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Posts posted by Big_L_Corleon

  1. BTW it was not just steam chat it was also on game chat, no this guy has threatend me saying that he is going to ban me and saying goodluck on the serv, and he is a trolling who likes to talk about people when they are in bed rest and close to dying, and now this guy is a lier... he is making himself look worse and worse.. he obviously has no experience to this kind of and proves that he is just some random person who trolls alot and likes to ruin other ppls day


    What the hell are you talking about kid? Good luck on the serv? All I said is that I was going to get you banned for harassing me and to enjoy your time at the server while you can because your going to get banned soon because I have evidence of you harassing me.

  2. you you little ing you started some messed up stuff that should not be tolerated any where you deserve to be banned!! I am admin of 5 different servers and if i saw that i would ban you on sight so shut the up!! It's not my fualt you like going on servers and trolling! I looked you up you have a hight troll record pull your ing head out or dont play the ing game


    Good job publicly disrespecting me. I'm posting a ban request on you.

  3. This in kid likes to pretend like he's innocent and he's never done anything to me, so I took a screenshot of him disrespecting me. He's disrespected me much more than just this but he uses his mic most of the time. This kid just has a problem with me and is trying to get me banned.



  4. kevin your dumb. A mod told us to talk in steam chat about this ridiculous conversation that we were having involving his grandfather and then we talked in steam chat about it and he posted a screen shot trying to get me banned for it. I did exactly what the mod told me to do. What crime did i commit?

  5. Good job not posting the part where you were talking telling me to enjoy my ban because you posted a ban request. Act like I just randomly came in and started talking . Anyways you know damn well you are just posting this ban request because you don't like me in the first place and you are looking for a reason to get me banned. Grow the up.

  6. I made an account here to just say that this ban request is f***ing hilarious. I did make fun of his grandfather over steam chat (notice the STEAM CHAT comment). I think It's pretty god d*** hilarious your trying to get me banned from this server because I insulted you over steam chat. Grow up kid.