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Posts posted by LegendG3

  1. It was no way it was me. I was near the can machines I had an awp and deagle. This has to be an misunderstanding. I don't think I would go up to a ts and drop it . Sigh... If only I took screenshots of my awp and deagle with full bullets but I didnt think I needed this much proof.. Listen. If i did it. I would accept the conquences but you know I wouldn't freak out like this and make a topic when it was obvious if I actually did do it.


    ---------- Post added at 10:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 AM ----------


    Ask the Ts who got gunplanted. I know he would know if I gived him it BECAUSE I had an awp not an ak.

  2. Unbanned reaspon: Ok, Soo one round. I picked up an awp and it was on the hellsgamer map. I went out and Major told the Ts to bumrush bottom stairs. I was near the can machines. Then I saw like some T have a ak and I was like how did he get it? Then I heard major say I was gunplanting soo I check my secondary gun and primary and I STILL HAD the gun with full ammo. I swear I didn't do anything. Its an mistake. You know that i never ever broken a rule beside just freekilling but I always slay myself and apologize.. But gunplanting? How could I possibly do that. I got banned by sillybanana.


    ---------- Post added at 10:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 AM ----------


    What I think is someone probly shot the ak to the Ts and i was like the closest to the ts and he think I gun planted. But i was soo far. Theres no way I could actually do it. Even tho I got banned for an hour. I'm very confused and I don't think people would like to get banned for no reason.