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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by SovietPretzel

  1. Hate to be rude and bump this myself, but could I please get a ruling on this? I posted this two weeks ago and I've already seen a couple petitions later than mine get approved within days.
  2. I'm not quite sure" being responsible" falls in line with my previous friend having a mental breakdown and attempting to screw up mine and others lives in any conceivable way. He was someone I trusted and had given me no reasons to not allow him access up until a short while ago.
  3. As I said, I'm sure you've heard it all and you obviously have nothing to go off of aside from my word. I do reiterate, though: there won't be any future issues if the ban is lifted. Sorry for being a broken record, but I don't really have anything else as far as leverage goes.
  4. I won't try to deny that it could be taken as a bullshit excuse and just shrugged off. I've looked at other ban protests and you guys obviously have had your fair share of coincidental stories. All I can really say is that if my ID is unbanned, there won't be any future incidents or trouble from my account, I guarantee it.
  5. As stated in the unban, my account was previously shared by a friend and myself. I use the term "friend" very loosely in this case, as he took the account as his own and tried to get me banned from most CSS and TF2 servers I played on, not just with xG. From what I've been told, the ban was for mass freekilling. That being said, he no longer has access to the account and I am in full control. I'd like to be unbanned as I'm quite fond of xG's jailbreak servers and being banned has put a hamper on what quality JB games I have access to.