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Posts posted by zooted

  1. I could of sworn my name was "all t's rebel" must have not saved as that, my bad guys. I am sorry. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. Thanks for the quick responses. Appreciate it. As long as I'm not perma-banned, I'm alright. I'll just be patient. Take care.

  2. Just dropping by to say hello. My name is Corey (zooted in game) I'm 21 and enjoy playing jailbreak. Never really got into the xG server until a few days ago. It's pretty awesome. The only thing I don't like is the hats, I can't see any of them and they are big red "ERROR" signs :( so that kind of sucks. But other than that, it's a pretty awesome place. Hope to see some of you around. By the way, REBEL FOR LIFE!!