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Posts posted by Dood

  1. Yeah I'm gonna fall for your shitty reasoning. You knew what you were doing and you mass freekilled. You are NOT getting unbanned as long as I have a say in this matter.


    I'll suck yo dick if you unban me :friendly_wink:

  2. Yep, he did this too when my admin wasn't working.



    "My finger slipped"


    Remember that Dood? Yeah as long as I'm here there's not way you're getting unbanned.


    Yes I do remember that.

    And I also remember being forgiven for it because I was told to slay myself and I did as I was told.


    ---------- Post added at 12:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 PM ----------


    I banned you for mass freekilling & leaving. You had your deagle, fired down a line & killed like 4-5 people & left, then came back, & that is a perm ban. If you had just stayed, you would've been perm CT banned, but you decided to leave, so I perm'd you.


    I remember this, I made a mistake on which direction the T's were supposed to be facing. I apologized for it and was moved over to Ts. I do not remember ever leaving and rejoining, however.

    The only time I ever leave and rejoin is whenever I'm having connection problems.

  3. Hello, I've never visited this site before, but I've played on your Jailbreak server for a few months now and have never had a problem until now. Today I tried to join and couldn't because it said I was banned. So when I checked it said the ban was permanent and was made at 4:44pm yesterday. This is odd because I was actually on the server past that time last night. I also noticed that I was banned in early January, only for 5 min, for having a bad spray logo, which is odd considering I have never changed my spray since then. While I'm not here to dispute that ban since it was from so long ago and considering it took me this long to even know about it had no effect on me, it does show that maybe this ban could be a mistake too.


    I'm mostly just confused about the whole situation and would like to get this whole thing cleared up. I enjoy playing on your server, which you can tell considering the lengths I'm going through for a chance to play on it again. Also, if I did break any rules and I'm the one who is mistaken, I find the fact that it went strait up to a permanent ban might be a little much. Wouldn't a warning or ct ban have been a little more effective.


    Thank you for your time :eagerness: