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Posts posted by Pixelzz

  1. Oh look another entry, also please leave back critques if you want to people, would love to get some feedback on these :D Specially my 2nd entry




    PSD File: MediaFire

    How did you get the picture to show up on the post like that with quality?


  2. I just centered it some more. As best as I can, The text is slanted that's why i cant make text not slanted if you want me to... I really want to win.

    Remember Quality is 20 times better when you download!

    [ATTACH=CONFIG]801[/ATTACH] PSD File : MediaFire

  3. With Flare : [ATTACH=CONFIG]774[/ATTACH] ===PSD version : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GAR214YX


    Without Flare : [ATTACH=CONFIG]775[/ATTACH] ===PSD version : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4WC1U0AL



    I tried really hard to make this perfect although it may not be the best. I want to win because i'm saving up for a new computer.


    Quality is WAAAYY better in download!