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Everything posted by Sinister_Sith

  1. That's quite the exaggerated number. And, I don't know what you consider trolling, but jokingly saying, "Keep talking, your voice is sexy" hardly constitutes as trolling (which is what the bulk of my comments are)....
  2. You banned me for trolling and being disrespectful to the community. How, exactly, am I constantly being disrespectful/hateful towards the xG community? I am confused.... I joke around a lot....... but, other than that, there's nothing that stands out to reinforce my ban other than the instance where I said, "stop crying about things you can't change" in the thread on here... and, I think I called an admin a nigger (ONCE, and it was jokingly). What the fuck???? And then you mention my VAC ban (which occurred six years ago), and my five previous week bans.. These all occurred a few weeks ago, and you're permanently banning me now??? If these instances warranted a permanent ban, you think a permanent ban would've been issued long ago.