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Everything posted by kidguitarist

  1. No, I said I shot the T that attacked me!
  2. Member Name: kidguitarist What game?: CS:S Your In-Game Name: kidguitarist Player's Steam ID: 0:0:42936530 Ban Reason: Freekilling Unban Reason: I think the admin was confused. A CT opened all the cells when game started and all the T's started attacking all the CT's. I was attacked by a T so I shot him and this happened for like 5 games til the admin just banned the CT's.
  3. oh okay thanks :) sorry its in wrong area and format.
  4. im new to server but i read rules and thats what happened. A T attacked me and I shot him? To what i know i can do that?
  5. Wait so if they knife me and its not free day, i cant attack then?
  6. My steam name is kidguitarist and i was banned from being a CT because another ct player let all the Ts out and the Ts started attacking. I was ban for free killing but the Ts started attacking me first and they wouldn't listen to warden to go back to cell. Please unbann me.