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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Infantry

  1. Member Name: Infantry In-Game Name: Infantry Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:29207933 Age: 14 Game Time: as long as its been out Helpful Skills: i have been overseeer for two difrent servers Nova and minor admin for TBW i did not pay foor these i earned them by playing there for many months earning my way to the top i was also a recruiter on the Nova server owned By MIB or known as the time Mr.Red I would like to help grow XG to the next level and amunst the top clan Sg ,Hellgamers ,ect I am a Great surfer and two servers I was overseer and minor admin was WCS Jail break It would be a priviilage and a honor to be acepted by XG and i have spent way to much time on this application