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Friend of xG
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Posts posted by Doctor

  1. For the record, Brian, Vem has been disrespecting so many people while admins aren't on the server and he has been racist a number of times aswell. But when someone fucking disrespects him, he cries and goes to tell an admin, when he talks shit behind an admins back, he even hacked me because someone said that I was trying to get him banned. Now thats fucking pathetic. He deserved the racism. Now I have many friends in xG, Like DuckkiJr and such, but most of you who are assholes need to get your shit together, now, Goodbye, I'm glad Ecko left. He didn't deserve the disrespect he got.

  2. Its odd, isn't it? How, a day after I re-join, I leave, this time its for good, and its for undisclosed purposes. Just know that I <3 you all (Even those in the CS:S Division that I don't even know) and bid you all farewell.

  3. Leaving because I really am annoyed by people in this group and how disrespectful some of the assholes are, not everybody in this group is an asshole but I just can't fucking take it so yeah, bye.

  4. I'm Doctor and I'm a very active Team Fortress 2 player and servers that I mostly play on are Saxton Hale and Arena. People who helped me are Donorcate, Echo (Ecko), And BioPunk and Wolfy. I think I should become a member because there are too many trolls, delayers, etc such as TTSN or Tsunamis.