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Posts posted by Jamal

  1. Member Name: Jamal


    In-Game Name: Jamal.


    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:9940946


    Age: 21


    Game Time: I dunno when I bought CSS damn...its older than my daughter


    Helpful Skills: I dunno forreal...I cant help like...at all...

    I was at MakDonalds on my laptop using they wifi playin CSS and watchin porn...and these XG people were all like

    'Oh god you need to apply...'

    I wuz like 'Why?'

    They said, 'Cause you're awesome...and your voice is so chocolate, and sensually smooth. My panties are wet.'

    I said 'Y u lyin hos, u know u guys is dudes'

    Then they said ':( Exactly.'

    Then they left.


    I remember long time ago when I wuz 12....this boy was hittin on me...so I took a candy cane and ate it until it was pointy...then I shanked that ♥♥♥♥♥s thigh and broke the candy off in his skin


    so those XG members reminded me of that...and I wanted to seek retribution for my first attempted murder