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Posts posted by NorthKorea

  1. That is a question for serbian for I am not the one who let it be a perm when it was suppose too be a 1 week ban. If there was no proof sadly the mods word is the truth but if the mod was a liar and just banned you out of rage or something like that he should be punished in the appropriate manner. Again I believe this is how this matter should be dealt with North Korea.



    So, it's guilty until proven innocent?

  2. Ummm I wasn't there but trolling is not taken lightly to anyone and obviously if you troll an admin your gonna take some heat.


    If there isn't any proof, how is this ban legit? Simply claiming "trolling" without any evidence doesn't show how severe it was or if it event took place.

  3. snipers words are final :D

    but yea also on jb he plays ct and breaks half the rules i think i ct banned him for it


    I have only played on the JB server once for like 10 minutes. I was on T the whole time.


    ---------- Post added at 09:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:31 AM ----------


    ban was supposed to be a week, but i decided to keep it perm cause you trolled hudsonjr before multiple times and with me as well, so u were permed for that, and u were trolling kelly and she wasnt liking it at all


    ban reason was trolling and disrespect


    I didn't know "trolling and disrespect" was worthy of a perma ban without so much as a warning.


    Can you define trolling and explain exactly what I was doing that was considered trolling?


    Can you also explain what I did that was disrespectful at the time that the ban was given?


    ---------- Post added at 09:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 AM ----------


    I didn't want to say anything until a reason was given for the ban because I didn't know which reason he was banned for. But I agree with Serbian, whenever I saw him online, he was very disrespectful to others, very often he would put down moderators and admins for not being watchful and doing their job 100% of the time. I know some people say things to others in a joking sort of way, but much the things he would say were serious, offensive, and rude.


    Not that it invalidates your point, but I don't think that you were on the server at the same time as me enough to make a good judgement of what I was like.


    It's true that I did treat moderators negatively on rare occasions. However, It was only because they were showing blatant favoritism which I found very distasteful.

  4. Papi, I understand why you would think that given previous circumstances. However I am truly confused as to what happened here. If you notice another 10m ban from Hudson Jr some time ago, it was the same thing. I was confused to all hell as to what happened.

  5. I'm not too sure what this perm ban was for... I was not given a warning or a reason. It was literally out of nowhere and I am clueless as to what happened. I was hoping to have this cleared up and perhaps even have the ban reversed. Thank you.