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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Alexander331

  1. Please tell me what I did wrong.
  2. Bumping posts again because there has been no answer for about a week.
  3. Bumping post because it has almost been 4 day and no answer from anybody.
  4. Member Name: Alexander331 In-Game Name: Alexander331 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:30688503 Age: 13 Game Time: Minecraft about an year ago and CCS about 3 weeks Helpful Skills: Yes,I may be 13 years old,but that does not mean I am a ninsensical,derisory person.I usually like playing Minecraft and I am decent at building.At CCS I may not be the substandard player at the game.(Comes form being contemporary)I saw your jailbreak server in CSS which wanted me tobe inclined to join your clan.I am a beginner at computer coding.(Java C#)You mainly see me on your jailbreak server right at this monent.This is all right now,but you may see different traits while I am playing video games and I hope I get into the clan.