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Friend of xG
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Posts posted by Theghostface9

  1. Member Name: Theghostface9


    In-Game Name: Ghost face (soon xG)


    Steam ID: tzero98


    Age: 19


    Game Time: 4 months MC ( pirated)


    Game / Server: TF2 SAXTON HALE or normal gaming


    Helpful Skills: I rely on teamwork for L4D2, I would also help out another member,Decent sniper,Am good at soldier class very good on Saxton hale with 3 guys with me the max, NEVER cheat no hacks cheats or glitches, Never greif on MC ( played on friends house but I can buy it ) and very friendly and good sportsmanship only con is my headset if alittle broken and audio is off alittle like my voice is normal then it is low then all of a sudden high then normal