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Posts posted by jsilverman96

  1. 1st off I messed with the tree when fire spread was NOT on. I didn't do any other griefs. People just accused me of them. I didn't steal from anyone and I didn't grief anyones houses. And any time I asked 2 look at something it was in somone elses town which made it impossible even if I wanted 2 grief because I couldn't have placed blocks. I only griefed once, got banned once, then played normally then sgtblu jumped on and banned me... just wanted to set the story strait.


    ---------- Post added at 11:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 AM ----------


    how the hell would I hack to turn firespread on? and anyways I took the roots off of the lava. It would have been gone in bout 10 min on its own


    ---------- Post added at 11:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 AM ----------


    SGTBLU it wasn't me who burned the tree. I was already banned when somone told me bout the tree burning down. I was trying to do a fixable grief... not one that messed up ur epic tree

  2. yes... I was banned b4. What happened was me messing with my town by putting lava in a NON fire spread zone so there was no chance of fire spread. And I removed the source so it would dissapear on its own. There was no one on at the time other then me, my friend, and a moderator. I assumed that by the time anyone could have even seen it it would have dissapeared on it's own. I was just trying to mes with my friend who was on. Apperently the mod saw me and b4 asking what I was doing perm banned me. I wasn't attempting 2 hurt anyone with a grief that would have dissapeared by itself.

  3. I got banned for doing a harmless grief that wasn't stealing and I knew was easily fixable. I got unbanned for promising to never do anything stupid on the server again... I didn't do anything. I did the same as everyone else; mined, and built. Then Sgt. Blue came on and Immediately siad, "you stupid ♥♥♥! HOW THE ♥♥♥♥ DID U GET ON!" Then I got banned... and the reason it said was: ♥♥♥♥♥♥. I love this server and think this was a bs thing 2 do. Could u guys please unban me so I can keep playing on ur epic server?!?!