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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Hitman

  1. Hitman

    Unban plz

    how long should it take to get his side of the story?
  2. Hitman

    Unban plz

    alright well thanks, But can a admin plz unban me like i dont care if i am ct ban for ever i just wanna play on the server or any of the servers for that matter
  3. Hitman

    Unban plz

    I am not asking you to belive something its what happen. I would be kinda nice of someone to unban me becasue this is the only server i play and enjoy.
  4. Hitman

    Unban plz

    I would like to be unban becasue this was not me at the time, I also would not do something like that becasue i did give money to this server and i really enjoy it. Plz and thank you.