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Posts posted by iGustopher

  1. Honestly I don't care even if these are excuses or not they won't affect me or my life. I hear crap like this all the time and honestly I don't know what to believe anymore just do what you will and stay out of my hair please so you don't become a problem.


    Alright. I guess we just have to wait for a lead admin to come in, then. *crosses fingers*


    Please keep in mind that this issue was impossible for me, Korean, or XenoGamers to control.

    @@serbiansnaga @Aegean!

  2. Banned for "Admin Disrespect" ,and here is why. You were on the server and then you were slayed by me for a "free kill" afterwards you got mad at me and started raging using the @Teamchat menu and messaging me that for I am wrong. You were slayed for a reason I can't seem to remember but here is my point for perma banning you. You wrote and posted a disrespectful comment about me in the admin chat menu and then fled directly afterwards ,and for this I considered it avoiding punishment and simply perm banned you. You might have been having a bad day, or you may have just been mad because of the slay on top of that for that comment you directed towards me. The ban reason "Other" I think is because there was no option "Admin Disrespect" not sure but this is why you were banned. If you guys think this was a dumb reason for perm banning him by me and should of I should have just banned him for a week/day for this ,go ahead and unban him.


    I just have one last thing to say. If you ever pull a stunt like you did that day again you will be banned by me ,and I will have a talk with Serbian/Aegean about perm banning you again so let this be my warning to you if you get un-banned.


    Best wishes



    Thank you for responding. During that period I was under the stress of some family matters as well as keeping another clan's systems intact, while being blame for everything and anything.


    Not that that is very relevant, but yes, that entire period was a "bad day" for me. In the OP I mentioned how I had to reset my modem. I don't know if you saw it, but my mining DID spike up to 999 making it impossible to send any packets to the server, mainly you. I had no other choice but to disconnect. When untried to reconnect, I was banned. Quite honestly I'd be content with a permanent CT ban since this issue seems to be with me as a guard. Maybe that a reasonable compromise?



  3. *cont.*

    Utilization, rocketing my ping up to 999, which could only be fixed by performing a 30/30/30 hard reset. Since then I've bought a Motorola Surfboard and it's been rock solid.) It's silly to be permabanned for a connection error. I'd like to get back in tune with my Surf skills, and my friend is a regular on it. It's been a long time since I was banned for a connection issue, and I was hoping that this mistake could be undone.


    It really a nice series of servers that xG has, and the quality is unlike anyone else out there. It'd be great to be able to get back access to them!

