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Posts posted by Tuxmascot

  1. I played CT once and that was a while ago. I freekilled on accident and slayed myself. That person happened to be fluffbottom and he is still butthurt over it... I haven't played CT since then. I am waiting for Papi to get on to unban me.


    I also have read the MOTD. ALOT to be honest. over 10 times in 3 days.

  2. Member Name: Tuxmascot


    In-Game Name: Tux


    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:26250890


    Age: 22


    Game Time: A Few Years - Approx. 2-3


    Game / Server: XenoGamers.org Jailbreak CS:S


    Helpful Skills: Very good People person. I like to handle problems - Possible Admin or Moderator in the future.

    I am good at rebelling! xD

  3. I do not. But all I am asking for is just a lesser sentence. I never played the game in my life before.


    I am willing to wait out a sentence, but I just want like a day ban. Not an entire week. I completely know the rules now and I can perform CT correctly now.

  4. I never did freekill on a mass scale though. I only killed one person then slayed myself. That one person complained and said I killed 6 or 8 people and an admin banned me for a week.


    ---------- Post added at 06:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:07 PM ----------


    Sorry for double post.


    All I am asking is for the ban to be decreased. I know how to play as a T and a CT now. I know all the rules and have read the MOTD over and over again. I just want to play as a CT. I have been playing for 4 days now and T is getting a little boring.

  5. Member Name: Tuxmascot


    What game?: CS:S


    Your In-Game Name: Tux [bSRP]


    Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:26250890


    Ban Reason: CT banned. They told me Mass Freekilling


    Unban Reason: I had just joined the server for the first time and had never played before. Now, I know how to play and I can play CT very well now that I know all the rules and how to play the game. I feel that I can do it without being annoying as well.