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Posts posted by GwaiJai

  1. Gun Toss

    THESE ARE SERVER RULES. There will be no cheating or bunny hopping during a gun toss. There can be further rules given but only if they are fair and do not give the advantage to either of the players and only the T can make these rules. Cts always toss first.


    Again if you read through this thread you will see that I have answered this already. In what ways were my rules unfair? Is it my fault that CT's are incompetent?

  2. Classics honestly, its 2 slays. Supported by multipe mods/admins its not as if the world is going to end because you got slayed twice. i've been slayed for worse reasons with only one mods apporval do you see me or any of the other 100's of others who get freeslayed casuing such a uproar over something so small? you were slayed by those enforcing rules. It was not a freeslay, you do cheap lr's often. i am surprised this is the first time any has done anything about it but you have been here awhile and since i have been here you have done them often. so go put on your big boy pants and man up. 2 slays will not end the world.





    Please close this thread


    This thread isn't about you if you got slayed or not, it's about me and admins abusing their powers. I will continue to press on whether you like it or not because abuse is abuse. So why don't you put your big boy pants on and wait for Aegean and Silence to decide whether the mods should be punished or not.

  3. 0:49 - 1:00 But still there are multiple walls there so that's breaking the rules you didnt specify which wall you werent facing


    I already stated this problem a while back please read the whole thread or around page 1 or 2.


    Well how about the fact that once you toss during one of your lr's where it's "farthest from wall im facing" you pretty much lose cause you facing the wall your tossing at do you get this simple concept? the wall your facing changes when you move your mouse yes, so when you change to toss farthest from the wall your facing a different wall. Giving yourself an unfair advantage.


    What the ♥♥♥♥ did I just read? Do you not understand that when I type my rules and where I face at that point sets the point for the whole gun-toss? Are you really going to be that ignorant and state that I can change where I face mid jump and say that's the wall I'm going to throw at? Really!? How is it that two others CT before kbshooter can understand the rules perfectly without question.


    And once again I plead with all my heart, STOP POSTING.

  4. -1 In the video duke posted you said farthest from the wall im facing when you threw the gun you threw it closest to that wall so therefore you lost the lr against kbshooter.


    Please read what I wrote word for word when I typed up my rules. Not all LR's are the same.

  5. i made a video of your demo i clearly watched it, its not the point if you did or not its YOU COULD HAVE.


    Coulda, shoulda, woulda but, didn't. The fact that you are basing my actions off of what I might've done does not in any way justify my slay one bit. Please for the love of god just stop posting. Each and every one of your posts have gotten you nowhere in this affair.

  6. Why are we getting so mad over one slay this wouldn't happen if you guys would just read motd for the server, and you really should not join ct if you don't know a thing about motd just saying.


    It doesn't matter how big or big small the problem is abuse is abuse and I will not stand for it especially if it happens to me.

  7. Problem: Classics does not understand "the wall i'm facing" can change at any given time with the movement of his mouse causing the LR to be cheap towards CT's.

    Solution: Slay and tell him he should stop


    I Clearly didthe solution. do you get it yet?


    I never once moved my mouse away from the wall once until after the CT throws his gun. Clearly and once again you have proven yourself to not have watched the evidence which I have provided

  8. Well,




    ^ This.


    And I clearly called you retarded because you are. The rules are there in black and white and you had plenty of warning, and you broke them.


    Yet somehow you think youre right.


    Youre adorable.


    The first thing I said was just drop it and move on, you kept poking with a stick so I slapped the MOTD in your face. Now go away.


    Here let me quote the precious MOTD like you so kindly did to me.


    Gun Toss

    THESE ARE SERVER RULES. There will be no cheating or bunny hopping during a gun toss. There can be further rules given but only if they are fair and do not give the advantage to either of the players and only the T can make these rules. Cts always toss first.


    As you can see CT's must always go first no questions asked since these are server rules and are implied. And if you're going to comment on the last part I already answered that a while back maybe you should take a read.

  9. Alright here Ill identify the ♥♥♥♥ing problem for you, MR I KNOW EVERYTHING WITH MY 13 FORUMS POSTS.


    Allow me to quote the JAILBREAK RULES AKA MOTD For you because aside from your mental retardation, you seem to be illiterate as well.


    *Last Requests

    The T who has Last Request is allowed to move around after they type in !lr. During a Last Request, the CTs that are not playing against the last T cannot interfere with the current game but must be in the area at all times (Failure to do so will result in a slay/teamban). When a CT wins, the winning CT is the only person allowed to kill the losing T. NO CHEATING IS IMPLIED (Advantage to either T or CT/ Rocket Toss). A T cannot rebel when he is the last T. If either player does they will be slain/teambanned.

