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Everything posted by Zaingasm

  1. Zaingasm


    Member Name: Zaingasm What game?: Counter Strike Source Your In-Game Name: Zaingasm Player's Steam ID: Zaingasm Ban Reason: I was banned for having an "offensive" spray. I was kicked from the server telling me to change my spray. I came back and explained to the admins that my spray is technically not offensive in anyway since it is merely a cartoon. After leaving to change it, coming back on I find I am banned. Unban Reason: I went to change my spray and they banned me before I could connect again. I also noticed that someone else got banned for the same exact reason, but only for 5 minutes while I get banned for 1 day. I was also told last night by an admin that my spray was fine. ---------- Post added at 08:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:32 PM ---------- I would also like to say that some of the admins in this server are very corrupt since they think they have the up most power, and really need to pull their head out of their asses.