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Posts posted by valerother

  1. Why do you guys have to objectify women D: . What about their personality or feelings, you know they...... scratch that i enjoy some nice tittaies but you cant go wrong with a nice ass.

  2. hi guys, you've seen me around a bit so i thought after a month of playing id apply for clansmen and give a bit of background info on myself. i came from a fairly large clan/community called Pro tf2. i use to be a huge dealer with hats and weapons when i played a lot of tf2 but after i left i trained an apprentice and left the game for about a year. i have made real world money with selling hats/ unusuals but most of my steam games are bought as payment for my items. i wanted to get back into pc gaming so i bought css because it is a highly popular community game and Ive heard the game type jailbreak. i do have a bit of mod experience so one day after months of service to this clan i would enjoy a shot at mod status. i try to be an overall fun and loving guy. i do try to play almost daily but real life activities get in my way of being online, eg. magic,gf,school,work.