    Gun Toss

    THESE ARE SERVER RULES. There will be no cheating or bunny hopping during a gun toss. There can be further rules given but only if they are fair and do not give the advantage to either of the players and only the T can make these rules. Cts always toss first.


    During a shot for shot, any rules can apply, so long as they do not favor either of the players. To start a Shot-4-Shot, the players must be standing apart with a good distance between them.

    Custom Last Request

    There is no such thing as a 'Custom Last Request' or a 'CT Last Request.' If any of these are practiced, the people who are participating will be slain or server banned."



    I know reading is a challenge for you, so let me narrow it down for you.

    "There can be further rules given but only if they are fair and do not give the advantage to either of the players and only the T can make these rules."


    Can you read that?


    "only if they are fair and do not give the advantage to either of the players."




    Since this is at EACH ADMINS DISCRETION, then because prior admins deemed them ok doesn't mean ALL OF THEM DO. You were told by the witnessing rule-enforcers of xG not to continue and YOU DID ANYWAY.


    So you were PUNISHED.




    Get over it.


    Now go back to having fun, and let us deal with the REAL PROBLEMS AT HAND.


    Also, you owe a few of us apologies for your attitude.


    In what way was it disadvantageous to other CT's. Is it cause they lack the mental capicity to comprehend and follow what I write every single time. Because if so that is once again not my problem and their own.


    For the record I don't owe an apology to anyone. On the contrary it is you who owes me an apology for calling me retarded.


    WE DID identify the problem, and i didnt edit ♥♥♥♥ my fraps didnt turn on when he was moving foward 2 times. It was not just one mod who gave a go ahead on your slay a few of us did. As Snackbar said dont just single one out you choose to get angry over two slays for doing a cheap LR. it's not very hard to do a simple LR the ct's can understand, And as a whole we found it appropriate to slay you both times.


    Please state what you identified as the problem because as I see it you don't even know what you are trying to identify. Here's a template which you can hopefully follow and use.


    Problem: Identify what the problem is. Give an explanation as to why it is a problem.

    Solution: Tell me how to fix it.


    Simple isn't it?


    By the way, great explanation on the fraps must've happened like that didn't it. Also duly noted as you and snackbar will now be added.

  10. Or maybe you shouldve used COMMON ♥♥♥♥ING SENSE.


    Are you kidding me? You mean to tell me, on your own, you cant point out what part of your LR has all the admins ready to slay you?


    Im sorry, but dude if thats the case, maybe you are ♥♥♥♥ing retarded.


    Youve been here long enough, theres no other excuse for you not seeing what was wrong with your LR, aside from genuine medically diagnosed mental retardation.


    Im not saying another word in this matter, stop being so damn butthurt and wasting bandwith OVER A ♥♥♥♥ING SLAY and just


    get over it


    I have done these types of LR's a lot in the past and never once have I been slain. If you aren't going to help identify the problem or is it because you cant then there should be no reason as to why you are here.

  11. or you could watch the video read what you had put as rules and realize OH WOW I BROKE MY OWN LR RULES.... the ct may have broken them first but you could have still done the right way but nope you broke them 2.



    And Honestly the first and 2nd time a few mods agreed you should be slayed. it's not hard not to be a cheap ♥♥♥ when doing an LR.




    Funny isn't it how you edit out the part where kbshooter moves forward two times facing the right direction to throw.


    Do please tell me what rules I broke instead of telling me to identify them myself. It is redundant and should be the mods responsibility to identify the problem. I can't do ♥♥♥♥ unless you tell me what's wrong. This video is in no way evidence if you don't provide supporting facts to back up what I did wrong.


    Also if you're going to take it literally from what I said about "farthest from the wall I'm not facing" and throw it anywhere left, right or forward I still would've have won because as you can see in your own video that my gun had the farthest distance out of all those times.

  12. In that second picture there you can actually catch where I un-muted myself to inform you that it was indeed "cheap" and not allowed. You had roughly 8 mods/admins/division leaders (Who I can recall: Me, Serbian, Duke, Pyro, Brian....a few more) telling you NOT TO DO THAT and you continued, its complete and utterly ridiculous for you to single ONE admin out and blame him for abuse.


    Doesnt matter what you said during your LR, its the simple fact we TOLD YOU NOT TO DO IT AND YOU IGNORED US.


    So stop disrespecting Duke because YOU are the one CONTRIBUTING NOTHING with your MEANINGLESS POSTS OF NONSENSE.


    Seriously -.-


    Your best interest here is to drop it and move on.


    So I guess what I should say is: I would appreciate it if you refrain from posting again as it doesn't contribute to this topic at all.


