: Source


    Your In-Game Name: Tye


    Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42581123


    Ban Reason: Steam Community Group Ban (BobDoleU) I hate Bob Dole


    Unban Reason: Ok ill explain everything.

    So i got a bunch of friends who used the name Bob Dole to mess around, and then they eventually made a steam group. They invited me to it and i knew some of them so i said, "w.e ill join it to help the member count on the steam page". (fyi i never trolled with them, made my name bob dole, or wore the tag in general). And an admin of this community i play gave me a heads up the group was trolling other communities, so i left the group. I NEVER played Xeno Gamers servers (but i would like to). So if you see what im trying to say, i ended up getting banned cause idiots i know trolled. And ive never gotten to play your servers.


    Thank You Herpes