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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by dreadxhead

  1. so im going to have to post a picture of myself saying i love xG. i will tomorrow id love to for this great server. want to get unbanned so bad!!
  2. man i just wanna be unbanned i dont care if my story sounds off .. this is the only servers i play on when i play css and i would like to be able to play more .. i feel you guys are being kind of d-bags for saying im lieing and stuff .. plz just unbann me so i can donate and enjoy more surf
  3. okkk .. well its not a lie and you can ask almost any of my friends my brother plays on my account alot .. ive yelled at him for doing it and it is not going to happen anymore .. i just want you to appeal me so i can enjoy your surf server some more .. i am willing to donate if you unbann me .. i just really want to play again its the only thing i do when i play on counter strike .. srry if i come off rude and that you think im lieing but im not.
  4. pry my brother playing on my computer then .. im going to rage at him later and ya it was meant for duckiijr to see srry for some of the confusion
  5. Member Name: dreadxhead What game?: counter strike source Your In-Game Name: dreadxhead Player's Steam ID: dreadxhead Ban Reason: im not sure wasent even playing the day i was banned it says on the ban page that i broke the rules ima bit pissed from it cause ive never played jailbreak Unban Reason: i want to be unbanned because i am always on the surf server and thats all i play and i would donate if i get unbanned
  6. he is great i would let him cause he is so coool
  7. Member Name: dreadxhead In-Game Name: dreadxhead Steam ID: dreadxhead Age: 16 Game Time: 31 hours Game / Server: surf xeno gamers Helpful Skills: i have dreads