    My god really, do none of you watch the demo? If you did you would've realized what you were saying back then was NOT what you meant to say here but was really about a haircut? You were off in your own little world doing your own thing and not paying a single attention to what I was exactly doing.


    And instead of a single admin would you like me to include everyone else in here who agreed with my slay? If so, please state in this thread that you agreed and would like to be held responsible for your decision.


    Never was it made out to me what part was cheap about the LR. Maybe you mods should make it more clear and concise what you thought was "cheap" about my LR instead of being vague about it.


    Case in point previous LR I had where Duke slayed me.






    ---------- Post added at 09:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:40 PM ----------


    So since you dont understand why you were slayed i'm upload a video of the times you made rule for your LR then broke it yourself.


    I'm going to assume you're going to make a video about the gun-toss with kbshooter and show it as evidence and then feign ignorance and not include the one with seizure.

  13. u told the cts to go first in ur rules, if u had gone first, the cts would know which direction to go and the lr wouldnt be cheap, but because cts had to go first, u were free to change it when u threw your gun and basically make the lr unwinnable, thats like me saying "off one of these sides of the cage that im on, make sure u throw it off the right cage"


    and how would someone know if the other cts kept dying?


    If you're talking about the rule "farthest from the wall I'm not facing" I'll admit it does seem somewhat confusing but, let me ask you why did the other CT from before understand what I meant yet kbshooter doesn't. It is his own fault for not paying attention in the same way where I might do a back-stab on a CT for not paying attention in a knife fight or being underhanded and ask a CT what he wants and blindside him with a dodge-ball.

  14. u were slayed because u were doing a cheap lr, u were giving urself the advantage which wasnt allowed, u were saying "farthest opposite the wall im facing" or something along those lines, then after the ct threw their gun, u threw urs off a different side and killed the ct for it







    one of the links is the same picture


    I'm going to assume it was kbshooter where you determined I did my cheap LR. FYI on the demo this gun-toss happens at around 12000 or so. The play by play goes:


    1. I type in my LR rules.

    2. He asks me which way it was and was correctly moving in the same direction where it should be thrown twice.

    3. I reply "Read them" and "Comprehend it yourself".

    4. He goes and throws it in the complete opposite direction.

    5. I throw it in the correct direction.


    If that CT was paying attention to my LR's he would've seen the second gun-toss which I did where that CT and I did it correctly. Not only that but Duke warned them beforehand. Again, it is not my fault if they cannot comprehend my rules even after there are examples and a forewarning from a mod.


    ---------- Post added at 08:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 PM ----------


    -1 u didnt give proper orders when i was doing lr with u


    How were my orders improper? If you paid attention to the other gun-tosses beforehand and followed by example you wouldn't of been confused.


    idk times but go rewatch your own demo read what rules you gave and then broke. kthxbai


    Maybe you should watch my demo and tell me what rules I have broken and when. I would appreciate it if you refrain from posting again as it doesn't contribute to this topic at all. Please think before you post and provide some evidence.

  15. Never once did I write "yes" did you watch the demo. And the slay I assumed it was the last gun toss which i did and if you watch closely you'll see he stood there for a good few seconds to try and comprehend what I wrote all the while I was facing the wall.

  16. Evidence

    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FTJUTBCL - A demo of the whole LR and me trying to hunt down the culprit. However, I left out the conversation after where Brian said I changed my rules in after the CT threw. Please watch the demo as a whole and take note that the demo is corrupt after my slay but the chat works fine (may just be my computer).


    I would like to report admin abuse on Brian. Earlier on the jailbreak server I received LR on two occasions where in both cases I was slayed for it being "cheap". Firstly, by Duke, but without sufficient evidence I will not pursue this matter unless requested upon. On the second slay, I have been told it was Brian who slayed me. I believe the demo I submitted will provide more than enough evidence.


    Also would the mods that were on please testify to the conversation after where he said I changed my rules after the CT threw.


    On a side-note, it has been a frustrating finding out who slayed me and upon multiple requests none of the mods on would answer. Up to the point where I threatened Duke with a Admin Abuse thread did they co-operate and even then it wasn't the mod who slayed me that answered.


    EDIT: I realized I still have the chat log up so disregard me saying I didn't have the conversation after. Also it wasn't Brian who stated I changed the rules it was another mod with Russian characters.










  17. Classics here :D


    Funny isn't it how I mentioned I'll enjoy seeing you banned again a few days ago. Well lo and behold what do we have here. I would like to be the first to say goodbye. Also even though I'm not a member of this clan I would like to +1 this ban request. Even if you don't take it into consideration I'm pretty sure it wouldn't matter anyways.


    Well toodaloo mother♥♥♥♥er.